Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful readers! May the season and the coming year bring you happiness and joy!

The Harlequin Romance Authors

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Foreign Releases


Zengin ve başarılı gazeteci Flynn Gregor sıradan bir kız olan Samantha Barnett’in küçük ama şöhreti büyük fırını hakkında makale yazmak için kasabaya geldiğinde, küçük kasabalardan ne kadar çok nefret ettiğini, tazelenen anıları sayesinde bir kere daha anlamıştı.

Fakat kasabada, insanların masumiyeti, birbirlerine duydukları sevgi, sade ama bir o kadar da neşeli hava onun gafil avladı...

Ona ne olmuştu? Yoksa buraya gelmesinde neden olan ‘Sihirli Kurabiyeler’ mi onu değiştirmişti? Küçük kasaba kızı, şehir efendisinin kalbi kilidini kıracak mıydı?


Ve birden Isabella’nın ayağı kaydı. Yamaçtan aşağı yuvarlanmaya başladı ve feneri elinden fırlayıp, nehre düştü. Isabella, rüzgârın uğultusuna rağmen, fenerin suya düşüş sesini duydu. Bu bir felâketti. Tekrar tepeye doğru tırmanmaya çalışırken, kendi kendine söyleniyordu. Tek istediği fesleğenleri bulup, bir an önce buradan gitmekti. Muhafızlar… Prens… Vampirler… Onlara yakalanmaktan ödü kopuyordu. O anda bir şimşek çaktı ve Isabella bir atın üstünde, siyahlar giymiş bir karaltının, kendisine doğru geldiğini gördü. Sanki zaman durmuştu. Korku, kalbini bir mengene gibi sıkıyordu. Karanlık, rüzgâr ve ona yaklaşmakta olan tehlike… Birdenbire her şey tersine dönmüştü.


Jackie Braunová -Vánoční návrh

Dawson úspěšně vede rodinnou firmu, mezi lidmi je oblíbený, ale přesto není šťastný. Eve má za úkol nakoupit pro jeho nejbližší vánoční dárky, a tak chce jeho rodinu poznat. A není lepší příležitost než ples, který pořádá Dawsonova matka. Tam si Dawson uvědomí, že Eve by mohla být pro něj tou pravou partnerkou!

Fiona Harperová - Ukradený polibek

Louise našla po letech odvahu se rozvést a odstěhovat se se synem na venkov. Počáteční nesnáze jim pomáhají překonávat jejich sousedé: Ben Oliver s dcerkou. Louise se stále častěji přistihuje při úvahách, zda pro ni Ben nezačíná být víc než jen přítel a že má větší chuť do života právě díky němu…


Derretir un corazón - Susan Meier

Un viaje de Navidad con el magnate El abogado millonario Jared Johnson prefería pasar las Navidades solo, normalmente trabajando. Sin embargo, cuando rescató a Elise, una damisela en apuros que viajaba con su hija de seis meses, Molly, y se encontró llevándolas a casa por Navidad, se sintió sorprendentemente atraído por esa pequeña familia. Elise esperaba crear un hogar en el pueblecito de Four Corners, pero pronto descubrió que sólo el guapísimo Jared podía hacer que su vida estuviera completa. ¿Su mayor deseo? Que se quedara a pasar las primeras Navidades de Molly… y para siempre.


Steele Jessica - McMahon Barbara

Η Έλλα είχε έρθει στη Βουδαπέστη μόνο και μόνο για χατίρι του πατέρα της. Η ίδια δεν ήταν καθόλου ματαιόδοξη, γι’ αυτό και δεν τη συγκινούσε ιδιαίτερα το ότι ο διάσημος ζωγράφος Ζόλταν Φάζεκας θα έφτιαχνε το πορτραίτο της.

Δεν θα ανεχόταν, όμως, τη συμπεριφορά του Ζόλταν, που την αντιμετώπιζε σαν κακομαθημένο πλουσιοκόριτσο. Αυτός ο γοητευτικός αλλά τόσο αλαζόνας καλλιτέχνης χρειαζόταν επειγόντως ένα μάθημα…


Όταν ο παιδικός της φίλος ο Τσαντ την παρακάλεσε να πάει στην Ισπανία για να οργανώσει το γάμο του, η Άσλεϊ δέχτηκε με όλη της την καρδιά. Δεν φανταζόταν ότι εκεί θα αντιμετώπιζε την απροκάλυπτη εχθρότητα του αδερφού της νύφης!

Ο αυταρχικός μεγαλοεπιχειρηματίας Χουάν Κάρλος δεν ήθελε με τίποτε αυτό το γάμο. Κι όσο για την όμορφη Άσλεϊ, ήταν αποφασισμένος να την κρατήσει σε απόσταση. Αρκούσε ο ένας τυχάρπαστος ξένος που είχε ξελογιάσει την αδερφή του, δε χρειαζόταν να πάθει το ίδιο κι αυτός!



