Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Holidays from your Romance Authors!

We at Harlequin Romance would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to our readers and offer our Christmas Wishes!

Wishing all my readers, reviewers, authors and editors a joyous and happy Christmas with all your loved ones safe around you, and a peaceful, happy 2009 in which your dearest wishes come true - Liz Fielding

Wishing everyone a safe and merry Christmas.
May Santa stuff your stockings with loads of fabulous Harlequin Romances! - Nicola Marsh

Dear Readers, I should like to wish you all the very best for the Christmas season. May your holidays be filled with joy, grace... and, of course, romance. Not to mention chocolate, and an armful of wonderful reads and somewhere lovely and peaceful to read them!

May the coming year bring you your heart's desire. With warmest wishes, Michelle Douglas

Wishing everyone a Christmas full of blessings and New Year filled with true romance. Lots of love, Fiona Harper x

My wish for everyone this holiday season is Christmas Magic. Make some for your friends and family and take a moment to stop and notice the magic around you. The unexpected smiles, the expression of awe on a child's face, the beautiful music of choirs. - Susan Meier

Warmest wishes for Christmas and for a new year filled with hope for all! Love from Jessica Hart x

I wish readers a happy and safe Christmas with friends and loved ones, and may 2009 be good to us all. Best, Jackie Braun

Wishing for a safe and happy Christmas for All! - Claire Baxter

Merry Christmas and bright holiday blessings to you and yours - here's to a fantastic 2009! - Donna Alward

Wishing you a Merry Christmas full of magic, laughter and love! Melissa McClone

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Welcome to Romance, Nikki Logan!

Brilliant news! We have yet another first sale to the Romance line!

Nikki Logan recently sold her manuscript with the working title of "Love on a Rooftop" to Harlequin Romance. It's slotted for release in January of 2010.

You'll be hearing much more from Nikki here on the blog as we get closer to the release date.

For now you can visit her website at

Welcome to the Romance family Nikki!!!!!!!!
And don't forget to enter to win a Shirley Jump holiday title! Just send e-mail to with the subject line Shirley for your chance to win!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Foreign Editions for December

Retrouvailles à Noël, Michelle Douglas

Quand Sol Adams réapparaît dans sa vie plus de dix ans après leur douloureuse rupture, Cassie est bouleversée… Un seul regard sur celui qu’elle a tant aimé suffit à faire resurgir le passé, réveillant en elle une foule de sentiments mêlés. Car si elle lui en veut toujours d’avoir brisé ses rêves de bonheur, elle doit bien admettre que le temps n’a en rien entamé le pouvoir de séduction qu’il exerçait jadis sur elle...


INNAMORARSI A NATALE: quando l'amore scalda l'inverno con romantici baci sotto il vischio e promesse di felicità

L'emporio di Sally Rogers è il cuore della cittadina di Bailey, soprattutto nel periodo natalizio, e la sua orgogliosa proprietaria vi lavora ogni giorno fino a sfinirsi. Un aiuto sarebbe un dono del cielo, per Sally, ma a chi potrebbe chiederlo?

Hunter Bedford è giovane, molto ricco e viene da una grande città. Non gli manca nulla, tranne un po' di esperienza negli affari. Per questo è stato mandato a imparare il mestiere in un indaffaratissimo emporio sperduto tra boschi innevati. Non sarà una perdita di tempo? Dopo aver dato un'occhiata all'adorabile proprietaria, Hunter decide di no.

O castelo do amor por Marion Lennox

Se queria casar-se com ela… teria de lhe demonstrar que a amava!

Como viúva e com uma filha, era natural que Susie desconfiasse do homem que acabava de conhecer e que, para além disso, era o herdeiro do castelo onde ela vivia com a sua filha. Obviamente o importante economista nova-iorquino, Hamish Douglas, haveria de querer vendê-lo.

Hamish pensara em transformar o castelo australiano num hotel de luxo… até que conheceu a bela Susie. Por muito seguro que estivesse do sucesso daquele negócio, não podia negar a atracção que havia entre eles e também não podia expulsá-la e à sua filha da casa de que tanto gostavam. Só havia uma solução sensata para Hamish… casar-se com ela.

Porém Susie era a última pessoa no mundo que aceitaria um casamento por conveniência…

Gdy Rick dowiaduje się, że Linda, żona jego zmarłego wspólnika, popada w depresję, postanawia jej pomóc. Odnajduje ją na kompletnym odludziu, zagubioną i samotną. Dzięki jego staraniom Linda angażuje się w remont zrujnowanej rezydencji i powoli zapomina o smutnej przeszłości. Chociaż znają się od wielu lat, Rick dopiero teraz dostrzega, że Linda jest nie tylko piękną, ale też wspaniałą, pełną pasji kobietą. On co prawda postanowił spędzić resztę życia samotnie, ale coraz częściej dochodzi do wniosku, że podjął tę decyzję zbyt pochopnie...

Amor imprevisto (TRAMA: NAVIDAD)por Judy Christenberry

La Navidad inundó de magia el rancho… incluyendo a la jefa y a su empleado

Penny Bradford había heredado el rancho de su familia, pero no tenía la menor idea de cómo llevarlo, por lo que contrató a Jake Larson para que le enseñara todo lo que necesitara saber.

