Monday, October 31, 2011

Foreign Editions

Here are some of the latest foreign editions from Harlequin Romance Authors!

Die Schöne und der Milliardär von: MARGARET WAY

Als Sonya mit dem Unternehmer Marcus Wainwright eine Party in Sydney besucht, gerät sie unerwartet ins Rampenlicht. Ist die junge Schönheit am Arm des alten Mannes eine Erbschleicherin? fragt sich bald nicht nur die High Society der Stadt. Sonya ist verzweifelt. Denn auch Marcus’ faszinierender Neffe, der Milliardär Holt Wainwright, scheint inzwischen den Gerüchten über sie zu glauben. Und das darf nicht sein! Seit Holt sie voller Zärtlichkeit geküsst hat, sehnt Sonya sich verzweifelt nach seiner Liebe. Was kann sie nur tun, damit er ihr Vertrauen – und sein Herz – schenkt?

Liz Fieldingová

Rozmary Štědrého večera

Na tajném útěku z Londýna zůstane Annie se svým autem trčet uprostřed noci na zapadlém venkově a neví si rady. Naštěstí se objeví podnikatel George, který jí nabídne přístřeší - navzdory neblahému tušení, že s touto kráskou budou jen potíže…

Jennie Adamsová

Konečně svatba!

Když Jarred požádal svou asistentku Molly o neformální výpomoc, nečekal, že by jejich čistě pracovní vztah mohl přerůst v něco víc… Molly se v aristokratických kruzích, kam Jarred patří, necítí dobře. Odolá však Jarredovým svodům během společné noci na romantickém ostrově?

Un père à conquérir - Myrna Mackenzie

De retour à Tallula où elle a passé son enfance, Ivy n'a qu'une idée en tête : trouver un emploi... Mais qui embauchera un ancien modèle dans cette petite ville du Montana où elle a été accueillie avec méfiance et hostilité ? Néanmoins, résolue à frapper à toutes les portes, elle se présente chez Noah Ballenger, qu'elle n'a pas revu depuis son adolescence. Un rancher taciturne mais qui n'a rien perdu de son charme, au contraire, et qui est maintenant papa d'une adorable petite fille...    

Het beste bod - Ally BlakeNa een aantal mislukte relaties keert Veronica terug naar Melbourne. Daar begint ze vol goede moed aan haar nieuwe baan als veilingmeester bij een gerenommeerd veilinghuis. Helaas schijnt haar nieuwe baas, Mitch Hanover, nogal aan haar capaciteiten op werkgebied te twijfelen. Maar na haar eerste succesvolle veiling doet hij haar een voorstel. Wat moet ze daar nu mee?

Ademnood - Jessica Hart
Als je de man van je dromen ontmoet, voel je vlinders in je buik, zeggen ze. Onzin, vindt de nuchtere Summer. Tot ze haar verpletterend aantrekkelijke nieuwe baas ziet, en er een hele zwerm door haar heen danst. Toch moet ze ze wegjagen. Want hij mag dan knap zijn, hij is ook chaotisch, impulsief en onverantwoordelijk. En zij houdt van verstandige, rustige, ordelijke mannen, toch?

Una chica de época - Nicola Marsh

Tema:Amor y negocios

Las modas cambian… ¡pero no el verdadero amor! Chase Etheridge estaba organizando el evento más importante de su carrera: la despedida de soltera de su hermana. Solía ser un hombre muy controlado, pero la situación lo estaba desbordando y sabía perfectamente a quién culpar: a Lola Lombard, organizadora de la fiesta, reina del vintage y una auténtica rubia explosiva. Detrás de los tirabuzones y el carmín rojo de Lola se escondía una chica que siempre había creído que valía poco. Chase tendría que convencerla de que la amaba tal y como era, ya fuera vestida con un glamour de los de antes o con un vestido de novia.


Di un diamante si apprezza la caratura, la purezza. La stessa cosa si può dire di una relazione. La miniserie UN DIAMANTE PER SEMPRE ne è la conferma. Pippa Jenson è amata e corteggiata da tutta la Londra che conta. Eppure a lei non interessa, il suo cuore è blindato e non permetterà a niente e nessuno di penetrarvi. Non ha fatto i conti, però, con Roscoe Havering, uomo dallo sguardo magnetico e penetrante, che non appena si accorge di lei le piomba addosso come un rapace con la sua preda. Incontrarsi e amarsi sembrerebbe quasi inevitabile. Riuscirà Roscoe a sfoderare tutte le sue armi di seduzione?

Romance em londres - Barbara Hannay
Temática: Mundos diferentes

Será que Molly encontraria o seu sonhado cavalheiro inglês?

Molly Cooper vivia numa ilha do Pacífico e queria trocar a sua casa por um apartamento exclusivo num bairro de Chelsea, para um período de férias. O seu sonho era explorar a Grã-Bretanha… e conhecer o perfeito cavalheiro inglês. Patrick Knight achava as mensagens de correio electrónico de Molly absolutamente fascinantes e pensava que trocar a sua casa de Londres pela idílica casinha de Molly o ajudaria a escrever o seu primeiro romance, mas as coisas não estavam a correr como planeara…O que fazer quando se apercebe de que a pessoa que ama está no outro extremo do mundo, a viver em sua casa e a dormir na sua cama?

