GREECE: Ένας Σεΐχης στην Πόλη - Braun Jackie
Συνταγή για ραντεβού μ’ ένα σεΐχη. Θα χρειαστείτε:
- Έναν πλούσιο πρίγκιπα της ερήμου, τον Μαντάνι Ταρίμ
- Μία σεφ και ιδιοκτήτρια εταιρείας κέτερινγκ, την Έμιλι Μέριτ
- Το πολύβουο, συναρπαστικό Μανχάταν
- Τον επικείμενο γάμο του Μαντάνι με τη γυναίκα που έχουν επιλέξει προ πολλού οι γονείς του
- Την απόφαση της Έμιλι να μείνει μακριά από τους άντρες, μετά την προδοσία του πρώην μνηστήρα της
- Μία γενναιόδωρη δόση έλξης
Ανακατέψτε και απολαύστε το αποτέλεσμα: δύο εντελώς διαφορετικοί κόσμοι συγκρούονται κι ένας έρωτας γεννιέται!
Mit gemischten Gefühlen reist Jackie zur Trauung ihrer Schwester in ihr italienisches Heimatdorf. Denn die Feier soll im malerischen Palazzo Raverno stattfinden. Das bezaubernde Schlösschen am See bildet die ideale Kulisse für eine romantische Hochzeit – doch es gehört den Puccinis. Ein Wiedersehen mit ihrer Jugendliebe Romano Puccini ist unvermeidlich. Und genau danach sehnt sich Jackie und fürchtet es zugleich. Seit ihrer Rückkehr denkt sie immer wieder voller Sehnsucht an jene heimlichen Stunden verbotenen Glücks, von deren Folgen Romano bis heute nichts ahnt …
CZECH REPUBLIC: Lucy Gordonová - Italský donchuán
Mandy Jenkinsová a Renzo Ruffini jsou uvězněni v horské chatě zasypané lavinou a oba nacházejí útěchu v náručí toho druhého. Pak ale Renza strhne další sníh… Po roce se Mandy dozví, že přežil, a vydává se ho hledat, aby mu řekla o jejich synovi. Ale bude se Renzo k ní a malému Dannymu znát?
Barbara McMahonová - Rodina k pohledání
Když Zack Morgan zjistí, že se stal otcem a jeho chlapeček byl předán k adopci, rozhodne se ho najít. Susan je osamělá matka a svého syna miluje. Když se v jejím životě náhle objeví Zack Morgan, zamiluje se do něj. A Zack zjišťuje, že touží se Susan a Danielem vytvořit rodinu.
Milyarderin çatı katında bir bebek odası mı?
Milyarder Blane Andrews, karısını geri kazanmak için bu şehre dönmüştür. Artık en tepeye yükselmiştir fakat paranın satın alamayacağı tek şeyi istemektedir.
Blane ona kur yaptıkça, Camy evliliklerindeki büyünün asla bozulmamış olduğunun farkına varacaktır. Ancak, Blane’ye onun hep istediği bebeği veremeyeceğini biliyordur.
Gene de hayallerini bırakma, Camy! Mucizeler gerçekleşebilir ve Blane’nin çatı katına her an bir bebek odası gerekebilir...
Minnacık terk edilmiş bir bebeğin korunmaya ihtiyacı vardı.
Anna ve Jared West, Melanie adlı bebeğe bakmak için malikânelerinde tekrar bir araya gelmişlerdi. Bezleri değiştirmek, bebek maması hazırlamak ve uykusuz geceler yeterli bir meydan okuma değildi. Anna ve Jared evliliklerinde neyin yanlış olduğu hakikati ile yüzleşmek zorundaydılar.
FRANCE:Un papa inespéré, Raye Morgan
Maman débordée de jumeaux de trois ans, Careen n'a nul besoin d'un stress supplémentaire. Or, elle apprend soudain que son nouveau patron, Michael Greco, va habiter la même résidence qu'elle - Michael Greco, qui la trouble déjà bien assez dans la journée, au bureau, et qu'elle ne tient pas du tout à croiser aussi le soir, après le travail !
un mari providentiel, Renée Roszel
Sally, enceinte de huit mois, doit se rendre à l'évidence : aux yeux de ses grands-parents, il n'y a rien de plus infâmant que d'être mère célibataire ! Aussi est-elle soulagée quand Noah, qu'elle vient de rencontrer, accepte de se faire passer pour son mari légitime. Un faux mari qui, hélas, lui apparaît soudain comme l'homme idéal...
Inoubliable rencontre, Susan Meier
Le jour où Tanner McConnell arrive dans la petite ville de Wilmore, Lilian est totalement conquise. Des sentiments nouveaux pour elle, mais qu'elle doit à tout prix étouffer. Car comment envisager de renoncer à ses projets d'avenir, et de nouer une relation, avec un homme qui repartira bientôt. Seulement, voilà, Tanner se met à lui faire une cour empressée...
SPAIN: Unidos por el cariño - Barbara Hannay
Dos extraños unidos por una niña pequeña Cuando Amy Ross atravesó media Australia para decirle al ganadero Seth Reardon que era el padre de la pequeña Bella, la hija de su mejor amiga, no podía imaginar que aquel hombre, atractivo hasta con unos vaqueros gastados y una camisa descolorida, iba a hacerle perder la cabeza. La soledad y la tristeza que ensombrecían los ojos de Seth eran para Amy un enigma que no lograba resolver, pero no podía evitar sentirse atraída por él. ¿Podría ser el padre que Bella necesitaba? ¿Podrían formar los tres juntos la familia que siempre había soñado? ¿Y qué secretos ocultaba Seth?
