Friday, December 07, 2007


This post is so much fun for me to put up because whenever a new author debuts it's exciting. Not only for that author but for all of us...from newbies like myself to line "veterans" - we all remember how it felt to see our books on the shelves for the first time.

The newest addition to the Romance authors is Michelle Douglas, whose debut release is His Christmas Angel, out now in the UK, North America and Australia!

Well - as soon as I heard about Michelle I knew I needed to know more about her! And once I caught sight of this GORGEOUS cover, I went out and bought a copy and I e-mailed Michelle to ask her to share a bit about herself with us!

So without further blathering on my part... Introducing....(drum roll please.....)


Michelle grew up in the coalfields of NSW, Australia. She can’t remember a time when she couldn’t read... or a time when she hasn’t had a book or ten on her bedside table (or the dining table, coffee table, any spare occasional tables...)

After high school she spent a year working in a clothing factory (sewing the crotch in men’s knickers!) before embarking on a BA with a major in English Literature. She’s back at university now, fifteen years later, enrolled in a Creative Writing Masters.

Michelle has been writing romance for over ten years. In that time it has developed from a hobby into a passion. Three years ago, with a lot of prodding and encouragement from her husband, Greg, she decided to take a hiatus from paid employment and write full-time. HIS CHRISTMAS ANGEL is her first full-time writing effort. She sent the partial to the London office in July 2005. The full manuscript was eventually rejected, but with suggestions for improvements. She made said improvements and, after a couple of additional requests for revisions, the manuscript was accepted in February 2007 (on the 19th to be precise). Needless to say, the champagne flowed!

She and Greg live in Newcastle, Australia, with their full-to-overflowing, bursting-at-the-seams bookcases, and a Siamese fighting fish called Fernando. You can contact her at or visit her website at

There's also some other fab news to share....Nicola Marsh's book Wife and Mother Wanted has placed THIRD in the Laurel Wreath Contest, judged by booksellers in the Short Contemporary category. Congrats Nic!

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