Kärleksbreven - Margaret Way

Hon är som gjord för att hängas ut i skvallerpressen – vacker, rik, och som det verkar, oförmögen att binda sig. Elaka tungor kallar Zara en femme fatale. Men anledningen till att hon en gång flydde ungdomskärleken Garrick var inte för att söka äventyret, utan något helt annat …

Garricks hjärta krossades när Zara bara försvann utan förklaring. Och i sin sorg och ilska har han bränt alla de brev hon skickat under åren, innan han ens läst dem. På en gemensam väns bröllop möts de igen, och visst finns känslorna kvar. Men frågan är om Garrick någonsin kommer kunna förstå, förlåta … och älska Zara igen?

Det var en gång ... Donna Alward

Det var en gång en flicka som hette Lucy. Hon växte upp på landet där hon tillbringade den mesta av tiden i stallet, utan att ha en aning om att hon tillhörde en kunglig familj i ett kungarike långt därifrån.

När Lucy blev vuxen fick hon komma till hovet och leva som en riktig prinsessa. Men hon saknade sitt gamla liv. Och hon förstod inte hur hon skulle kunna hitta en prins i kungariket. Hennes drömprins var en man som bodde på landet och förstod sig på hästar.

Så bestämde kungen att hans dotter skulle åka till en ranch och titta på några fina avelshästar till hovstallet. Men det första Lucy lade märke till när hon kom fram var inte hästarna, utan den snygge ranchägaren Brody Hamilton …

Στο Δρόμο των Αστεριών

Jackie Braun

Ο πλεϊμπόι και η σταρ…

Η προσωπική ζωή του διάσημου παίκτη του μπέιζμπολ Αντζελο Καζάλι παρέμενε ένα μυστήριο. Οι φήμες έλεγαν ότι επέστρεφε στην Ιταλία για να συμφιλιωθεί με τον πατέρα του. Και όταν κατέβηκε από το αεροπλάνο με την εκθαμβωτική ηθοποιό Ατλάντα Τζάκσον στο πλευρό του, οι εφημερίδες και τα περιοδικά πήραν φωτιά!

Η Ατλάντα είχε επιλέξει το μικρό, απόμερο Μόντα Κορέντι για να μείνει μόνη, μακριά από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας, και να πάρει σοβαρές αποφάσεις για τη ζωή και την καριέρα της. Το τελευταίο που έπρεπε να την απασχολεί ήταν ο έρωτας. Μόνο που έβρισκε τη συντροφιά του αντζελο επικίνδυνα απολαυστική…

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October Releases

Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger

by   Patricia Thayer

Noah Cooper is in Kerry Springs to do a job, and as a Texas Ranger, he can't afford distraction. A pity, then, that at the center of the mystery is irresistible Lilly Perry….

Independent Lilly's determined to stay a single mom, so having a gorgeous lodger such as Noah Cooper in her house is hardly ideal. He may be amazing with her kids, but Lilly can't stop thinking about kissing him! Wanting is one thing…but with all the secrets that lie between them, can either of them ever really trust the other?

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Australia's Maverick MillionaireAustralia's Maverick Millionaire

by Margaret Way

Clio Templeton has loved Josh Hart since she was nine years old, when he saved her cousin from drowning. She's never forgotten how his cheek felt beneath her lips as she rewarded him with a kiss.

Years later, Josh has returned to the town that wrote him off as a bad seed—and the one woman who saw the true bravery beneath his bravado. But the small town has a long memory, and he can't risk the darkness of his past casting a shadow over the shining light of the local sweetheart….

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Bridesmaid Says, "I Do!"Bridesmaid Says, "I Do!"

by Barbara Hannay
How to be the Perfect Bridesmaid:

a) Smile and pretend to love your horrible dress.
b) Be patient as your best friend turns into Bridezilla.
c) Do not fall for the groom!

Thrilled to be Bella's bridesmaid, Zoe throws herself into her duties. But meeting the groom himself, stop-and-stare-sexy Kent Rigby, ruins everything….

What happens when you find the man of your dreams and he belongs to someone else?

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How a Cowboy Stole Her HeartHow a Cowboy Stole Her Heart

by Donna Alward
Clay Gregory's known Megan Briggs her whole life, and he's been plenty worried about her while she's been getting medical treatment. Now she's back home and hiding away on the family ranch.

Knowing the stubborn cowgirl won't accept his help willingly, he invites her to a family wedding to help him avoid his aunt's matchmaking!

He plans to remind Meg she's still the girl who can beat him in a horse race! But as she steps out in her curve-hugging red dress, her skills on a horse are suddenly the furthest thing from his mind….

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Her Italian SoldierHer Italian Soldier

by Rebecca Winters
Plucked from obscurity to model in an exciting campaign on the Amalfi coast, Annabelle Marsh can't wait for her month away! Surely, surrounded by so much natural beauty, her emotional bruises can't help but recover.

However, she'd planned to heal her wounds in private—sharing accommodations with a darkly brooding, battle-scarred army pilot was not on the agenda! Ex-nurse Annabelle is compelled to help Lucca, even though he's got "keep out" written all over him. But once the spark between them ignites, it's impossible to put out….

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Surprise: Outback ProposalSurprise: Outback Proposal

by Jennie Adams
Jayne Cutter should take the flirty grins of a gorgeous guy ten years her junior as pure charm—but Alex MacKay makes her want to drop her professional guard and see where that attraction takes them!

Alex doesn't have time for casual flings—he is focused on making a success of his business and discovering the truth about his past. But beautiful Jayne is a surprise distraction….

As they travel into the Outback, they may just find the one thing they least expected—a future together!

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Thursday, October 06, 2011


Mills and Boon Loves is an antho out this month including two stories by Romance line newcomers Barbara Wallace and Leah Ashton. Leah is last year's New Voices winner and this is her debut! Check it out! You can browse the book by clicking on the link above!