Jake creyó que sería muy fácil: dirigiría el rancho y llevaría a Penny de la mano hasta que se diera cuenta de que no estaba hecha para aquel duro trabajo. El problema fue que no tardó en descubrir que ya no quería soltarle la mano nunca más…


Ihr geliebtes Weingut Medallion – verkauft an einen Fremden! Doch Juliet gibt nicht auf. Diesem Phillip Holland wird sie zeigen, wer mehr von französischen Weinen versteht, und bald wird Medallion wieder ihr gehören. Aber der amerikanische Winzer ist so ganz anders, als sie ihn sich vorgestellt hat. Er versteht sein Fach, sieht gut aus und ist auch noch sehr sympathisch – so sympathisch, dass Juliet sich unter dem mondhellen Himmel der Provence sehnsüchtig in seine Arme schmiegt. Nur eine Affäre, denkt sie. Und ahnt nicht, dass Amors Pfeil längst ihr Herz getroffen hat …

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Harlequin Holiday Open House

Today, several of your favourite Romance authors will be attending this year's post party at eHarlequin's Annual Holiday Open House. Please pop over to join in the fun, conversation and a chance to win some fabulous prizes!

If the above link doesn't work, go to and you should be able to follow the links from there.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Spotlight in Six - Shirley Jump

This month please welcome bestselling author Shirley Jump to our Spotlight in Six! Shirley's got a new book out in the Brides for All Seasons series, and here she is to tell us a little about herself!

1) Where do you find new and fresh ideas?

My answer probably isn't a lot different from everyone else's--I find ideas everywhere. I read voraciously, everything from Newsweek to Rachael Ray magazine to cereal boxes, and watch so much television, I should just glue one to my forehead. ;-). All that media influence gives me a swirl of ideas floating around in my head. Like with MARRY-ME CHRISTMAS, I thought about food (okay, so I'm ALWAYS thinking about food) and whether a food could make someone fall in love. I've seen all these destination restaurant/shop/diner shows and thought I could combine something like that with a food that made someone fall in love and chose my favorite food--cookies. That's where the idea for MARRY-ME CHRISTMAS came from. I set the story in Riverbend, which was really popular with readers last Christmas (in MIRACLE ON CHRISTMAS EVE) and brought back several favorite characters (including Earl, who gets more of a starring role this time, and a little love story of his own). I used to keep folders with ideas but they were starting to take over my filing cabinet, and I found that I kept having so many new ideas I didn't get back to the old ones. So now I just let them file away in the old noggin', and somehow they shuffle out when I need them.

2) Writers often use photos of celebrities as "casting". Do you do this, and who has inspired some of your characters?

I don't use any photos or images of anyone. I find it distracts me to base my characters on anyone real. I want them to form themselves, with their own looks, personalities and quirks. A few times, I've had to provide the art department with a photo of a character, and that's been tough, because I can see the character in my mind, but there is no one person who looks like my character, if that makes sense. They are as individual as my brother and sister, as quirky as my cousins and aunts and uncles (apologies to the fam ;-) and as unique as anyone you know in your life.

3) What are your favourite and least favourite parts of writing a novel? Is there a particular section that you struggle with?

I call the beginning of the book the "honeymoon" phase. It's like meeting a new person. You really, really like them. You can't WAIT to get to know them more, to hear their story. To see them again and again. I'm writing and writing and writing, dying to see what happens next. I get about a third to halfway in, and then--

The book begins to stall. I start writing one word at a time. Every sentence is a chore. I don't like these people all that much. I've spent way too much time with them and they are SO uncooperative. That's when I know it's time to go back and revise. I do a pretty massive revision at this point of the book, looking for all those clues that will tell me how to move forward. I'm more of a pantser than a plotter, so my subconscious usually buries everything that I need back in the original few chapters. There's that offhand remark by the hero about a girlfriend in the past, or the heroine's single reference to a tragedy. That starts my brain moving and asking all the questions that deepen the middle and move the book forward. Then I get to the point a couple chapters before the end, and I am stuck again.

That's when the next massive revision happens, and probably the time when I am the worst person to live with. I am writing the black moment of the book, when things seem the worst for the characters, and it seems there is no way they can solve their problems--and to me, as the author, I can't see a way out either. I go back and reread, and revise, and thank goodness, that trusty subconscious has buried little nuggets again, and I can write the rest. But those two stopping points are the worst for me as I puzzle through the turns in the plot.

4) When you are not writing, what do you do? How do you pamper yourself?

Anyone who knows me knows I am a shopper. I love the mall, love to get out there and shop! I just finished a book, and have a revision to turn in before the middle of the month, then I'm free for the holidays--to shop! I love, love, love shoes, and those are probably my biggest downfall. I also LOVE to cook. My blog ( is all about cooking. I post recipes most days of the week, and also do a writing lesson three times a month on Mondays. Cooking is my "downtime" thing and it really relaxes me. I'm one of those quick and easy cooks, though, so I'm usually in and out with most recipes in a half hour, hour tops. And the dishes are always left for someone else ;-).

5) Imagine you're stranded - where are you and who are you with?

Besides my family? And a whole lot of books to read? Because seriously, I'd want them and a LOT of books to read! That's the one thing I do on vacation, is read CONSTANTLY. I don't get nearly enough time to read when I'm working, and I've been known to read 10 or 12 books in a week when we go on vacation. And I don't get near enough time with my family when I'm on deadline, because my head is buried in my laptop, so I'd love more time with my kids and husband. So strand me with them ;-)

6) Finally, Shirley, please tell us what's up and coming for you in the months ahead!