Lucy Bright si trova in un mare di guai: inseguita dagli scagnozzi del fidanzato non sa dove rifugiarsi. Il suo volto è troppo noto. Non le resta che confondersi tra la folla dei grandi magazzini più esclusivi di Londra, dove di certo nessuno guarderà una donna in cappotto rosso e con le scarpe in mano.
Nathaniel Hart è proprietario e direttore generale dei grandi magazzini Hastings & Hart. Tutto ciò che succede nei suoi locali non sfugge al suo occhio vigile, così non può fare a meno di notare il comportamento insolito di quella bellissima e misteriosa bionda. Chi è e perché si guarda intorno con aria impaurita? Ma la vera domanda è: perché dopo un solo fugace incontro lui non riesce più a togliersela dalla testa?
O regresso do cowboy por Donna Alward
Apetece-lhe dançar, menina O’Keefe?
Quando Drew Laramie se foi embora de Larch Valley, prometeu a Jen que regressaria, mas passaram os anos e não o fez. Jen tentou seguir com a sua vida… e justamente quando começava a consegui-lo, o seu amor de infância regressou!
Jen decidiu conceder uma dança ao encantador cowboy, apenas em nome dos velhos tempos, porque não podia arriscar-se a que lhe partisse novamente o coração…
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Queensland Flooded Communities Book Appeal
We've all seen the devastation the recent Queensland floods have wrought and have wondered how we can help. We know that for many affected families, books will not be high on their priorities list for some time to come.
We also know how valuable books can be in providing time out when reality gets tough.
With the aid of some wonderful volunteers, we've put together a Romance Writers of Australia Flooded Communities Book Appeal.
What we need?
FICTION BOOKS! Romance books, children's books, young adult books, genre books, whatever – either new or in sparkling condition.
Please send them to:
RWA Flooded Communities Book Appeal
PO Box 1717
Noosaville Post Office
Noosaville BC
Queensland 4566
When to send them?
Now! And any time over the next few months. The books will be boxed and delivered to the appropriate libraries/schools/neighbourhood centres/community centres in batches as soon as the communities are ready to receive them. We’ll be liaising with councils, libraries and schools to ensure this is done appropriately. Feel free to pop a note inside, or if you're an author, sign it.
All languages welcome - please repost.
We also know how valuable books can be in providing time out when reality gets tough.
With the aid of some wonderful volunteers, we've put together a Romance Writers of Australia Flooded Communities Book Appeal.
What we need?
FICTION BOOKS! Romance books, children's books, young adult books, genre books, whatever – either new or in sparkling condition.
Please send them to:
RWA Flooded Communities Book Appeal
PO Box 1717
Noosaville Post Office
Noosaville BC
Queensland 4566
When to send them?
Now! And any time over the next few months. The books will be boxed and delivered to the appropriate libraries/schools/neighbourhood centres/community centres in batches as soon as the communities are ready to receive them. We’ll be liaising with councils, libraries and schools to ensure this is done appropriately. Feel free to pop a note inside, or if you're an author, sign it.
All languages welcome - please repost.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Harlequin Romance on Audio!
Whole Story Audio is releasing select Mills and Boon titles and this month the five titles are all from the Romance line. It is wonderful to see us expand into another format!
The current titles are:
Tough to Tame by Diana Palmer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Accidentally Expecting by Lucy Gordon
narrated by Simone Philips
The Cowboy's Baby by Patricia Thayer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Maid in Montana by Susan Meier
narrated by Jack Garrett
Invitation to the Boss's Ball by Fiona Harper
narrated by Rebecca Deleeuw
Other titles released earlier are:
The Australian's Society Bride by Margaret Way
narrated by Federay Holmes
Cinderella's Wedding Wish by Jessica Hart
narrated by Harriet Carmichael
Diamond in the Rough by Diana Palmer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Secret Baby, Surprise Parents by Liz Fielding
narrated by Maggie Ollerenshaw
The titles are only available for shipping in the EU and UK.
The current titles are:
Tough to Tame by Diana Palmer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Accidentally Expecting by Lucy Gordon
narrated by Simone Philips
The Cowboy's Baby by Patricia Thayer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Maid in Montana by Susan Meier
narrated by Jack Garrett
Invitation to the Boss's Ball by Fiona Harper
narrated by Rebecca Deleeuw
Other titles released earlier are:
The Australian's Society Bride by Margaret Way
narrated by Federay Holmes
Cinderella's Wedding Wish by Jessica Hart
narrated by Harriet Carmichael
Diamond in the Rough by Diana Palmer
narrated by Jack Garrett
Secret Baby, Surprise Parents by Liz Fielding
narrated by Maggie Ollerenshaw
The titles are only available for shipping in the EU and UK.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
New Releases - January 2011
Click on each title to read the back cover blurb and an excerpt of each story!
In North America:
Wealthy Australian, Secret Son: Margaret Way
The Soldier's Untamed Heart: Nikki Logan
His Diamond Bride: Lucy Gordon
Molly Cooper's Dream Date: Barbara Hannay
In the UK:
In North America:
Wealthy Australian, Secret Son: Margaret Way
His Diamond Bride: Lucy Gordon
Molly Cooper's Dream Date: Barbara Hannay
In the UK:
RIVA titles
Cherish Titles
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