Australian Bachelors, Sassy Brides by Jennie Adams, Margaret Way
Two sassy brides knock these brooding bachelors sideways!
The Wealthy Australian's Proposal by Margaret Way
Nyree Allcott's thrilled when she inherits a ramshackle farmhouse. A little TLC and she'll finally have a home of her own. Property developer Brant Hollister wants the land, but if he thinks his sexy smile will make her hand over the keys, he's wrong!
Inherited by the Billionaire by Jennie Adams
When Callie Humbold was left alone in the world, Gideon Deveraux promised to look after her but she didn't make it easy. Reunited at a wedding years later, the troublesome teenager is gone and in her place is a striking woman who's even more of a challenge….
Read Excerpt
Her Desert Dream by Liz Fielding
Lydia Young has landed her dream assignment! Used to stacking shelves, she's now jetting off to a desert kingdom for a holiday as a media darling's look-alike.
All Lydia has to do is enjoy a week of pampered bliss in a luxury oasis—and not blow her cover by falling for her host, dangerously out-of-her-league Sheikh Kalil al-Zaki.
Hmm, this might just be trickier than she first thought!
Lydia wanted the spotlight…
…Annie wanted anonymity.
Read Excerpt
Snowbound Bride-to-Be by Cara Colter
A heart-stoppingly handsome man with a baby in tow isn't on hotel owner Emma White's Christmas list. She's too busy making Christmas perfect for others.
Emma's hotel is Ryder Richardson's only port in a storm. Otherwise he wouldn't be caught dead amongst all the baubles and bells that bring back the season's painful memories.
Yet, snowbound with adorable baby Tess and Emma in her surprisingly sexy Santa hat, a glimmer of a smile reaches Ryder's lips.
Read Excerpt
And the Bride Wore Red by Lucy Gordon
The Silk Road…
Olivia Daley's travel itinerary might be unusual, but she believes the best cure for a broken heart is a radical change of scenery. Exotic, vibrant China is far enough from rainy gray England to be just that!
to romance…?
In the hustle and bustle of Beijing, Olivia is starting a whole new adventure…. She's mesmerized by the ancient legends of love, and soon finds herself wishing she could be the bride who wore red.
Read Excerpt
Their Christmas Family Miracle by Caroline Anderson
Finding herself homeless three days before Christmas, proud single mom Amelia Jones is offered an empty picture-perfect country house to stay in. One look at her little children's hopeful faces and Millie accepts. With snow falling outside, gifts under the tree and laughter ringing, Millie's starting to believe that Christmas wishes can come true….
Until owner Jake Forrester steps through the door…
Read Excerpt
Confidential: Expecting! by Jackie Braun
Journalist Mallory Stevens's instructions were clear: expose the secrets of elusive radio talk-show host—and Chicago's most eligible bachelor—Logan Bartholomew. Not fall hopelessly in love with him!
As their relationship goes off the record, Mallory is stunned to discover she's carrying her own little secret….
Read Excerpt
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
November Foreign Releases
Dulce amor por Nina Harrington
Había que organizar una boda…
Amy Edler era repostera, no organizadora de bodas. Pero, además de hacer la tarta nupcial y ser dama de honor, Amy se encontró organizando la boda de su mejor amiga… contando sólo con la ayuda de su irritante hermano mayor.
El guapísimo empresario Jared Shaw no se había convertido en un hombre rico dejando que otras personas hicieran el trabajo. De modo que, aunque era alérgico a las bodas, se dispuso a ayudar a la dulce y bella Amy con cada detalle de la ceremonia.
Su último encargo era comprar el regalo perfecto para la dama de honor… Pero tal vez la dama de honor fuera el regalo perfecto para él.