Kus in de sneeuw

Als weddingplanner Cassie hoort met wie ze samen een societyhuwelijk moet organiseren, zakt de moed haar in haar pumps. Haar partner is Jake, met wie ze tien jaar geleden uit balorigheid een kus heeft uitgewisseld. Tot hun beider verrassing blijkt die kus van toen een lange houdbaarheid te hebben!

Onder de mistletoe

Eerst kijkt Mariabella Santo blij op als een lange knappe man haar kunstgalerie binnen loopt. Haar vreugde slaat echter om in afkeer als hij geen klant maar investeerder blijkt te zijn met ingrijpende plannen voor het dromerige stadje. Ze wordt zijn felste tegenstandster, tot ze elkaar op een kerstbal weer tegenkomen, toevallig vlak onder een grote bos mistletoe....

Passions d'hiver - Colter, Gardner, Gordon

Un papa en cadeau, Cara Colter

De la neige et... un papa pour Noël ? Quand elle découvre la lettre que son neveu Jamie, orphelin depuis peu, a adressée au Père Noël, Bethany est bouleversée. Résolue à satisfaire le premier vœu du petit garçon, la jeune femme loue alors un chalet sous la neige, dans les montagnes canadiennes. Mais une fois sur place, elle doit affronter Riley Keenan, le propriétaire, qui se révèle aussi ténébreux que follement attirant...

Un fiancé pour Noël, Darlene Gardner

Quelle mauvaise idée d'être passée au bureau avant de se rendre à la soirée que ses parents donnent pour Noël ! Car en comprenant que son collègue, Cole Mansfield, s'apprêtait à passer les fêtes seul, Anna n'a pas pu s'empêcher de l'inviter ! Une situation d'autant plus embarrassante pour elle que sa famille prend tout de suite Cole pour son fiancé...

Cet hiver en Andalousie, Lucy Gordon

Si Maggie accepte de passer l'hiver en Andalousie, c'est pour soutenir sa jeune élève Catalina, sur le point d'épouser, par devoir, le très riche Don Sebastian de Santiago. Mais, arrivée en Espagne, Maggie est soudain confrontée à l'impensable : Don Sebastian, non content de se montrer d'une rare arrogance à son égard, l'embrasse fougueusement. Pire, Maggie est immédiatement troublée par ce baiser donné par un homme pourtant promis à une autre...



Essere la sosia di una nobildonna in cerca di anonimato ha per Lydia Young i suoi innegabili vantaggi. Da cassiera in un supermercato, si trova infatti catapultata in un resort di lusso per una settimana da favola. Quello che non ha messo in conto, però, è che i suoi ospiti le abbiano assegnato un affascinante nonché insolita guardia del corpo. Kalil al-Khalid è nipote di uno sceicco in esilio e custodisce in cuor suo una promessa fatta al nonno: riportarlo a casa! Il loro incontro ha qualcosa di magico: sono reciprocamente e irresistibilmente attratti, anche se entrambi hanno un segreto nel cuore. Allo scadere della settimana insieme, due chances: ritornare alla vita di tutti i giorni e dimenticare ogni emozione oppure spalancare le braccia alla felicità che ha bussato alla loro porta.


Frøken mistelten af Cara Colter

Ønsker under misteltenen …

Politibetjenten Brody Taggert har sine grunde til at hade julen. Men da Lila Grainger kommer til Snow Mountain, bliver der vendt op og ned på hans ellers så velordnede verden.

Kys i stearinlysets skær …

Da de sner inde i en bjælkehytte begynder den smukke og levende Lila at bryde fæstningen om Brodys hjerte ned … Men glimtet af sørgmodighed i hendes øjne, giver straks Brody lyst til også at redde hende.

Et julefrieri?

Mens Lila og Brody heler hinandens hjerter, går det op for dem, at de ikke har lyst til nogensinde at forlade deres indesneede tilflugtssted igen …

Reddet af julens magi af Melissa McClone

Carly Bishop har ikke fejret jul i seks år … Men i år er flotte Jake Porter fast besluttet på, at hun skal have en rigtig god jul. Jake er bjergredder, han har et stort hjerte, og hans mod fejler ikke noget. Men Carly tør ikke at elske ham af frygt for at miste ham. Julens glade budskab blandes med kaneture og sneboldkampe. Og til sidst begynder julens ånd at udøve sin magi. Men det er Jake, der får Carlys hjerte til at smelte.


Voltar a emocionar-se por Claire Baxter

Tenho quarenta anos, estou em França e tenho o meu primeiro encontro em muito tempo. Socorro!

Não posso acreditar que esteja na Costa Azul e que vá aprender francês com um homem maravilhoso!

Jacques está a fazer com que me sinta jovem, sexy e especial. Levou-me a passear por toda a costa, desde Nice até ao Mónaco. Sinto-me como uma súper estrela e não uma mãe madura e cansada. Não trocaria este sentimento por nada no mundo.

Agora, só tenho de decidir o que vestir para o nosso primeiro encontro formal. Será possível que a vida comece aos quarenta?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Visit us at the Eharlequin Open House!

Every year Eharlequin holds a Christmas Party in its community called the Open House. There are live chats, post parties, and tons and tons of prizes from the authors.