So much! I am contracted all the way through the rest of next year, so I'll be busy writing all year. This month, I have a Harlequin Romance, MARRY-ME CHRISTMAS and a new single title out with Zebra, SIMPLY THE BEST. Then in February, a Harlequin Diamond Anniversary release, THE BRIDESMAID AND THE BILLIONAIRE. In June, I'll have another Romance, DOORSTEP DADDY, plus a new Christmas book in October, A PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS. And my second release for Next, AROUND THE BED, is being released in August, with a second printing of THE OTHER WIFE. Also, my first collaboration with my daughter, THE WELL, a horror young adult, will be released in September 2009 under the pen name AJ Whitten by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Graphia imprint. I think I'll be sleeping in December ;-).

Um do realize that's EIGHT releases, right? (does it make you wonder when she has time to sleep? Cook? Watch tv?)

Shirley's giving away a copy of last season's MIRACLE ON CHRISTMAS EVE! Just send an e-mail to with the subject line SHIRLEY and we'll draw at the end of the month!

Thanks Shirley for being with us!

Friday, December 05, 2008

A word about holiday contests....

A quick post today about a few contests going on by your Romance authors during this holiday season....

Over at Myrna MacKenzie's website she's holding several "Countdown to Christmas" contests where you get the chance to win books and grab bags!

And on Donna Alward's blog, join in The 12 Days of Christmas - 12 Days, 12 Authors, and one big grand prize box of books and goodies to be won! (The count is currently at 17 books!)

Monday, December 01, 2008

December Releases

Christmas themed books! We love 'em! Here's what's in store from the Romance line this month!

The hardheaded, dyed-in-the-wool cowboy had been called many things…but could he ever be called husband and daddy?

With her newborn and toddler in tow, struggling widow Elizabeth Ransom stepped onto the Ransom Ranch looking for the family she'd never had. Luckily the children's grandfather welcomed them with open arms. But it was the blue-eyed ranch manager whom Elizabeth dreamed of….Jack Clayton had to leave now that the Oklahoma ranch was no longer for sale. But the lovely Elizabeth would be tough to walk away from….

Brooding Italian Drago di Luca and reserved lawyer Alysa Dennis are brought together by a shocking, shared betrayal—their late partners had been having an affair!
But against all the odds, they strike an unlikely friendship, and forbidden awareness simmers….Alysa's calm facade hides a painful secret that haunts her every time she looks into the soulful eyes of Drago's motherless child. As the attraction builds between them, Christmas approaches with the promise of a new start. Can the healing miracle of love, and the joy of the season, make them a family?

Police officer Brody Taggert has his reasons for hating Christmas. But Lila Grainger's arrival in Snow Mountain tilts his carefully balanced world sideways.
When they are snowbound in a log cabin, beautiful and vibrant Lila begins to break down the armor around Brody's heart…but the glimmer of sadness in her eyes makes Brody want to rescue her right back. As Lila and Brody help heal each other's hearts, they realize they don't ever want to leave their snowbound shelter….

Millionaire lawyer Jared Johnson prefers to spend Christmas alone, usually working. Yet when he rescues a damsel in distress—along with her cute baby, Molly—and finds himself driving them home for the holidays, he's reluctantly drawn to this tiny family.

Elise hopes to make a home for herself and Molly in the picture-perfect town of Four Corners, but soon she knows only gorgeous Jared can make their lives complete. Her dearest wish? That he'll stay for Molly's first Christmas—and forever!


Samantha Barnett would describe herself as an ordinary girl. Flynn McGranger would call her beautiful—if he weren't about to destroy her career.

A rich, successful journalist, Flynn aims to write a scathing review of Samantha's little bakery. He never mixes business with pleasure. But the secrets she's clearly keeping intrigue him, and her innocence has caught him off guard….What's happened to him? He's being ridiculous! The Christmas-coated town has gone to his head. Or has this small-town girl unlocked the city slicker's heart?

She's pregnant, single and wants to settle down. Australian travel writer Lyssa Belperio may be pregnant and alone, but she can't wait to be a mom. A job offer on Italy's Amalfi Coast gives her the chance to make a fresh start….

He's a soccer player with a celebrity lifestyle.

But there is more to the Italian playboy Ric Rosetti than he lets the world see. Lyssa is different from the glamorous women who hang on his every word. She's not impressed by his fame and fortune, so the only way for Ric to win Lyssa's heart is to show her the man behind the headlines!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Foreign Release Fun!

We've got scads of releases around the globe this month, but one of the cool things to happen is when someone actually gets to see them on the shelf. Claire Baxter sent me this photo a while ago, courtesy of author Trish Morey who saw it in Crete!