Samantha w pojedynkę wychowuje niepełnosprawną córeczkę, dzielnie stawiając czoło przeciwnościom losu. Jest przekonana, że jej mąż, Brett, zginął w Afryce, dokąd sześć lat temu pojechał z misją jako lekarz. Tymczasem któregoś dnia Brett niespodziewanie pojawia się w jej domu. Chociaż wie, że nigdy nie wynagrodzi Samancie swej nieobecności, nadal uważa się za jej męża. Kocha ją bezgranicznie, ona jednak traktuje go z rezerwą...
Apaixonado por uma princesa por Donna Alward
Trocaria a coroa pela aliança de um rancheiro!
O circunspecto Brody Hamilton, dono de um rancho, sempre se esforçara para manter o seu coração a salvo. Contudo, a vivaz Lucy, uma perita em cavalos, tinha qualquer coisa que conseguia alegrar a sua alma solitária. Brody só tinha de deixar o seu passado para trás antes de lhe pôr uma aliança no dedo… Lucy Farnsworth acabava de descobrir que tinha sangue real. Devia ficar contente, porém, a notícia fez com que tudo à sua volta se desmoronasse e a única coisa que desejava era recuperar a sua antiga vida. No rancho Prairie Rose, Lucy encontrou o lugar a que pertencia, ao lado de Brody. Só tinha de lhe confessar que era uma princesa…
Romantik jorden runt av Melissa McClone
Att bli dumpad är väl aldrig särskilt kul, och att bli det inför miljontals tv-tittare gör knappast upplevelsen mer angenäm, fråga Millie. Hon trodde att hon i dokusåpan funnit sina drömmars man, men tydligen tyckte inte Jace Westfall att hon var hans drömmars kvinna.
Millie drar sig förödmjukad tillbaka för att slicka sina sår, men när skolan som hon jobbar på hotas av neddragningar ser hon bara en möjlighet: att delta i tävlingen Cash Around the Globe och vinna prissumman på en miljon. Enkelt? Nej, knappast. Och inte blir det lättare när hon träffar sin nye lagkamrat … Jace Westfall.
Mer än bara minnen av Nicola Marsh
Karriärkvinnan Kirsten Lewis lägger all sin kraft på jobbet. Kärlekslivet är reducerat till en blinddejt då och då, och det är på grund av en sådan hon hamnat i den fullsatta baren. När dejten inte dyker upp som avtalat förbereder hon sig på ännu en ensam kväll, men så landar hennes blick på en sexig man med sorgsna ögon…
En het natt och ett ännu hetare minne är det enda som Kirsten förväntar sig att natten med Nate ska ge. Om hon bara visste …
Sognate ancora due scarpette di cristallo che vi regalino la storia più romantica della vostra vita? Con un AMORE DA FAVOLA anche un paio di eleganti décolleté possono bastare, purché siate disposte ad abbandonare ogni timore e a lasciarvi andare alle emozioni più profonde.
Alice Morton non avrebbe mai immaginato che un semplice incarico di lavoro le avrebbe cambiato la vita, finché l'affascinante milionario Michael Hunter l'ha assunta per organizzare il ballo della sua società. Studiare ogni dettaglio di quel party da sogno è già abbastanza eccitante, senza contare che Michael l'ha addirittura invitata a partecipare alla festa! E, quasi senza accorgersene, lei si ritrova a ballare stretta tra le braccia del suo splendido capo. Alice sa bene che il lunedì successivo tutto tornerà alla solita routine, ma per ora ha intenzione di godersi fino in fondo questo splendido, romantico momento.
Un diamant pour Noël, Shirley Jump
Critique gastronomique de renom, Flynn a la réputation d'être à la fois totalement impartial et parfaitement sincère dans ses jugements. Aussi, lorsqu'il entend parler pour la première fois des délicieuses pâtisseries d'une certaine Stephanie, décide-t-il de consacrer un article à cette dernière. Mais dès leur première rencontre, il se sent à ce point attiré par la jeune femme qu'il n'est plus du tout certain de pouvoir se montrer objectif...