This year you can find the Harlequin Romance Authors here - and according to one of Harlequin's elves, there are lots of giveaways.

We hope you'll pop by and say hello!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

December Releases

Single Father, Surprise Prince!

by Raye Morgan

Miniseries: The Lost Princes of Ambria

Nothing on the battleground could have prepared soldier Joe Tanner for becoming a single dad! But Joe will do anything to keep his precious little Mei, so he trusts the innocent blonde researcher who's eager to help….

Kelly Vrosis has a bombshell for Joe: he's a lost prince of Ambria! As they bond while caring for Mei, an attraction blooms. But can Kelly dream of a future with the prince once he claims his royal title?

Daddy by Christmas

by Patricia Thayer

Jarrett McKane has never believed in Christmas—mistletoe and family just aren't for him! Yet he's drawn toward soon-to-be mom Mia Saunders, even though she's cast him as Scrooge….

For the first time ever Jarrett puts someone else first when trouble comes calling for Mia. And when her bump becomes baby, he's even at her bedside!

Before Mia, Christmases were spent alone. Now this previously ruthless tycoon might just have found a fairy-tale ending for all his Christmases to come!

Rescued by His Christmas Angel

by Cara Colter

Teacher Morgan McGuire is determined to embrace her newfound independence. Until one of her pupils needs her in ways she never expected. Soon Morgan's life becomes intertwined with that of sexy but cynical Nate Hathoway and his adorable daughter.

Christmas is hard for single father Nate, and the last thing he needs is Morgan reminding him of his private fear: that he's hopelessly inadequate for the role of daddy….

But as Nate is drawn ever closer to warm, generous Morgan, his hardened heart begins to thaw….

The Cinderella Bride

by Barbara Wallace

Secretary Emma O'Rourke keeps her head down and works hard. Now, summoned to bring back the heir of Kent Hotels, she suddenly has to step out of the shadows….

Unshaven and jaded, Gideon Kent has been sailing the world too long. As he docks, he's surprised to find Emma waiting for him.

Until now he's refused to resume the role he was born for…but the oh-so-diligent and pretty Miss O'Rourke might just change his mind….

Gideon Kent will show Emma that Prince Charming certainly does exist!

A Mistletoe Proposal

by Lucy Gordon

Solicitor Pippa Jenson is stunning, intelligent and successful—and she just wants a man who sees beyond her looks! Her new client, brooding, levelheaded stockbroker Roscoe Havering, seems more interested in setting her up with his brother than in trying to charm her himself. Intriguing…

Roscoe is finding it increasingly difficult to fight his feelings for Pippa. She is a woman of contradictions—flighty yet organized, bubbly but with hidden depths. Roscoe can't decide whether to kiss her senseless or propose a more permanent solution!

Christmas at Candlebark Farm

by Michelle Douglas

Pregnant Keira Keely is lodging at beautiful Candlebark Farm this holiday season, whilst she organizes a place of her own.

Grumpy owner Luke Hillier seems too caught up in his own troubles to worry about anyone else's. But when Keira has a crisis Luke is amazingly supportive.

Keira's shocked that she actually likes being looked after by gorgeous, gruff Luke. Maybe now he'll let her help him, too…. As fairy lights sparkle and Christmas approaches, could Keira have found her perfect home?

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Current Foreign Releases



Zengin ve başarılı gazeteci Flynn Gregor sıradan bir kız olan Samantha Barnett’in küçük ama şöhreti büyük fırını hakkında makale yazmak için kasabaya geldiğinde, küçük kasabalardan ne kadar çok nefret ettiğini, tazelenen anıları sayesinde bir kere daha anlamıştı.

Fakat kasabada, insanların masumiyeti, birbirlerine duydukları sevgi, sade ama bir o kadar da neşeli hava onun gafil avladı...

Ona ne olmuştu? Yoksa buraya gelmesinde neden olan ‘Sihirli Kurabiyeler’ mi onu değiştirmişti? Küçük kasaba kızı, şehir efendisinin kalbi kilidini kıracak mıydı?


Ve birden Isabella’nın ayağı kaydı. Yamaçtan aşağı yuvarlanmaya başladı ve feneri elinden fırlayıp, nehre düştü. Isabella, rüzgârın uğultusuna rağmen, fenerin suya düşüş sesini duydu. Bu bir felâketti. Tekrar tepeye doğru tırmanmaya çalışırken, kendi kendine söyleniyordu. Tek istediği fesleğenleri bulup, bir an önce buradan gitmekti. Muhafızlar… Prens… Vampirler… Onlara yakalanmaktan ödü kopuyordu. O anda bir şimşek çaktı ve Isabella bir atın üstünde, siyahlar giymiş bir karaltının, kendisine doğru geldiğini gördü. Sanki zaman durmuştu. Korku, kalbini bir mengene gibi sıkıyordu. Karanlık, rüzgâr ve ona yaklaşmakta olan tehlike… Birdenbire her şey tersine dönmüştü.