Now for more of our foreign releases this month:

In Germany:

Erscheinungstag:Freitag, 21. November 2008
erscheint in: JULIA EXKLUSIV BAND 0180

Dieser Plan geht auf: Indem er die bekannte Journalistin Rose entführt, lenkt Prinz Hassan al Rashid das Interesse der Weltöffentlichkeit auf sein Emirat und verhindert so einen Umsturz. Ungeplant war, dass Roses Schönheit in ihm einen Aufruhr ganz anderer Art auslöst …

In France:

Une baby-sitter de rêve Rebecca Winters
Novembre 2008 - N° 2191

Quand son frère disparaît avec son épouse dans un accident de la route, Julie est dévastée. Mais elle ne se sent pas le droit de laisser libre cours à son chagrin car Nicky, son neveu de 5 mois devenu orphelin, a cruellement besoin d’une nouvelle maman. En tant que plus proche parente de l’enfant, c’est Julie qui est désignée pour s’occuper de lui. Mais à peine a-t-elle le temps de prendre la mesure du rôle pour le moins délicat qu’on vient de lui confier qu’elle reçoit la visite du richissime Massimo di Rocche, l’oncle de l’enfant. Celui-ci, un macho arrogant et autoritaire, tient à assurer lui-même l’éducation de Nicky et compte bien l’emmener en Italie…

In Italy:

Jessica non sa mai resistere a una richiesta di aiuto. Soprattutto se espressa da un uomo con due incantevoli occhi blu.
Non sarà un Natale facile, per Jessica Patterson. Ed è strano per lei sentirsi così poco contagiata dall'atmosfera gioiosa delle feste. Quando un attraente sconosciuto entra nel suo negozio di giocattoli, però, in cerca più di un miracolo che di un regalo, il suo cuore si rianima. Christopher C.J. Hamilton è un papà single che ha appena scoperto quanto sia difficile il mestiere di padre. Forse Jessica potrebbe dargli qualche consiglio? In fondo lei ci sa fare con i bambini, visto che sono i suoi clienti abituali. Quello di cui ha bisogno C.J. è di far trascorrere alla figlia un Natale indimenticabile. Come il sorriso di Jessica.

In Poland:


Seria: Imperium rodzinne

Pobyt w Australii okazuje się dla Jodi na tyle przełomowy, że chętnie rozpoczęłaby tu nowe życie. Jest tylko jeden mały problem - by szybko uzyskać pozwolenie na stały pobyt, Jodi powinna poślubić Australijczyka i wytrwać w małżeństwie przynajmniej dwa lata. Zakłada zatem stronę internetową, na której zamieszcza ofertę matrymonialną. Po kilku nieudanych randkach poznaje wreszcie przystojnego i miłego ranczera, lecz on szuka partnerki na całe życie. Mimo to bez namysłu przyjmuje ofertę Jodi...

From Spain:
Cuando llega la pasión por Melissa McClone

Quizá no fuera su ideal de hombre, pero ninguno de los dos podía negar la química que existía entre ambos

La diseñadora de vestidos de novia Serena James no se conformaría con nada que no fuera perfecto y eso incluía al hombre con el que algún día se casaría. Kane Wiley no cumplía ninguno de los requisitos… salvo que era increíblemente guapo.Donde más cómodo se sentía Kane era en el cielo. Para el piloto, la libertad era no comprometerse con nadie. Pero un día, mientras llevaba a Serena a una convención, se vio obligado a hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia.Estaban juntos, solos y pasaría algún tiempo antes de que alguien respondiera a su llamada de socorro…

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spotlight in Six - Melissa McClone

This month we welcome Melissa McClone to the hotseat with her Spotlight in Six!

Where do you find new and fresh ideas?

I find ideas everywhere. Sometimes I hear a song on the radio or I'm watching a movie or show and think "what if..." Magazines, newspapers, books, even eavesdropping provide tons of fodder for book ideas, too.

The idea for my November release, Rescued By the Magic of Christmas, came from two places all related to the same news story. Three climbers went missing on Mount Hood (about an hour and a half from where I live) in December of 1996. I wanted to know more and ended up on a Pacific Northwest Climbing forum. Mountain rescuers who had been part of the search up to that point were posting. One or two had been on the mountain that day.

I thought a man like of these guys (volunteer, dedicated, using skills/talent to help others) would make a great romance hero. The only problem I thought I'd have would be finding the right story. A day or so later, I was watching the rescue mission on a cable news channel when the idea for the book hit me. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled out a one page synopsis.

Writers often use photos of celebrities as "casting". Do you do this, and who has inspired some of your characters?

I use pictures for "inspiration" all the time. I'm very visual, and though my characters are never that particular person, I need a marker so to speak. Some of my past Harlequin romance heroes have been inspired by Eddie Cibrian, Eric Close, Gabriel Aubry.

For my mountain rescue hero, Jake Porter, I didn't use a celebrity for inspiration, but pictures of actual mountain rescuers. Esquire Magazine provided eleventh hour help with this style spread featuring members of Portland Mountain Rescue. Some of the guys pictured helped me with my research, too!

What are your favourite and least favourite parts of writing a novel? Is there a particular section that you struggle with?

I'll start with my least favorite part...the blank page. I'm what you'd call a rewriter. I much prefer revising to the actual writing part. The other part I've struggled with in the past has been chapters four and five. I seem to hit a big bump after writing the first three chapters for some reason.

My favorite part is writing the end (i.e. the resolution.) I love bringing two characters together so that they can live their happily ever after! And of course, the actual writing of "THE END" is always nice, too.

When you are not writing, what do you do? How do you pamper yourself?

When I'm not writing, I'm taking care of my family. I have three children (ages 10, 8 and 5), three cats and a dog so I keep pretty busy aside from writing.

To pamper myself, I read and I climb. I discovered climbing while researching my November book and fell in love with the sport in spite of my fear of heights. It's the one thing I've found to quiet the voices in my head and allow me to get away from everything whether its for a few hours at the rock gym or a couple of days outside somewhere. The perfect pampering for a writer-mom!