Bonus: Un troublant tête-à-tête, Cathie Linz
C'est vraiment à contrecoeur que Prudence accepte de collaborer avec Joe Wilder. N'a-t-il pas la réputation d'être un incorrigible play-boy, un homme sans la moindre moralité ?
Samen in een arrenslee - Melissa McClone
Sinds haar verloofde in de bergen is omgekomen heeft Carly geen Kerstmis meer gevierd. Maar dit jaar, besluit haar jeugdvriend Jake, zal ze volop kerstpret hebben. Met sneeuwbalgevechten en ritjes met de arrenslee verovert hij haar hart. Toch durft Carly een relatie niet aan. Net als haar verloofde is Jake lid van de reddingsdienst, en ze weet niet of ze ooit nog durft te houden van een man die zijn leven op het spel zet...
Alles voor een zoen - Barbara McMahon
Het rustige leventje van galeriehoudster Laura wordt op zijn kop gezet als Jed Brodie haar galerie binnen stapt. Niet alleen omdat hij zo ongelooflijk knap is, maar ook omdat hij sprekend lijkt op zijn tweelingbroer, met wie ze ooit verloofd is geweest. Ook al voelt ze zich tot hem aangetrokken, ze wil niet nog eens in dezelfde valkuil belanden. Jordan bleek haar te bedriegen - hoe weet ze zeker of ze zijn evenbeeld wél kan vertrouwen?
Υπόσχεση Αγάπης - Lucy Gordon
Η μοίρα ένωσε τον βλοσυρό Ντράγκο ντι Λούκα και τη σκυθρωπή Αλίσα Ντένις, όταν ανακάλυψαν ότι οι σύντροφοί τους διατηρού-σαν ερωτική σχέση.
Γνωρίστηκαν ένα χρόνο αργότερα, μετά το τραγικό δυστύχημα που στέρησε τη ζωή των δυο παράνομων εραστών, και ανάμεσά τους αναπτύχθηκε μια αναπάντεχη φιλία…
Μόνο μαζί μπορούσαν να ξεπεράσουν τον πόνο της προδοσίας, γιατί καταλάβαιναν ο ένας τον άλλον όσο κανείς. Ωστόσο, κάθε φορά που η Αλίσα αντίκριζε την κορούλα του Ντράγκο, θυμόταν το πιο σημαντικό απ’ όλα όσα είχε χάσει…
Άραγε η έλξη που είχε γεννηθεί ανάμεσά τους ήταν αρκετά δυνατή για να τους βοηθήσει να ξεπεράσουν το παρελθόν και να γίνουν μια οικογένεια;
Había que organizar una boda…
Amy Edler era repostera, no organizadora de bodas. Pero, además de hacer la tarta nupcial y ser dama de honor, Amy se encontró organizando la boda de su mejor amiga… contando sólo con la ayuda de su irritante hermano mayor.
El guapísimo empresario Jared Shaw no se había convertido en un hombre rico dejando que otras personas hicieran el trabajo. De modo que, aunque era alérgico a las bodas, se dispuso a ayudar a la dulce y bella Amy con cada detalle de la ceremonia.
Su último encargo era comprar el regalo perfecto para la dama de honor… Pero tal vez la dama de honor fuera el regalo perfecto para él.
Samantha w pojedynkę wychowuje niepełnosprawną córeczkę, dzielnie stawiając czoło przeciwnościom losu. Jest przekonana, że jej mąż, Brett, zginął w Afryce, dokąd sześć lat temu pojechał z misją jako lekarz. Tymczasem któregoś dnia Brett niespodziewanie pojawia się w jej domu. Chociaż wie, że nigdy nie wynagrodzi Samancie swej nieobecności, nadal uważa się za jej męża. Kocha ją bezgranicznie, ona jednak traktuje go z rezerwą...
Apaixonado por uma princesa por Donna Alward
Trocaria a coroa pela aliança de um rancheiro!