Proposición navideña - Jackie Braun
Contratada: un ángel de Navidad Con las temidas Navidades cerca, lo último que el empresario viudo Dawson Burke necesitaba era una compradora personal que quisiera algo personal. ¿Qué parte de “quiero estar solo” no entendía Eve Hawley? Parecía empeñada en hacerle entrar en el espíritu navideño… Eve descubrió que Dawson había dejado de soñar con un futuro feliz y no sabía lo afortunado que era de tener una familia. Pero, después de ayudarlo a encontrar la esperanza que había perdido, no pudo evitar desear que Dawson le hiciera el mejor regalo de Navidad: una proposición de matrimonio



Eine gestohlene Brieftasche ist ihr Schlüssel zum Glück. Während Fiona auf ihre Ersatzpapiere wartet, ist Dante Rinucci stets an ihrer Seite. Schon bei ihrer ersten Begegnung am Bahnhof in Mailand hat er sie fasziniert. Nur dank seiner Hilfe hat sie in letzter Sekunde den Zug noch erreicht. Und hier in Neapel erweist Dante sich nicht nur als charmanter Urlaubsbegleiter, der ihr die Schönheiten seiner Heimatstadt zeigt, sondern auch als ein Mann, dessen Küsse unwiderstehlich sind. Doch der attraktive, lebenslustige Italiener, das ahnt Fiona, verbirgt etwas vor ihr…


Λίγο πριν τα Χριστούγεννα - Meier Susan

Ειδοποιήστε με όταν εκδοθεί αυτό το βιβλίο

Τα Χριστούγεννα είχαν αποκτήσει και πάλι νόημα για τη Γουέντι Γουίνστον, από τη στιγμή που ανέλαβε, έστω και προσωρινά, την κηδεμονία του μικρού αξιολάτρευτου Χάρι.

Το μόνο που σκίαζε τη χαρά της ήταν ο καινούριος εργοδότης της, που μόλις είχε έρθει από το Μαϊάμι. Ο Κάλεν Μπάρινγκτον μάλλον δεν αντιλαμβανόταν το πνεύμα των γιορτών που πλησίαζαν, αφού της ζήτησε να πάει για δουλειά μέσα στο Σαββατοκύριακο.

Όταν όμως ένα ξαφνικό κύμα κακοκαιρίας χτύπησε την πόλη, η Γουέντι αναγκάστηκε να τον φιλοξενήσει τη νύχτα στο σπίτι της. Και τότε άρχισε να συνειδητοποιεί ότι ο Κάλεν έπαιζε το ρόλο του αντιπαθητικού Σκρουτζ, αλλά κατά βάθος ήταν ένας μοναχικός άντρας που διψούσε για αγάπη –και δεν την άφηνε καθόλου ασυγκίνητη!


Betoverende kerst

Tijd voor een nieuwe start, vindt Alysa. In Florence wil ze proberen het verleden voorgoed te begraven en haar leven op te pakken. Dan ontmoet ze de aantrekkelijke Drago di Luca en zijn dochtertje, Tina, met wie ze meteen een band heeft. De aantrekkingskracht tussen Drago en Alysa is onmiskenbaar, maar liefde... daar geloven ze niet in. Maar met kerst gebeurt wel vaker een wonder!

Liefde in Cornwall

Fleur kan wel door de grond zakken! Bij haar aankomst op Pengarroth Hall ziet ze Sebastian Conway, de Conway-erfgenaam, aan voor de jachtopziener. De mislukking is compleet als haar vriendin vertelt dat ze voortijdig weg moet. Nu moet Fleur de rest van de tijd doorbrengen met een veel te knappe rijke man, die vast niet geïnteresseerd is in haar. Of hebben ze misschien toch iets gemeen?

Une chance d'aimer - Barbara Hannay

Enceinte ?... Sophie est bouleversée. Car l'enfant qu'elle porte est le fruit d'une nuit ? une seule ? passée dans les bras de Mark Winchester. Hélas, même si elle n'a jamais pu oublier cet homme, Sophie ne se sent aucun point commun avec lui. C'est bien simple, un monde et des milliers de kilomètres les séparent l'un de l'autre ! Pourtant, pour le bien de son bébé, Sophie est prête à tout. Même à prendre le premier avion, pour aller, jusqu'au domaine de Coolabah Waters, annoncer à Mark qu'il va être père...



Come sono lontani i tempi in cui mi bastava poco per innamorarmi! Allora ero molto giovane e ingenua. Adesso sono un'organizzatrice di eventi di successo, con un lavoro che mi gratifica e una vita piena di interessi. Quello che non mi aspettavo proprio era di incontrare nuovamente Jack Trevelyan, l'uomo sicuro di sé conosciuto in gioventù. Certo, è un'opportunità d'oro per il mio lavoro e non posso permettermi il lusso di rifiutarla. Per la verità, Jack non sembra più quello di un tempo: più maturo, di successo e decisamente attraente. Ha bisogno del mio aiuto per trasformare la tenuta che ha ereditato in una location per matrimoni di lusso. E se tutto quel tempo da passare con lui mi facesse scoprire non solamente un cliente, ma un uomo da amare?