Imagine you're stranded - where are you and who are you with?

Hmmm...I've written two stranded romance novels, and I much prefer the tropical setting in my Silhouette Romance, The Wedding Adventure to the snowy forest in my Harlequin Romance, SOS Marry Me. It's warmer and much easier to find food!

So I'm imagining my husband and I on a sunny island somewhere with the scents of salt water, cocoa butter and rum in the air. But since I hike and climb, there's a better chance I'd actually end up in stranded in a snowy forest with one of my climbing partners!

Finally, Melissa, please tell us what's up and coming for you in the months ahead!

As I mentioned above, Rescued by the Magic of Christmas hits the shelves this month. Blind Date with the Millionaire will be out in June 2009. The book is the third in a trilogy called with Jennie Adams (book 1 out in April 2009) and Fiona Harper (book 2 out in May 2009.)
Melissa also has an online read going on at the Mills and Boon website! Click here to read her short story, HUSBAND MATERIAL!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

November Releases

Some really great releases this month! Take a look....

All his life, rich and powerful Jeremy Fulton had needed no one. Now he was going blind—and he had to reveal his secret to the woman he'd once overlooked: the shy and poor Eden Byars. Accepting her temporary help would be hard— and acting on their unexpected attraction unforgivable. Jeremy claimed he had nothing to offer a woman. But Eden wouldn't give up on the man she'd loved from afar for so long. Could she find a way to bring light to this proud millionaire's heart? It would take a miracle….

Miranda Grenville is a survivor—a rare beauty who's fiercely independent. While trekking in a remote island paradise, Manda is caught up in an earthquake. Stuck deep underground in an ancient temple, she finds she's not alone. Sexy adventurer Nick Jago is trapped with her. Now Manda is forced to depend on someone. She knows she shouldn't trust him, but something deep inside of her is falling for this rebel….

Carly Bishop hasn't celebrated Christmas for six years—not since icy Mount Hood claimed her fiancé's life and left her a widow before she was a bride. But this year, handsome Jake Porter is determined she'll enjoy herself. Jake is a mountain rescuer, big-hearted and courageous, but Carly is too scared of loving him in case she loses him. In a whirl of festive fun, sleigh rides and snowball fights, Christmas starts to weave its magic. Though it's Jake who is melting Carly's heart.

Sally Finch has come to Sydney for a fresh start—not to flirt with her new boss, brooding Logan Black, no matter how tempting….

Logan is trying to ignore the fun and laughter Sally brings to the office. Yet when he's roped into attending a charity ball, it's bubbly Sally who helps him brush up on his dance steps! She's waltzed into his life, and Logan knows he should walk away but he can't. It takes two to tango—who will make the first move?

With the dreaded holidays nearing, the last thing widowed businessman Dawson Burke needed was a personal shopper who wanted to get personal. What part of “I want to be left alone” didn't Eve Hawley understand? She just seemed intent on getting him into the Christmas spirit….

Eve could see Dawson had stopped wishing on the future, and he didn't know how lucky he was to be surrounded by loving family. But once she'd helped him find the joy he'd been missing, Eve couldn't help wishing Dawson would give her the best Christmas present of all—by proposing to her.

Three wishes this Christmas…

1. A new life in the country:

It has taken all of Louise Thornton's courage to start again. This will be a different life, one away from the paparazzi— and her cheating celebrity husband!

2. Someone to help decorate the Christmas tree:

Louise is determined to make this Christmas perfect for her son. But it's not until she meets meltingly attractive Ben Oliver that she starts to sparkle again.

3. A proposal under the mistletoe?

Single dad Ben puts his daughter first. But when he catches Louise under the mistletoe, Ben realizes only he can make Louise's wishes come true….

Thursday, October 30, 2008

M&B on the BBC!

Huge thanks to Liz Fielding for passing along the following:

Sunday 2nd Nov, BBC4 at 8pm

What happens when a literary novelist tries to write popular romantic fiction? To mark 100 years of romance publishers Mills & Boon, author Stella Duffy takes on the challenge of writing for them. Romantic fiction is a global phenomenon, and Mills & Boon are among the biggest names in the business. The company welcomes submissions from new authors - but as Stella soon finds out, writing a Mills & Boon is harder than it looks. Help is at hand from the publishers themselves, a prolific Mills & Boon author and some avid romance fans, as Stella's quest to create the perfect Mills & Boon takes her from London to Italy. It's a revealing journey that's not only an insight into the art of romantic fiction, but also the joy and frustration of writing itself.

Consuming Passion – 100 Years Of Mills & Boon
Sunday 2 November, 9.00-10.30pm BBC FOUR

Funny, moving and very raunchy, Consuming Passion – 100 Years Of Mills & Boon, written by Emma Frost (Shameless), is a one-off drama that provides an insight into the world of romantic fiction, seen through the publishing phenomenon of Mills & Boon. They are two names synonymous with ripping bodices and one of the most recognisable and compelling genres in literature. So what is behind its phenomenal success?

Interweaving the stories of three very different women, Consuming Passion sheds light on the impact and influence the books have had on women's lives over the last century.