O circunspecto Brody Hamilton, dono de um rancho, sempre se esforçara para manter o seu coração a salvo. Contudo, a vivaz Lucy, uma perita em cavalos, tinha qualquer coisa que conseguia alegrar a sua alma solitária. Brody só tinha de deixar o seu passado para trás antes de lhe pôr uma aliança no dedo… Lucy Farnsworth acabava de descobrir que tinha sangue real. Devia ficar contente, porém, a notícia fez com que tudo à sua volta se desmoronasse e a única coisa que desejava era recuperar a sua antiga vida. No rancho Prairie Rose, Lucy encontrou o lugar a que pertencia, ao lado de Brody. Só tinha de lhe confessar que era uma princesa…
Romantik jorden runt av Melissa McClone
Att bli dumpad är väl aldrig särskilt kul, och att bli det inför miljontals tv-tittare gör knappast upplevelsen mer angenäm, fråga Millie. Hon trodde att hon i dokusåpan funnit sina drömmars man, men tydligen tyckte inte Jace Westfall att hon var hans drömmars kvinna.
Millie drar sig förödmjukad tillbaka för att slicka sina sår, men när skolan som hon jobbar på hotas av neddragningar ser hon bara en möjlighet: att delta i tävlingen Cash Around the Globe och vinna prissumman på en miljon. Enkelt? Nej, knappast. Och inte blir det lättare när hon träffar sin nye lagkamrat … Jace Westfall.
Mer än bara minnen av Nicola Marsh
Karriärkvinnan Kirsten Lewis lägger all sin kraft på jobbet. Kärlekslivet är reducerat till en blinddejt då och då, och det är på grund av en sådan hon hamnat i den fullsatta baren. När dejten inte dyker upp som avtalat förbereder hon sig på ännu en ensam kväll, men så landar hennes blick på en sexig man med sorgsna ögon…
En het natt och ett ännu hetare minne är det enda som Kirsten förväntar sig att natten med Nate ska ge. Om hon bara visste …
Sognate ancora due scarpette di cristallo che vi regalino la storia più romantica della vostra vita? Con un AMORE DA FAVOLA anche un paio di eleganti décolleté possono bastare, purché siate disposte ad abbandonare ogni timore e a lasciarvi andare alle emozioni più profonde.
Alice Morton non avrebbe mai immaginato che un semplice incarico di lavoro le avrebbe cambiato la vita, finché l'affascinante milionario Michael Hunter l'ha assunta per organizzare il ballo della sua società. Studiare ogni dettaglio di quel party da sogno è già abbastanza eccitante, senza contare che Michael l'ha addirittura invitata a partecipare alla festa! E, quasi senza accorgersene, lei si ritrova a ballare stretta tra le braccia del suo splendido capo. Alice sa bene che il lunedì successivo tutto tornerà alla solita routine, ma per ora ha intenzione di godersi fino in fondo questo splendido, romantico momento.
Un diamant pour Noël, Shirley Jump
Critique gastronomique de renom, Flynn a la réputation d'être à la fois totalement impartial et parfaitement sincère dans ses jugements. Aussi, lorsqu'il entend parler pour la première fois des délicieuses pâtisseries d'une certaine Stephanie, décide-t-il de consacrer un article à cette dernière. Mais dès leur première rencontre, il se sent à ce point attiré par la jeune femme qu'il n'est plus du tout certain de pouvoir se montrer objectif...
Bonus: Un troublant tête-à-tête, Cathie Linz
C'est vraiment à contrecoeur que Prudence accepte de collaborer avec Joe Wilder. N'a-t-il pas la réputation d'être un incorrigible play-boy, un homme sans la moindre moralité ?