Det drömmar vävs av/En singelmammas hjärta  - Av Barbara McMahon & Linda Goodnight

Det drömmar vävs av av Barbara McMahon

Mannen som kliver in på galleriet gör Laura förstummad av två anledningar:

1. Han är snygg som en grekisk gud.

2. Han är en kopia av hennes döde expojkvän.

Men trots att Jed Brodie visar sig vara Jordans enäggstvilling har de inget mer än utseendet gemensamt. Jed verkar vara allt det Jordan inte var: ärlig, ömsint och uppmärksam. Laura inser snart att hon börjar få känslor för honom, känslor som hon till varje pris måste förtränga. Hon blev sårad en gång, och vill inte utsättas för det igen. För vad är det som säger att Jed inte skulle visa sig vara precis lika förrädisk som sin bror?

En singelmammas hjärta av Linda Goodnight

Bröllopsfixarnas konditor Natalie har ett fullspäckat schema. Hon skapar de mest fantastiska bröllopstårtor på löpande band samtidigt som hon ensam tar hand om sina vilda små tvillingflickor. Sedan hennes man dog har hon inte gått på en enda dejt, och trots att hon ibland saknar någon i sitt liv är hon säker på en sak: hon tänker inte bli beroende av en man igen! Men så knackar snygge Cooper Sullivan på dörren. Han var hennes mans bäste vän och nu verkar han fast besluten att ta hand om henne och flickorna. Natalie försöker stå emot, men Cooper väcker något i henne som hon inte kan kontrollera. Känslor hon förbjudit sig själv att känna …

Uma rapariga com sorte (Tema: Christmas) por Judy Christenberry

Quando menos esperava, conheceu o homem adequado.

A loja da Sally Rogers era a alma da humilde vila de Bailey, no Colorado, e ela trabalhava afincadamente para a manter à tona. De modo que, quando o elegante e sofisticado Hunter Bedford apareceu em Bailey decidido a comprar-lhe o seu negócio, Sally ficou furiosa. Não estava disposta a vender a loja a um homem como ele!

Em vez disso, e já que se aproximava uma data muito especial, mostrar-lhe-ia o calor e o espírito natalício de Bailey. Mas quando ficaram presos durante uma tempestade de neve, Sally começou a perguntar-se se estaria presa com o homem da sua vida.

Świąteczne marzenia, Drogocenna jemioła - Jackie Braun,Fiona Harper

Jackie Braun – Świąteczne marzenia

Dawson Burke od lat zakup świątecznych prezentów powierza profesjonalistom. Kiedy trafia na Eve, ta prosta dotąd sprawa mocno się komplikuje. Eve nie zgadza się na kupowanie bezosobowych rzeczy, domaga się informacji na temat potrzeb obdarowywanych osób. Jej nieustępliwość bardzo Dawsona irytuje...

Fiona Harper – Drogocenna jemioła

Po rozwodzie ze słynnym aktorem Louise przenosi się do wiejskiej posiadłości, by z dala od paparazzich i niewiernego męża leczyć rany. Poznaje tam Bena Olivera, też rozwiedzionego, który wychowuje kilkunastoletnią córkę. Szybko rodzi się między nimi uczucie, ale Louise boi się angażować w nową miłość...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas means Special Releases....

Christmas brings some special treats to readers with special stories - and here's some of what you can find on the shelves this year!

From Mills and Boon UK:

Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses

Susan Meier, Barbara Wallace, Patricia Thayer, Donna Alward
December 2010

Four lovely, festive, sparkling romances

Baby Beneath the Christmas Tree
Gwen McKenzie is single, but she has a beautiful baby and has just landed a fantastic job. What she hadn’t counted on was her new boss being gorgeous! Although he’s not mad about babies…
Magic Under the Mistletoe
To her surprise, glossy PR executive Gill, under the mistletoe with her local children’s centre’s gorgeously dishevelled director, realises that opposites really do attract…
Snowbound Cowboy
Lone wolf Boone Gifford is looking at Christmas through Amelia Hughes’ eyes. As the snow falls harder and her stranded family needs help, Boone steps towards them and into the warm.
A Bride for Rocking H Ranch
Kelly is a rancher, sister, aunt and granddaughter but creating a perfect Christmas is just too much. So when delectable, sexy chef Mack offers his help, she’s happy to accept.

Christmas Gifts

Judy Christenberry / Trish Morey / Jennifer Taylor

December 2010

Cinderella and the Cowboy
With her newborn and toddler in tow, Elizabeth stepped onto the Ransom Homestead looking for the family she’d never had. When the children’s grandfather welcomed them with open arms, she was grateful, but a blue-eyed, hard-headed cowboy kept distracting her…
The Boss’s Christmas Baby
Tegan is supposed to be pretending to be her twin, not sleeping with her sister’s sexy, powerful boss. The deception can’t last; she’s falling for this ruthless tycoon. How will James react when he discovers his mistress has a special seasonal delivery?
Their Little Christmas Miracle
Anna and Sam Kearney were blissfully happy until they realised the baby they longed for just wasn’t coming. Sam is back, convinced they belong together, and, working together on Christmas Eve, maybe there will be a little Christmas miracle for them…

And in Australia:



Daddy By Christmas by Patricia Thayer

Tycoon Jarrett McKane has never believed in Christmas, mistletoe and family just aren’t for him. But he can’t help being drawn to soon-to-be-mum Mia Saunders, even though she’s cast him as Scrooge.