Tonight's first story, within the 90-minute drama, features Mary, wife of Charles Boon – the wheeler-dealer who co-founded the publishing imprint with his upright business partner and trusted friend Gerald Mills. Their decision to take a chance on the low-brow, high-romance genre proved to be so original and successful that it went on to alter the course of publishing history. Although Charles was brilliant at identifying the need for "romance" through literature in his publishing empire, he was less adept at identifying it at home. This story is inspired by the lives of the actual people behind the scenes.

Janet Bottomley is the heroine of tonight's second tale – an ordinary spinster devoted to her ailing mother at her own expense. Janet's life takes a U-turn when she meets a devastatingly handsome consultant, Dr Grant, who must operate on her mother. The meeting triggers Janet's fantastical yearning for romance and a comedy of errors ensues, changing her world for ever. This story is inspired by the real experience of many women in the Seventies, discovering their voices during a time of social and sexual revolution.

Finally, Kirstie's story brings the experience of Mills & Boon up to date. A university lecturer in literature and feminist studies, Kirstie is in a stagnating relationship with her partner, Nick. Thwarted, bored and frustrated, she is lecturing to students on romantic literature and its place within the literary canon when a sexy young stranger, Jack, enters her life.

Jodie Whittaker plays Mary, Daniel Mays plays Charles Boon, Patrick Kennedy plays Gerald Mills, Olivia Colman plays Janet, Patrick Baladi plays Dr Grant, Emilia Fox plays Kirstie, Nick Sidi plays Nick and OT Fagbenle plays Jack.

And the Romantic Novelists' Association take on the EGGHEADS on the Beeb on 4th November.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Foreign Releases for October

Here's a sampling of what's available in languages around the world this month!



APPUNTAMENTO A PALAZZO. Siete tutte invitate a un matrimonio da favola! Vi aspettiamo in una calda isola tropicale per celebrare delle incredibili nozze esotiche.

La principessa Shoshauna ha vissuto i suoi primi ventun anni nel massimo rispetto di tutte quelle regole che solo chi appartiene a una famiglia reale può capire. Improvvisamente, però, una minaccia alla sua persona la costringe a celare la regale identità, fingendosi una ragazza qualsiasi. Per Shoshauna è una rivelazione, si sente libera per la prima volta nella vita: può andare dove vuole, vestirsi come più le piace e trascorrere il tempo con Jake Ronan, chiamato a vegliare sulla sua incolumità. Visto che stare vicino a Jake le fa battere forte il cuore, sarà anche libera di sposarsi per amore?


Tre böcker i en:

Lady Gabriellas hemliga liv av Liz Fielding

Den husliga adelsdamen lady Gabriella March är den perfekta förebilden och hennes krönikor inspirerar många läsare. I själva verket heter hon Ellie March och är en städare med författardrömmar. Inspirationen till krönikorna hämtar hon från det hus hon passar åt en bortrest professor.

Men när husägaren Ben Faulkner oväntat återvänder hem hotas Ellies nyvunna karriär. Och Faulkner är inte alls någon gammal tråkig akademiker utan ung, snygg och rolig. Nu har hon två goda skäl att stanna i huset. Det finns bara ett problem: Ben verkar vilja bli av med henne illa kvickt!

Oss vänner emellan av Lucy Monroe

Regel nr. 1: Inga kyssarRegel nr. 2: Inget sexGrant Cortez är inte direkt känd för att leva i celibat, men när det handlar om Zoe, hans bästa vän sedan barnsben, gäller andra regler. Inte ens en oskyldig kyss kan komma på fråga, för vänskapen får inte på något sätt riskeras. Men regeln mot kyssar bryter han snart, och det där med sex … Ja, det återstår att se!

Julens finaste gåva av Jennifer Taylor (åter i tryck)

Trots att hon själv inte har någon större erfarenhet av julfirande går Emma med på att hjälpa Daniel att göra julen minnesvärd för hans systerdotter. Daniels bedjande blickar går ju knappast att motstå och lilla Amy är en riktig sötnos. Det blir en tid av glädje och känslor – Emma inser snart att hon inte vill att deras tid tillsammans ska ta slut!


Quando se encontra o amor (Minissérie: As flechas de Cupido) por Susan Meier

Nem toda a gente procura o amor… mas e se o amor andar à procura das pessoas?
Surpreendentemente, Bel Capriotti decidiu casar-se com Drew Wallace, todavia, segundo alguns rumores que circulavam pela cidade, por causa da sua ex-mulher, Drew não via o casamento com bons olhos. Embora houvesse outros rumores que diziam que havia um bebé a caminho.

Mas o que toda a gente se perguntava era: porque é que de repente Drew reparara em Bel, que toda a vida estivera apaixonada por ele? Teria Bel conseguido finalmente fazer com que Drew se apaixonasse por ela? Ou estava a acontecer mais alguma coisa...?


Tyler jest człowiekiem sukcesu, jednak uważa, że gdyby założył rodzinę, jego status i wiarygodność jeszcze by na tym zyskały. Stać go na wynajęcie specjalisty, który znajdzie mu odpowiednią kandydatkę. Zleca to zadanie Mary, poznanej na przyjęciu samotnej matce, zajmującej się rekrutacją pracowników. W końcu bycie żoną to praca na pełnym etacie... Po kilku spotkaniach Mary uznaje, że Tyler żyje w sztucznym świecie, dlatego nie jest gotowy do założenia rodziny. Postanawia zaprosić go go pod swój dach, by przekonał się na własnej skórze, jak wygląda zwykłe, codzienne życie...