Samen in een arrenslee - Melissa McClone
Sinds haar verloofde in de bergen is omgekomen heeft Carly geen Kerstmis meer gevierd. Maar dit jaar, besluit haar jeugdvriend Jake, zal ze volop kerstpret hebben. Met sneeuwbalgevechten en ritjes met de arrenslee verovert hij haar hart. Toch durft Carly een relatie niet aan. Net als haar verloofde is Jake lid van de reddingsdienst, en ze weet niet of ze ooit nog durft te houden van een man die zijn leven op het spel zet...
Alles voor een zoen - Barbara McMahon
Het rustige leventje van galeriehoudster Laura wordt op zijn kop gezet als Jed Brodie haar galerie binnen stapt. Niet alleen omdat hij zo ongelooflijk knap is, maar ook omdat hij sprekend lijkt op zijn tweelingbroer, met wie ze ooit verloofd is geweest. Ook al voelt ze zich tot hem aangetrokken, ze wil niet nog eens in dezelfde valkuil belanden. Jordan bleek haar te bedriegen - hoe weet ze zeker of ze zijn evenbeeld wél kan vertrouwen?
Υπόσχεση Αγάπης - Lucy Gordon
Η μοίρα ένωσε τον βλοσυρό Ντράγκο ντι Λούκα και τη σκυθρωπή Αλίσα Ντένις, όταν ανακάλυψαν ότι οι σύντροφοί τους διατηρού-σαν ερωτική σχέση.
Γνωρίστηκαν ένα χρόνο αργότερα, μετά το τραγικό δυστύχημα που στέρησε τη ζωή των δυο παράνομων εραστών, και ανάμεσά τους αναπτύχθηκε μια αναπάντεχη φιλία…
Μόνο μαζί μπορούσαν να ξεπεράσουν τον πόνο της προδοσίας, γιατί καταλάβαιναν ο ένας τον άλλον όσο κανείς. Ωστόσο, κάθε φορά που η Αλίσα αντίκριζε την κορούλα του Ντράγκο, θυμόταν το πιο σημαντικό απ’ όλα όσα είχε χάσει…
Άραγε η έλξη που είχε γεννηθεί ανάμεσά τους ήταν αρκετά δυνατή για να τους βοηθήσει να ξεπεράσουν το παρελθόν και να γίνουν μια οικογένεια;
Monday, November 16, 2009
Double the Great Reading!
One of the great things the Romance line is doing is offering 2-in-1 books now and again. It adds a little variety to the line up I think. There are a few 2-in-1's coming up over the next few months, and the first one is out this month - MONTANA, MISTLETOE, MARRIAGE* - written by me, Donna Alward, and Patricia Thayer.
The books are made up of 2 novellas, linked by a commonality. In our case, the stories are about two sisters, set on a ranch in Montana, and at Christmas. I don't know about you, but Christmas stories make me feel all warm and fuzzy, and this is my first ever Christmas release so it's quite exciting.
The first story, Snowbound Cowboy, is the story of Amelia Hughes, hero Boone Gifford, and Amelia's son Jesse, who is cute as a bug's ear. It's Jesse's Christmas wish that really kicks things off, but Boone is holding a secret that could ruin it all. Amelia's the nurturer of the family and she does a darned good job.
My story, A Bride For Rocking H Ranch, is about Kelley Hughes, the sister who hasn't got a domestic bone in her body but is great at running the Rocking H. She's volunteered to make Christmas dinner though, since Amelia has her hands full with Jesse and looking after their ailing Grandmother. Mack Dennison is a bit of an unlikely hero for a tough cowgirl, but he's exactly what she needs.
Of course it all winds up with two happy endings and hopefully a happy sigh for the reader.
If nothing else, writing this book made me hungry. Mack is a chef and I spent a lot of time looking for recipes, cooking, talking about cooking...I just added a few of those recipes to my website at
We hope you enjoy our stories in this special 2 in 1 volume!
Winter wishes for two sisters at Rocking H Ranch...