Before Mia, Christmases were spent alone...but now this previously ruthless tycoon might just have found a fairytale ending.

Rescued By His Christmas Angel by Cara Colter

Teacher Morgan McGuire is determined to embrace her newfound independence, until one of her pupils needs her in ways she never expected. Soon Morgan’s life becomes intertwined with that of sexy but cynical Nate Hathoway and his adorable daughter.

Christmas is hard for single father Nate, but as the holiday season weaves its magic, and Nate is drawn ever closer to warm, generous Morgan, his hardened heart begins to thaw…

Also includes a bonus novella - One Indian Summer by Nicola Marsh

Friday, November 12, 2010


Several Congrats to go out this month - first of all to the Harlequin Romance nominated books for the Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Awards!  So high fives to:

HIRED: SASSY ASSISTANT (Jan.)  -Nina Harrington




And also to Nicola Marsh, who's been nominated for Best Harlequin Presents!

A very special congrats too to Leah Ashton, the winner of the Mills and Boon New Voices competition with her entry "Secrets and Speed Dating".  Leah was mentored by Romance star Jessica Hart during the competition - congrats to Leah and Team Jessica!

Monday, November 01, 2010

November Releases!

Secret Prince, Instant Daddy!by  Raye Morgan
Miniseries: The Lost Princes of Ambria

David Dykstra is determined to claim his rightful place as prince of fallen Ambria, and nothing will derail his quest. Until Ayme Sommers shows up, identifying him as the father of her sister's baby.

It's bad timing to say the least! But now he must put his daughter first, and make room for her and her beautiful, impulsive aunt Ayme on his journey home.

Soon sparks are flying between David and Ayme…. David's journey to becoming a prince isn't going to be simple!

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Firefighter's Doorstep Baby by  Barbara McMahon

Miniseries: The Brides of Bella Rosa

When firefighter Cristiano Casali is injured on duty, there is only one place he can think of to recover—Monta Correnti, his home…

Estranged from his feuding family and still wounded, Cristiano finds it difficult to start living again—until he meets pretty, warmhearted Mariella and the adorable baby she cares for, Dante….

As Mariella helps Cristiano recuperate and reunite with his family she realizes that she wants a family, too—with Cristiano!

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A Fairytale Christmas by Susan Meier/Barbara Wallace

Baby Beneath the Christmas Tree by Susan Meier

Single mum Gwen McKenzie's new boss, Andrew Teaberry, is amazing but totally out of her league. And he hasn't a clue about babies! Yet it's soon clear that the excitement in the air comes from more than just the yuletide season!

Magic Under the Mistletoe by Barbara Wallace

Glossy PR executive Gill McKenzie is organizing a Christmas party at her local children's center. To her astonishment, she's drawn to the gorgeously disheveled director, Oliver Harrington! Under the mistletoe, they realize that opposites really do attract….

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Christmas Magic on the Mountain by  Melissa McClone
When snowboard designer Sean Hughes sees Zoe Flynn hitchhiking at the bottom of Mount Hood he recognizes a free spirit—much like himself!

They hit it off, and Zoe ends up agreeing to pose as Sean's girlfriend at his family's Thanksgiving. But following an accident and a misunderstanding they're soon stuck with each other for the Christmas holidays!

Zoe's girl-next-door looks make Sean wish their charade was a romantic reality, but Zoe is hiding something…and he has until the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve to discover her secret!

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Christmas with Her Boss by Marion Lennox

Meg Jardine, personal assistant extraordinaire, is convinced she's about to lose her job. Her gorgeous, dark and deeply unimpressed boss, William McMaster, is stranded in Melbourne over Christmas—and it's all her fault! With her heart in her mouth, she invites the intimidating billionaire home for the holiday….

At Meg's chaotic, cozy family farm, William's cold reserve begins to melt away. Suddenly they're seeing each other in a whole new light, and country girl Meg has shot straight to the top of William's Christmas list!

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Mistletoe and the Lost Stiletto by Liz Fielding
Lucy Bright can't believe it when she's plucked from secretarial obscurity and transformed into the pampered fiancée of a slick retail guru. But then she discovers it was all a publicity stunt! Rushing away from the media frenzy, she bumps—literally—into the arms of delicious tycoon Nathaniel Hart….

