Monday, September 19, 2011

Foreign Releases - September

Die Nanny und der Milliardär

Nanny in New York gesucht! Die bezaubernde Reese kann ihr Glück kaum fassen: Der Milliardär Nick Wainwright engagiert sie als Kindermädchen. Einen Sommer lang soll sie sich in seinem luxuriösen Penthouse an der Park Avenue um seinen Sohn kümmern. Doch nicht nur der süße kleine Jamie erobert ihr Herz im Sturm. Ohne es zu wollen, ist Reese magisch angezogen von Nick. Ein verbotenes Gefühl, dem sie mit aller Kraft widerstehen muss! Doch dann fliegt sie mit Nick auf die idyllische Insel Martha’s Vineyard. Zum ersten Mal allein mit ihm, zieht er sie in die Arme und küsst sie voller Verlangen …

Trish Wylieová

Popelka z Los Angeles

Cassidy Maloneová je možná nezkušená, ale rozhodně ne zbabělá! Proto neodolá výzvě svého dávného přítele Willa Ryana a vydává se do světa iluzí a filmu – přímo do Hollywoodu. Oba jsou vázáni smlouvou napsat scénář, který kdysi před lety začali. Jenomže tenkrát se stejně jako jejich filmoví hrdinové do sebe zamilovali a skončilo to zlomeným srdcem. Cassidy je teď rozhodnutá vzdorovat Willovu svůdnému úsměvu a neodolatelnému šarmu…

Jessica Hartová

Pohádková svatba

Miranda Fairchildová dostala nezáviděníhodný úkol: najít pro svého šéfa Rafea Knightona vhodnou nevěstu! Přestože ho stále seznamuje s atraktivními ženami, Rafe má oči jen pro ni. Miranda se jeho svádění dlouho brání, avšak jeho nabídku doprovázet ho na charitativní ples odmítnout nemůže! Jejich první polibek je jen příslibem vztahu, který nemůže skončit jinak než svatbou.


Ellerby, sessiz ve sakin bir kuzey kasabasıydı. Bu küçük kasabanın, bu dar sokağında, dergilerden fırlamış gibi duran, uzun boylu, yanık tenli, etrafa zenginlik ve cazibe yayan yakışıklı bir adam görmek, Caro’nun aklını başından almıştı. Ancak, bu şımarık ve çapkın prensin karşısında, böyle nefes nefese ve bir aptal gibi durmamalıydı. “Aramalıydın. Dışarı çıkmış olabilirdim,” dedi.

“Dışarı mı çıkıyordun?” diye sordu Philip. Bakışlarıyla sanki bu kılıkla kim dışarı çıkar, der gibiydi.

Caro başını dikleştirerek, “Gördüğün gibi, dışarı çıkar gibi bir halim yok,” dedi.

“O zaman izin verirsen, içeri girip sana Lotty’nin plânını anlatmak istiyorum. Tabii, bu kapı aralığında konuşmak istemiyorsan...”


Yüksek düzeyde bir politikacı olan Lizzie, bekâr ve kırk yaşındaydı. Ve hayatının en cesur kararını vermişti. Tek başına bir bebek sahibi olmak…

Peşini kovalayan medyadan ve aile sorunlarından kaçmak için gözlerden uzak olan arkadaşının sığır çiftliğine gelmişti.

Jack Lewis bir sığır çiftliğinin yöneticisiydi ve o anda en son ihtiyacı olan şey, şımarık, kuralları fazlasıyla bağlı, şık giysiler içindeki bir şehirli kadına uğraşmaktı.

Sous le charme de son patron, Nikki Logan
Vous êtes sous contrat... » A ces mots, Ava se sent prise au piège. Ainsi, elle va devoir travailler pour Daniel Arnot, cet homme dont les yeux bruns la faisaient chavirer, quand elle était adolescente - avant qu'il ne lui brise le cœur et disparaisse de sa vie. Mais il y a pis , non content de jouer les patrons tyranniques avec elle, voilà que Daniel lui propose de vivre sous le même toit que lui, le temps que durera sa mission...

Un bébé par amour, Susan Meier

Quand elle apprend que son père l'a promise à un autre, Lucy fait le choix déchirant de rompre avec Seth, l'amour de sa vie. Mais, quelque temps après, voilà qu'elle se découvre enceinte. Dès lors, impossible pour elle d'envisager l'avenir sans Seth. Mais quelle réaction va-t-il avoir ?

Emparejados - Shirley Jump

Era el demonio con botas de vaquero…En Edgerton Shores, el amor casi se respiraba… especialmente cuando se organizó una lotería para emparejar. Pero imagínense la sorpresa de la pobre Sophie Watson cuando sacaron su nombre del sombrero sin que ella se hubiera ofrecido a participar. El cowboy Harlan Jones estaba encantado de ver a esa belleza estirada en una situación comprometida. Pero la sonrisa se le borró de la cara cuando vio que habían emparejado su nombre con el de Sophie. Tenían una semana de citas, pero sólo necesitarían una para descubrir lo poco que tenían en común. ¿Qué iban a hacer con las otras seis?