Snowbound Cowboy by Patricia Thayer
Lone wolf Boone Gifford has spent years standing on the outside. now he's looking at Christmas - through the window of beautiful Amelia Hughes' home. As the snow falls harder, and the stranded family needs help, it's time for the cowboy to step inside.
A Bride for Rocking H Ranch by Donna Alward
Kelley Hughes is rancher, housekeeper, doting sister to Amelia, granddaughter and aunt - and the stress of preparing the perfect Christmas at Rocking H Ranch is getting to her. But distraction soon arrives in the form of delectable chef Mack Dennison...
*Titled Mistletoe and Marriage in the UK
The books are made up of 2 novellas, linked by a commonality. In our case, the stories are about two sisters, set on a ranch in Montana, and at Christmas. I don't know about you, but Christmas stories make me feel all warm and fuzzy, and this is my first ever Christmas release so it's quite exciting.
The first story, Snowbound Cowboy, is the story of Amelia Hughes, hero Boone Gifford, and Amelia's son Jesse, who is cute as a bug's ear. It's Jesse's Christmas wish that really kicks things off, but Boone is holding a secret that could ruin it all. Amelia's the nurturer of the family and she does a darned good job.
My story, A Bride For Rocking H Ranch, is about Kelley Hughes, the sister who hasn't got a domestic bone in her body but is great at running the Rocking H. She's volunteered to make Christmas dinner though, since Amelia has her hands full with Jesse and looking after their ailing Grandmother. Mack Dennison is a bit of an unlikely hero for a tough cowgirl, but he's exactly what she needs.
Of course it all winds up with two happy endings and hopefully a happy sigh for the reader.
If nothing else, writing this book made me hungry. Mack is a chef and I spent a lot of time looking for recipes, cooking, talking about cooking...I just added a few of those recipes to my website at
We hope you enjoy our stories in this special 2 in 1 volume!
Winter wishes for two sisters at Rocking H Ranch...
Snowbound Cowboy by Patricia Thayer
Lone wolf Boone Gifford has spent years standing on the outside. now he's looking at Christmas - through the window of beautiful Amelia Hughes' home. As the snow falls harder, and the stranded family needs help, it's time for the cowboy to step inside.
A Bride for Rocking H Ranch by Donna Alward
Kelley Hughes is rancher, housekeeper, doting sister to Amelia, granddaughter and aunt - and the stress of preparing the perfect Christmas at Rocking H Ranch is getting to her. But distraction soon arrives in the form of delectable chef Mack Dennison...
*Titled Mistletoe and Marriage in the UK
2 in 1,
Christmas Releases,
Donna Alward,
Patricia Thayer
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Freebie Friday

Well, because this week's free book just happens to be ALWAYS THE BRIDESMAID by brand new Romance author Nina Harrington!
It's a fab time to stock up on Christmas presents and snag yourself a delicious new Romance as well. And if you spend over $25, you also get free shipping. Don't miss out!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
New Anthologies
A few more holiday goodies are coming your way in the form of anthologies from Mills and Boon! Check these out for fab stories by some of the Romance line's best-loved authors!
Her Christmas Wedding Wish
Judy Christenberry
Workaholic Richard’s life is transformed when he becomes guardian to his orphaned nephew.
Molly, the boy’s pretty nurse, already loves the child and wants to make his Christmas special. But then she meets broodingly handsome Richard under the mistletoe…
Christmas Gift: A Family
Barbara Hannay
Wealthy bachelor Hugh is stunned to discover he has a daughter! Hugh hardly knows Jo Berry, but he pleads with her to help him become the father that his motherless child deserves. Jo realises they could give each other the ultimate Christmas gift!
Christmas on the Children’s Ward
Carol Marinelli
Nurse Eden hopes for only two things this Christmas. She wishes that the orphaned little boy in her care can have a real Christmas. And she wants consultant Nick Watson to notice her. Would Nick make both dreams come true?