Un pari sur l'amour de Shirley Jump

Echaudée par l’échec de son premier mariage, Callie se méfie des hommes, et hésite à s’engager de nouveau. Jusqu’à ce qu’elle fasse la connaissance de Harry Faulkner, un chercheur aux allures de top model dont le charme sexy la séduit dès le premier regard. Très vite, les rendez-vous s'enchaînent et pourtant, Callie a l’impression que son compagnon, s'il se dit très amoureux, hésite à donner un tour plus sérieux à leur relation. Intriguée, elle cherche à en savoir plus et ne tarde pas à découvrir que leur rencontre ne doit rien au hasard, et que Harry s'est servi d'elle...


Atrapada en el pasado (TRAMA: AMNESIA) por Lucy Gordon

Jamás habría sospechado que aquella pobre inglesa sin memoria pudiera sacarlo de la oscuridad de su vida

Cuando el conde Pietro Bagnelli vio a aquella joven con su vieja maleta a la puerta de su palazzo italiano, supo al instante que debía ayudarla. Le había dado la espalda al mundo, pero no podía ignorar a aquella criatura empapada y abandonada.
Ruth había vuelto a Venecia para recuperar la memoria que había perdido, pero encontró un gran consuelo en aquel conde herido por la vida. Mientras el Carnaval invadía la ciudad, dentro del palazzo se desataba la pasión…



Liefde de baas

Liefde en werk gaan niet samen, vindt Taryn Webster, ook al is ze tot over haar oren verliefd op haar baas, de aantrekkelijke Jake Nash. Hij doet er alles aan om haar ook buiten het werk te ontmoeten. Om haar om zich heen te hebben, wringt hij zich in de raarste bochten. Maar zal het hem ook lukken haar ervan te overtuigen dat ze haar principes moet laten varen?

Italiaanse bruid
Ally Parker vertrekt naar Italië om vragen beantwoord te krijgen over het verleden van haar overleden man. Via Gino, hertog van Montefalco, hoopt ze de geheimen die haar teisteren te ontsluieren. Gino stelt echter iets heel anders voor: een huwelijk. Daarmee hoopt hij zijn familie en het familiekapitaal veilig te stellen. Ally staat in dubio, want intussen is ze van hem gaan houden. Maar hoe zit het met zíjn gevoelens

Wird auf Hermapolis die Liebe neu erwachen? Hier, auf der traumhaft schönen Insel in der Ägäis, lagen sie einander das erste Mal in den Armen – und hier will Jack seine Frau Olivia zurückerobern! Seit zwei Jahren leben sie getrennt, aber es verging kein Tag, an dem er sich nicht nach ihr gesehnt hat. Und dann stehen sie gemeinsam am weißen Strand, eine warme Brise streichelt ihre Haut, und ihre Blicke versinken ineinander. Stürmisch erwidert Olivia seinen Kuss, doch plötzlich wendet sie sich ab – verzweifelt fragt Jack sich: Gibt sie unserem Glück keine zweite Chance?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Celebrate a Golden Milestone

This month is a very special month for one Harlequin Romance author. That's because award-winning author Jessica Hart is celebrating the release of her FIFTIETH book.
Jessica hosted a party for friends to celebrate and you can get a bit of an account and see pictures - including one of all fifty books lined up on her mantle - on her blog. And there are all sorts of guests and well wishers there, so do pop over and offer your congratulations! You might even have a chance to win something....

Now, let's get a taste of what number 50 is all about:

Last-Minute Proposal by Jessica Hart

Single city girl…
Cake-baker Tilly is taking part in a charity job-swap, and when she's paired with ex-military maverick Campbell Sanderson, they get off to a rather sticky start….

Rugged billionaire tycoon…

Campbell is all hard angles to Tilly's cozy curves. It's the winning that counts for him, and it's clear Tilly will need her hand held every step of the way….

Whirlwind wedding wish!

Despite himself, Campbell finds that something about Tilly always coaxes a smile. But he refuses to be tempted, no matter how bright and bubbly she is! That's before they share a showstopping kiss….

You can read a note from Jessica, reviews, and a cracking excerpt on her site.

Congratulations Jessica!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do You Want to Write for Harlequin Romance?

The authors at Harlequin Romance think it's the best place in the world to be...writing heartfelt, emotional stories that pair classic themes with a contemporary feel.

The editors clearly think so too. The latest podcast at eharlequin is all about writing for the Romance line:

Editors Kimberly Young and Meg Lewis reveal the secrets to writing a Harlequin Romance. These are short, romantic reads with a lower sensuality level but contemporary and 100% relevant to today's woman.

If you're an aspiring author and want to see what makes a Harlequin Romance, just click on this link to be taken to the podcast page. It runs about 30 minutes and is chock full of great hints about writing for this fantastic line!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Spotlight in October - Ally Blake

This month our Spotlight shines on Harlequin Romance, and new Harlequin Presents author Ally Blake.

Where do you find new and fresh ideas?

Everywhere. They come to me in the shower, watching the news, talking with friends, listening to music, going for a walk. The first idea can be the smallest thing; an image of a beautiful indoor pool, a couple locked in a building in the dark, a restaurant that makes you hand in your mobile phone to the cloak room, these ideas all gave me stories.

My current Harlequin Romance HIRED: THE BOSS’S BRIDE came about after I went to a fine art auction with a friend who had a painting for sale. It was very elegant, very cool, and lots of fun!