Spooked by their instantaneous chemistry, Lucy flees—but Nathaniel is determined to find his barefoot beauty. Though all he has is one very expensive red designer stiletto to help him!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

October Foreign Editions


Due milionari rivali in affari e una scommessa da 50.000 euro a chi vincerà una gara tra mongolfiere lunga dieci giorni. Quello che Amalia Catalon ancora non sa è che dovrà salire sul pallone con Rafael Sandoval, uno dei due scommettitori. La competizione non fa per lei, ha il terrore dell'altitudine e, soprattutto, considera la scommessa una vera e propria stupidaggine. Ma con il passare dei giorni l'iniziale reticenza lascia spazio a sentimenti diversi; il fascino di Rafael comincia a fare effetto su di lei e lui sembra sinceramente intrigato da quella ragazza così diversa dalle sue abituali frequentazioni femminili. Amalia non ha fatto, però, i conti con un'ex invidiosa, decisa a riprendere il suo posto accanto all'uomo che ama. Per lei sarà l'occasione giusta per dimostrare chi otterrà il vero premio in palio: il cuore conteso del milionario.

PORTUGAL: Corações partidos por Liz Fielding

O seu coração estava em perigo…

A organizadora de eventos Josie Fowler conseguira o evento mais importante da sua vida: o casamento mais badalado do ano num hotel de luxo no Botswana.

Ainda que rodeada de leopardos e de rios repletos de crocodilos, o mais perigoso para ela era o proprietário do hotel, o enigmático empresário Gideon McGrath.

Enquanto Josie tentava organizar um complicado casamento, a atitude e a presença de Gideon no hotel era um problema… porém aquele sorriso sensual começou a infiltrar-se no seu coração.

SWEDEN: Ljudet av din röst av Rebeccca Winters

Remi rusade fram mot bilen som låg på sidan i vägrenen.Han försökte öppna bildörren, men den gick inte att rubba.

”Hjälp mig”, kved kvinnan.

Remi betraktade det vackra ansiktet och såg rännilen av blod utmed kinden. ”Allt ordnar sig, señora. Rör dig inte.”

Då ambulanshelikoptern lyfter för att föra den skadade kvinnan till sjukhuset i Madrid, inser Remi att han inte kan lämna henne. Och samtidigt som han vakar vid hennes sida blir det uppenbart att hon väckt något inom honom – en känsla som han inte trott att han skulle känna igen …

Gifta på prov av Myrna Mackenzie

Bröllopsfotografen Regina O’Ryan har ägnat sitt liv åt att förverkliga stjärnögda brudars romantiska drömmar. Själv lever hon i ett resonemangsäktenskap med en man hon knappt känner. Ett äktenskap hon vill ta sig ur …

För den rike affärsmannen Dell O’Ryan är äktenskapet inget annat än en affärsuppgörelse. Och han är beredd att göra vad som helst för att behålla sin hustru, allt för att undvika skandal. Han ställer ett ultimatum – de ska ge varandra två månader, sedan kan Regina få sin skilsmässa. Men allt eftersom dagarna går och tiden börjar rinna ut inser Dell att känslor inte är något man kan styra över!

POLAND: Trish Wylie - Podróż marzeń

Ronan O’Keefe, milioner i podróżnik, ma wszystko, co można kupić za pieniądze, jednak wobec postępującej utraty wzroku jest bezsilny. Poznana w samolocie Kerry Doyle wyznaje mu, że właśnie rozpoczyna wymarzoną podróż dookoła świata. Ronan wpada na szalony pomysł...

Melissa James – Piękna sąsiadka

Jennifer March straciła syna. Jej nowego sąsiada, mężczyznę samotnie wychowującego troje małych dzieci, porzuciła przed laty żona. Oboje marzą o tym, by odbudować swoje życie rodzinne. Tylko jak to zrobić? Może wystarczy odrobina dobrej woli?

FRANCE: Le refuge du bonheur - Susan Meier

Bloquée par la tempête de neige ! Il ne manquait plus que ça. Voilà que Zoé se retrouve seule avec son bébé, sur une route de Pennsylvanie, et en panne de voiture ! Quand un inconnu au regard magnétique vient lui porter secours et lui propose de l'héberger, elle n'a donc pas d'autre choix que d'accepter, pour le bien de sa petite Daphné. Mais la perspective de passer la nuit sous le même toit que cet homme mystérieux et visiblement attaché à sa solitude, la trouble plus que de raison...

GREECE: Έρωτας για Πρωτοσέλιδο  - Braun Jackie

Ειδοποιήστε με όταν εκδοθεί αυτό το βιβλίο

Οι εντολές που είχε πάρει από το αφεντικό της η δημοσιογράφος Μάλορι Στίβενς ήταν ξεκάθαρες. Έπρεπε να ξεσκεπάσει τα μυστικά του Λόγκαν Μπαρθόλομιου, του διάσημου αλλά αινιγματικού παρουσιαστή του ραδιοφώνου –και του πιο περιζήτητου εργένη στο Σικάγο. Δεν είχε καμία απολύτως δουλειά να τον ερωτευτεί…

Η προδοσία της πρώην μνηστής του είχε κάνει τον Λόγκαν επιφυλακτικό απέναντι στις γυναίκες. Δεν εμπιστευόταν καμιά τους, ειδικά την όμορφη Μάλορι που έκανε ένα σωρό ερωτήσεις κι έχωνε τη μύτη της παντού!