Una cuoca tutto pepe di C. Gillen Tacker

Dan Kingsland è quello delle decisioni drastiche. La sua famiglia, composta da tre figli e dallo zio della ex moglie, è un concentrato di caos e nervosismo, soprattutto all'ora di cena, impossibile mangiare qualcosa di decente. Soluzione? Assumere una cuoca a domicilio. La prescelta è l'esplosiva Emily Stayton, chef professionista, che pare avere tutte le carte in regola anche per cucinare a puntino il cuore di Dan.

Una vicina da scoprire di D. Alward

E, adesso, che cosa faccio? Wyatt Black, un uomo che sa sempre come affrontare ogni situazione, davanti a quel frugoletto in lacrime non sa come comportarsi. La nuova vicina di casa, Ellison Marchuck, è l'unica soluzione possibile. Tra loro non scorre buon sangue, ma Ellison non si tira indietro, anche perché non le dispiacerebbe conoscere meglio quel burbero di Wyatt. Sotto quella scorza da duro è convinta si nasconda un uomo tutto da scoprire.

Encontro com o amor - Fiona Harper

Do primeiro encontro ao dia do casamento!

Grace Marlowe passara toda a vida dedicada à sua filha Daisy e ela retribuiu-lhe marcando-lhe um encontro às cegas. Depois de decidir que valia a pena arriscar e sair da bolha em que vivia, Grace conheceu Noah Frost, um famoso escritor que pretendia passar despercebido e que também tinha os seus próprios demónios pessoais. Depois de uma breve e intensa relação, chegou o casamento e a lua-de-mel em Paris, mas também uma surpresa com a qual ninguém contava.

At elske og ære af Jennie Adams Jeg giver dig alt …Da Jack forlod Australien for et år siden troede Tiffany, hun havde mistet ham for evigt. Men realiteten var, at Jack elskede Tiffany for højt til at kunne dele den smertende sandhed om hans sygdom. Han forlod hende for at klare problemerne på sin egen måde … Alene.
Nu mødes de igen. Og Jack længes mere end nogensinde efter Tiffanys uforløste kærlighed. En kærlighed han dog ikke tør gengælde. Men Tiffany har andre planer. Hun sætter sig for at bevise, at hun kan elske og ære sin mand … i både medgang og modgang.

Kærlighed og kvindelist af Lucy GordonKatie har været forelsket i Nick siden teenagetiden og nu lægger hun en snedig plan. Kodeordet er ’sensualitet’! Det passer Nick Kenton ualmindeligt dårligt at skulle have se efter et familiemedlem, mens hun er i London, Så det er mere af pligt end lyst, at han henter den irriterende teenager ved toget.
Men at Katie Deakins ikke længere er nogen teenager, må Nick sande, da han møder den nu alarmerende flotte og tiltrækkende kvinde. Og der går da heller ikke længe, førend den unge, sexede Katie har vendt op og ned på Nicks – og hans kærestes tilværelse .

Sunday, September 11, 2011



The fabulous Mills and Boon New Voices competition begins on September 13 and for those of you are interested in taking part, here are few posts on getting started by Romance authors –

First, a very special link to last year’s winner, Leah Ashton, talking about her New Voices journey.

There's advice from Donna Alward, Barbara Wallace has posted on the subject of "Voice" on Seven Sassy Sisters and Liz Fielding has written a post on the ingredients of a great romance here

For those of you in the UK, there’s a roundup of the writer and editor workshops being held all round the country here. And for everyone here's a link to the New Voices Facebook page where you'll find loads of support from writers working on their first chapters, and authors who are answering questions on anything you can think about.

If you haven’t started yet, don’t panic! You have until October 10 to post the first chapter of your book.  
Twenty entrants, chosen by the editorial team, will go through to round two - with an author mentor to hold their hand - and Chapter Two. Four finalists will make it to the last round, when they'll post a "pivotal moment" in their book.  It's a fabulous opportunity to get yourself noticed and it's open to writers in the US, Canada (except Montreal), New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. (The exceptions are not dictated by Mills and Boon, but by international competition rules - sorry! It doesn't stop you sending in your ms in the normal way, however.)

More deets about the comp at Mills and Boon New Voices and Romance Is Not Dead

There’ll be blogs from Mills and Boon editor, Flo Nichols and a bunch of authors throughout the competition, so hit the "favourite" button and come back often!

And if you want to read how last year's winner, Leah Ashton's book turned out, here's your chance to read it, hot off the press!

Monday, September 05, 2011

September Releases

The Lonesome RancherThe Lonesome Rancher    by Patricia Thayer

The most guarded heart in Texas

Sloan Merrick may be from Kerry Springs' most famous family, but he's happiest alone on his ranch. After his ex's betrayal, he's determined not to fall again—but the intriguing Jade Hamilton is hard to resist!