Writers often use photos of celebrities as "casting". Do you do this, and who has inspired some of your characters?

Since my very first book, since before I even knew it was a thing writers did! I had Chris Noth of Mr Big fame very much in mind in writing my first hero, and funnily enough Charlotte from Sex and the City looked so much like my heroine it was uncanny. Having those pictures in mind to ground me has meant I’ve done the same thing on every book since! My most used inspiration would be Christian Bale. I’ve been a fan of his since I was 13 years old so I think I can claim him all for my very own!

What are your favourite and least favourite parts of writing a novel? Is there a particular section that you struggle with?

I love the beginning, when everything is new and fresh and exciting, when the page is blank, the possibilities are endless, and I feel blithely unaware of what my hero and heroine are going to put me through. (You’d think after 18 books I’d have leant by now!) I also love typing those two magical words “the end”. To have gone through the wringer with my characters and have all come out the other end in pretty much one piece is always a thrill. My least favourite part? Now that I have a beautiful 10 month old daughter, when deadlines are close I have to lock myself away for a couple of days and let my hubby get to do all the fun cuddly kissy stuff with her while I’m strapped to my computer ;).

When you are not writing, what do you do? How do you pamper yourself?

I follow my little girl around. I clean the spots atop the kitchen cupboards where she manages to fling food. I wash her clothes – which she has far more of than I do. And we read, and cuddle, and dance, and play with her little friends. And every now and then when I’m really lucky my other mum friends and I get to leave the kids at home and go on a shopping date for a whole afternoon!

Imagine you're stranded - where are you and who are you with?

You know what? I’ve love to be stranded right where I am. Snug in my home, with my husband and little girl, our plethora of pets, the sun shining, the sounds of the neighbourhood filtering through the open windows, and a cupboard full of chocolate! My star sign is Cancer. Obvious, huh?

Finally, Ally, please tell us what's up and coming for you in the months ahead!

September, October and November see three releases across North America in three months, which is really exciting.

In September THE MAGNATE’S INDECENT PROPOSAL was my first ever Harlequin Presents release. My latest Harlequin Romance, HIRED: THE BOSS’S BRIDE is out in October in the UK and North America. And A NIGHT WITH THE SOCIETY PLAYBOY is out now in the UK as a Modern Heat, and next month through Harlequin Presents across North America.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

October Releases

What a fantastic lineup we have for you this month!
Found: His Royal Baby by Raye Morgan
Crown Prince Dane of Montenevada has just heard the rumors of a secret baby of regal birth. With the kingdom in an uproar, his only choice is to confront the sister of his sworn enemy—the woman who still haunts his dreams.
Alexandra Acredonna has always feared her precious son would be taken from her. Now Dane is furious that she's kept the result of their lost week of passion from him. He offers her an ultimatum, one that will keep her identity hidden from their feuding families. But Alexandra wants more: a place at his side…as his beloved bride.

Bride at Briar's Ridge by Margaret Way

Sought-after bachelor Linc Mastermann is used to women falling at his feet. But past experience has taught this handsome sheep baron that women aren't to be trusted. Daniela Adami has come to beautiful Briar's Ridge to escape from her life in London. She's been hurt and her heart is guarded, but when Linc strides into her world he turns it upside down….

Linc only wants to marry to produce heirs to his fortune. He isn't interested in falling in love. Or so he thinks….

The Millionaire's Nanny Arrangement by Linda Goodnight

A supersuccessful businessman, the only thing Ryan Storm can't quite get a handle on is his daughter, Mariah. All she really wants is a mom. So he hires the next best thing…. Pregnant, widowed Kelsey Mason isn't Ryan's idea of the perfect nanny, but little Mariah bonds with her straightaway.

Even Ryan starts to fall under Kelsey's spell as she tempts the workaholic to take time off to enjoy his family—a family that might grow into something even more special if Ryan can open his heart again….

Last-Minute Proposal by Jessica Hart

Single city girl…
Cake-baker Tilly is taking part in a charity job-swap, and when she's paired with ex-military maverick Campbell Sanderson, they get off to a rather sticky start….

Rugged billionaire tycoon…

Campbell is all hard angles to Tilly's cozy curves. It's the winning that counts for him, and it's clear Tilly will need her hand held every step of the way….

Whirlwind wedding wish!

Despite himself, Campbell finds that something about Tilly always coaxes a smile. But he refuses to be tempted, no matter how bright and bubbly she is! That's before they share a showstopping kiss….

Hired: The Boss's Bride by Ally Blake

Mitch Hanover needed someone to bring life to his business!

When Veronica Bing roared up in her pink Corvette, waltzed in wearing skinny jeans and high boots and told him she was the girl for the job—Mitch couldn't help but agree!

But he hadn't bargained on her bringing him back to life!

Veronica had learned the hard way that relationships at work were a bad idea. And gorgeous Mitch had "Bad News" written across his forehead. Even if the attraction zinged between them, and his kisses made Veronica melt, Mitch had lost his beloved wife—and sworn never to love again….

Unless this sassy brunette could change his mind!

The Single Mom and the Tycoon by Caroline Anderson
Handsome millionaire David Cauldwell is blown away by sexy and lovely single mom Molly Blythe. He can see she and her young son need his love as much as he yearns for theirs. But falling in love and raising a family means taking risks—for both of them—and first David must face the secret that changed his life….