The Yuletide Engagement
Carole Mortimer
When devastatingly handsome tycoon Patrick offers to take Ellie to her company’s Christmas party, she warily accepts. But, Ellie has to ask herself, what does a man like Patrick want with an ordinary girl like her?
The Doctor’s Christmas Bride
Sarah Morgan
Bryony Hunter is looking for a man. Jack Rothwell is a committed bachelor, but when he realises Bryony is seriously looking for someone – by Christmas! – Jack decides to help out…in his own special way.
Snowbound Reunion
Barbara McMahon
Cath knows she’s right to spend Christmas alone, far away from the city and her husband, Jake. Only Jake isn’t about to let his wife go so easily. He has one Christmas to tell her his secrets – and to fulfil her wildest dreams!
Her Christmas Wedding Wish
Judy Christenberry
Workaholic Richard’s life is transformed when he becomes guardian to his orphaned nephew.
Molly, the boy’s pretty nurse, already loves the child and wants to make his Christmas special. But then she meets broodingly handsome Richard under the mistletoe…
Christmas Gift: A Family
Barbara Hannay
Wealthy bachelor Hugh is stunned to discover he has a daughter! Hugh hardly knows Jo Berry, but he pleads with her to help him become the father that his motherless child deserves. Jo realises they could give each other the ultimate Christmas gift!
Christmas on the Children’s Ward
Carol Marinelli
Nurse Eden hopes for only two things this Christmas. She wishes that the orphaned little boy in her care can have a real Christmas. And she wants consultant Nick Watson to notice her. Would Nick make both dreams come true?
The Yuletide Engagement
Carole Mortimer
When devastatingly handsome tycoon Patrick offers to take Ellie to her company’s Christmas party, she warily accepts. But, Ellie has to ask herself, what does a man like Patrick want with an ordinary girl like her?
The Doctor’s Christmas Bride
Sarah Morgan
Bryony Hunter is looking for a man. Jack Rothwell is a committed bachelor, but when he realises Bryony is seriously looking for someone – by Christmas! – Jack decides to help out…in his own special way.
Snowbound Reunion
Barbara McMahon
Cath knows she’s right to spend Christmas alone, far away from the city and her husband, Jake. Only Jake isn’t about to let his wife go so easily. He has one Christmas to tell her his secrets – and to fulfil her wildest dreams!
Mills and Boon,
Special Releases
Monday, November 02, 2009
November Releases!
Montana, Mistletoe, Marriage by Patricia Thayer Donna Alward
Snowbound Cowboy by Patricia Thayer
Lone wolf Boone Gifford has spent years standing on the outside. Now he's looking at Christmas—through the window of beautiful Amelia's home. The snow falls hard—the stranded family needs help. It's time for the cowboy to step inside.
A Bride for Rocking H Ranch by Donna Alward
Kelley is rancher, housekeeper, doting sister to Amelia, granddaughter and aunt—and the stress of preparing the perfect Christmas at Rocking H ranch is getting to her. But distraction soon arrives in the form of delectable chef Mack Dennison….
Read Excerpt
Crowned: The Palace Nanny by Marion Lennox
Raising the heir to the throne is nanny Elsa Murdoch's dream job—she loves little Princess Zoe and protects her like a lioness.
Enter magnificent Prince Stefanos!
Stefanos throws everything up in the air, and Elsa is not pleased. Yet suddenly she's required to attend royal banquets by his side, ditching her nanny uniform for gowns and jewels.
Is Elsa being transformed from hired help to Her Royal Highness?
Read Excerpt
Christmas Angel for the Billionaire by Liz Fielding
Annie needs a break from being the "nation's angel." Her high-profile charity work means the media spotlight follows her every step. So leaving her aristocratic title behind her, Annie goes undercover…and meets brooding businessman George Saxon. They form an unlikely relationship—until George discovers Annie's been hiding her true self from him all along!