Jade is in Kerry Springs to find out the truth about her past, not to fall in love! Yet she's increasingly drawn to Sloan, and starts to feel that she belongs in Kerry Springs—and in his arms. But in her past lurks a secret that could break Sloan's heart…

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Royal Wedding BellsRoyal Wedding Bells by  Raye Morgan and Nina Harrington

The Prince's Forbidden Love by Raye Morgan

Prince Andre plans to see his ward, lovely Princess Julienne, married to his cousin, and then he'll restore peace to their country and move on. But Julienne disagrees. Making her escape from the convent, she turns Prince Andre's world upside down…

The Ordinary King by Nina Harrington

When Kate takes a job in Africa, the last person she expects to meet is her gorgeous ex, Simon, who, due to his charity work, is now an honorary king. If that wasn't enough, it seems that he's expected to take a queen—and she's his favorite candidate!

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The Princess TestThe Princess Test by Shirley Jump
Will the real princess please stand up?

Carlita Santaro has never felt like a "proper" princess, and she's finally escaped the palace for the small town of Winter Haven.

Daniel is an award-winning journalist, but now, as a single dad, he's working on a gossip show—better hours but rock-bottom morals. His boss orders Daniel to test suspiciously down-to-earth Carlita—is she really royal, or just posing as a princess?

Carlita captivates Daniel, but soon he'll have to choose: Should he follow the headlines, or his heart?

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Who's rescuing whom?

Darius Falcon needs a fresh start—and what better place than his inherited island, sleepy Herringdean? But his ruthless reputation precedes him, and the locals fear he'll change their home. Harriet Connor is no different.

Widow Harriet is content with her beloved dog and lifeboat rescue work. She doesn't need some upstart tycoon ruining it all! Yet, after rescuing Darius from a capsized boat, she recognizes that there is more beneath his brooding surface…

Can Darius make her see that she might need rescuing just as much as he does?

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Swept Off Her StilettosSwept Off Her Stilettos by Fiona Harper

A little finger isn't properly dressed without a man wrapped round it…

Clothing connoisseur Coreen Fraser's film-star style never leaves her wanting for male attention. But sourcing costumes for a 1930s murder-mystery weekend stops being fun when she discovers she has to wear a tweed suit and sensible shoes!

Meanwhile, Coreen's best friend, Adam Conrad, has his own plans for the weekend. One moonlit kiss later, Coreen sees the truth: Adam's the only man who knows the girl beneath the skyscraper heels and scarlet lipstick. Is she brave enough to invite him to kiss that lipstick off anytime he likes?

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The Heart of a HeroThe Heart of a Hero by  Barbara Wallace 

How to heal a hero…

Helping people comes naturally to Zoe Hamilton—she has the advice column to prove it. All she wants this summer, though, is to lick her postdivorce wounds in peace. That's fine by her surly-yet-handsome neighbor, ex-army captain Jake Meyers; he just wants to be left alone.

Jake might believe his emotions are frozen forever, but the pain in his glittering emerald eyes tells a different story. Zoe can't help but reach out, but it will take all her courage to love a man so determined to keep himself closed off…

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Dating the enemy!
Sara should be preparing for a meeting to secure her business. Instead she’s being stood up by a man she’s never even met! Things improve when gorgeous city-boy Leo asks her to dance – until he reveals his relief that his ‘country bumpkin’ blind date didn’t show…
Sara could almost ignore the words slipping from his oh-so-kissable mouth – if the next ones weren’t that he’s planning to build on the land she wants to buy! Turning to ice, yet very aware of his warm, strong arms around her waist, Sara’s suddenly reminded of a saying: keep your enemies closer…
ROYAL EXCLUSIVE: ‘Perfect’ princess goes AWOL!
Frustrated with the merry-go-round of political dinners and enforced good behaviour, Lotty’s determined to try on a normal life for size……but she’s completely unprepared for her new boss, Corran McKenna, an impossible, ridiculously sexy grump who makes no allowances – especially for secret princesses!
Sick to the royal back teeth with people bowing and scraping, Lotty’s fine with Corran’s frowns – it’s his wicked grin that causes trouble! A no-strings fling with the only man who’s ever seen the real rather than the royal her is irresistible – but what will happen when her secret becomes headline news?
Just a summer romance…Since the cliffs surrounding her Mediterranean home claimed her husband’s life, Jeanne-Marie has been a single mum to her young son Alexandre. She keeps her heart well guarded – until the handsome Matthieu arrives at her cosy B&B…Or the start of something more?Matt’s sense of fun enchants Alexandre and reminds Jeanne-Marie how to smile, but surely this daredevil will soon mov... more info

Little Cowgirl Needs a Mum When a tiny girl peers nervously round the door of her quilt shop Jenny’s heart melts. Gracie needs help finishing the quilt her mother started before she passed away. But her father, gruff rancher Evan, is reluctant to let Jenny into his world. Even if she can offer him a second chance at love.Once Upon a Proposal It was only a kiss, meant to get rid of an unwanted suit... more info

Once Upon a Time in Tarrula After an injury, ex-soldier Troy’s too busy putting his life back together to worry about his heart. And his new assistant Stacie deserves a fairytale – not damaged goods. Yet could this Cinderella inspire her Prince Charming to claim their happy ever after…?To Wed a Rancher When Rachel dumps her cheating boyfriend, he dumps her in a one-horse Montana town. Then a deep,... more info