Thursday, November 12, 2009

Freebie Friday

Friday the 13th is also Freebie Friday at eharlequin.  It's a great thing really.  You buy two books and then add the free book of the day to your cart for absolutely nothing.  It's a great way to discover new authors or snag a book that you've wanted but haven't bought yet or perhaps missed it when it was first released.

Why do I bring this up now?

Well, because this week's free book just happens to be ALWAYS THE BRIDESMAID by brand new Romance author Nina Harrington!

It's a fab time to stock up on Christmas presents and snag yourself a delicious new Romance as well.  And if you spend over $25, you also get free shipping.  Don't miss out!


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I always try to take advanage of FB Friday...nice touch by Harlequin!

  2. Thank you Donna. I am delighted that Harlequin have my debut book in this promotion - a great way for readers to find a new writer after the book has left the bookstores!
    I loved writing Amy and Jared's story - hope the new readers do too. :-)