Αποφάσισε να την έχει διαρκώς από κοντά προκειμένου να ανακαλύψει τι σκάρωνε. Και φυσικά, δεν έπρεπε να την ερωτευτεί…


Luca Fiori, Erbe des gleichnamigen Hotelimperiums, ist gespannt: Endlich lernt er die neue Generaldirektorin seines luxuriösen Cascade Hotels persönlich kennen. Bildhübsch ist die bezaubernde Mari Ross, im Job überaus kompetent und kühl – sehr kühl. Eine echte Herausforderung für den attraktiven Playboy. Seine Einladung zu einem „Geschäftsessen“, das sich als romantisches Picknick in den herbstlich bunten Bergen entpuppt, scheint ein erster Erfolg. Aber schon bald wird ihm klar: Vor jeder Berührung schreckt die schöne Mari ängstlich zurück. Hat ein Mann ihr so wehgetan?

SPAIN: La sensata secretaria por Jessica Hart

Entre un jefe imposible y una ayudante melindrosa… ¡saltan chispas! ¿Sabes cuando conoces a un hombre guapísimo y sientes mariposas en el estómago? Bueno, pues eso fue lo que sentí yo, Summer Curtis, cuando conocí a mi jefe, Phin Gibson, un hombre tan guapo como una estrella de cine. ¡Me quedé encandilada! Phin es guapísimo, pero siempre llega tarde, es horriblemente desordenado y caótico… todo lo contrario a mí. ¡Y, sin embargo, no sé cómo está consiguiendo que yo, la siempre prudente Summer, quiera soltarme el pelo

Friday, October 01, 2010

October Releases

Cattle Baron Needs a Bride by Margaret Way

If only the society beauties jostling for the bouquet, hoping to become Mrs. Garrick Rylance, knew that the dashing best man in question has eyes for only one woman….

Bridesmaid Zara was his friend, his lover—but that was five years ago, before she flew to the city and out of his life, and Garrick cordoned off his heart.

So now, seeing Zara again, Garrick is wary. But there's one thing he's certain of—he won't let her run this time!

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America's Star-Crossed Sweethearts by Jackie Braun

Miniseries: Brides of Bella Rosa

The private life of baseball superstar Angelo "The Angel" Casali is a mystery, but sources say a reunion with his estranged father is his reason for returning to Italy.

And now that he's been seen stepping off the plane with stunning—and scandalous—starlet Atlanta Jackson, he has added fuel to the media fire.

After his latest injury, Angelo's career is in its final inning. Is this notorious playboy ready to settle down? Something tells us we haven't heard the last of our Angel…!

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Cowgirl Makes Three by Myrna Mackenzie

When ex-model Ivy Seacrest steps onto Noah Ballenger's ranch, Noah wonders why the prettiest woman he's ever seen is working with cows, not on a runway!

Ivy needs to earn enough money to pay her debts, while proving to Noah she's a bona fide cowgirl! But beneath her sass, Ivy's heart rips whenever she sees Noah's little girl.

Can a doting daddy and his daughter mend Ivy's broken heart…and make their little duet a trio?

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A Miracle for His Secret Son by Barbara Hannay

Freya and Gus shared a perfect summer—until Gus left town for a future that couldn't include Freya…. Now, twelve years on, Freya has a shocking revelation for Gus: they have a son, Nick, who needs a new kidney—a gift only his father can provide.

Gus is taken aback, but vows to help Nick. And despite everything, the connection between Gus and Freya is still strong. Can they make a life together and give Nick another miracle…a family?

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Juggling Briefcase & Baby by Jessica Hart

Lex Gibson is…nervous. The prospect of spending a weekend working with Romy, the only woman to ever touch his legendary guarded heart, has the lion of the corporate world…unsettled.

The tension between free-spirited Romy and buttoned-up Lex simmers dangerously. To complicate things further, Romy has a tiny daughter, who has Lex confused and distracted. They say never to mix business with pleasure, but Romy's adorable baby might just seal their very personal business deal—and change their family situation forever!

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If the Red Slipper Fits… by Shirley Jump

Like Cinders, gossip writer Sarah Griffin has lost a shoe! But this is no glass slipper—it's an exclusive designer stiletto that could cost Sarah her job!

Playboy CEO Caleb Lewis is no Prince Charming, but he does have Sarah's shoe. He offers the intriguing Sarah an ultimatum: in return for her precious shoe, she'll assist him with a commercial proposition—and this means getting up close and personal!

Sarah learned long ago never to believe in fairy tales, but if the red slipper fits…

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Winter Roses by Diana Palmer

Miniseries: Long, Tall Texans

Handsome, eligible ranch owner Stuart York was not one to mince words. Ivy Conley, his younger sister's best friend, found out the hard way. During a night's stay at his Jacobsville ranch, Ivy wound up in Stuart's arms. The resulting fireworks singed them both…and, knowing she was too young, Stuart closed his heart to her.

Now, years later, Ivy is determined not to be treated like a little girl anymore. Although still an innocent, Ivy knows she has to fight her own battles, but for some reason Stuart is always fighting them for her, and keeping her from harm. And, safe in Stuart's arms, Ivy feels like a woman—a woman who belongs to him.

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