Read Excerpt
The Magic of a Family Christmas by Susan Meier
With her little foster son Harry to care for, Christmas suddenly sparkles again for secretary Wendy Winston. The only fly in the ointment is Cullen Barrington. He's her boss, yet insists on playing the part of Scrooge!
When they are all stranded together in an ice storm, Wendy sets about showing them just how magical a family Christmas can be….
Read Excerpt
Cowboy Daddy, Jingle-Bell Baby by Linda Goodnight
On a dusty Texas roadside Jenna Garwood has just gone into labor. Hardheaded rancher Dax comes to her rescue and delivers her baby daughter. Single dad Dax knows what it's like to raise a newborn alone, and won't turn his back on Jenna—so he offers her a housekeeping job.
But he's not prepared for the fireworks between them, or for Jenna's secret, which could shatter their hard-won trust….
Read Excerpt
Under the Boss's Mistletoe by Jessica Hart
In high school, Jake Trevelyan was Cassie Grey's dream rebel. He surfed, rode a motorbike—now he's her new boss!
It's events planner Cassie's job to transform Jake's mansion into a snow-kissed wedding venue. Not to relive her old fantasy they're the ones getting married.
Posing as the happy couple for a publicity photo shoot, Cassie pinches herself as Jake leans in for a showstopping kiss…but it's just for the cameras, isn't it?
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Snowbound Cowboy by Patricia Thayer
Lone wolf Boone Gifford has spent years standing on the outside. Now he's looking at Christmas—through the window of beautiful Amelia's home. The snow falls hard—the stranded family needs help. It's time for the cowboy to step inside.
A Bride for Rocking H Ranch by Donna Alward
Kelley is rancher, housekeeper, doting sister to Amelia, granddaughter and aunt—and the stress of preparing the perfect Christmas at Rocking H ranch is getting to her. But distraction soon arrives in the form of delectable chef Mack Dennison….
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Crowned: The Palace Nanny by Marion Lennox
Raising the heir to the throne is nanny Elsa Murdoch's dream job—she loves little Princess Zoe and protects her like a lioness.
Enter magnificent Prince Stefanos!
Stefanos throws everything up in the air, and Elsa is not pleased. Yet suddenly she's required to attend royal banquets by his side, ditching her nanny uniform for gowns and jewels.
Is Elsa being transformed from hired help to Her Royal Highness?
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Christmas Angel for the Billionaire by Liz Fielding
Annie needs a break from being the "nation's angel." Her high-profile charity work means the media spotlight follows her every step. So leaving her aristocratic title behind her, Annie goes undercover…and meets brooding businessman George Saxon. They form an unlikely relationship—until George discovers Annie's been hiding her true self from him all along!
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The Magic of a Family Christmas by Susan Meier
With her little foster son Harry to care for, Christmas suddenly sparkles again for secretary Wendy Winston. The only fly in the ointment is Cullen Barrington. He's her boss, yet insists on playing the part of Scrooge!
When they are all stranded together in an ice storm, Wendy sets about showing them just how magical a family Christmas can be….
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Cowboy Daddy, Jingle-Bell Baby by Linda Goodnight
On a dusty Texas roadside Jenna Garwood has just gone into labor. Hardheaded rancher Dax comes to her rescue and delivers her baby daughter. Single dad Dax knows what it's like to raise a newborn alone, and won't turn his back on Jenna—so he offers her a housekeeping job.
But he's not prepared for the fireworks between them, or for Jenna's secret, which could shatter their hard-won trust….
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Under the Boss's Mistletoe by Jessica Hart
In high school, Jake Trevelyan was Cassie Grey's dream rebel. He surfed, rode a motorbike—now he's her new boss!
It's events planner Cassie's job to transform Jake's mansion into a snow-kissed wedding venue. Not to relive her old fantasy they're the ones getting married.
Posing as the happy couple for a publicity photo shoot, Cassie pinches herself as Jake leans in for a showstopping kiss…but it's just for the cameras, isn't it?
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