Monday, October 25, 2010

October Foreign Editions


Due milionari rivali in affari e una scommessa da 50.000 euro a chi vincerà una gara tra mongolfiere lunga dieci giorni. Quello che Amalia Catalon ancora non sa è che dovrà salire sul pallone con Rafael Sandoval, uno dei due scommettitori. La competizione non fa per lei, ha il terrore dell'altitudine e, soprattutto, considera la scommessa una vera e propria stupidaggine. Ma con il passare dei giorni l'iniziale reticenza lascia spazio a sentimenti diversi; il fascino di Rafael comincia a fare effetto su di lei e lui sembra sinceramente intrigato da quella ragazza così diversa dalle sue abituali frequentazioni femminili. Amalia non ha fatto, però, i conti con un'ex invidiosa, decisa a riprendere il suo posto accanto all'uomo che ama. Per lei sarà l'occasione giusta per dimostrare chi otterrà il vero premio in palio: il cuore conteso del milionario.

PORTUGAL: Corações partidos por Liz Fielding

O seu coração estava em perigo…

A organizadora de eventos Josie Fowler conseguira o evento mais importante da sua vida: o casamento mais badalado do ano num hotel de luxo no Botswana.

Ainda que rodeada de leopardos e de rios repletos de crocodilos, o mais perigoso para ela era o proprietário do hotel, o enigmático empresário Gideon McGrath.

Enquanto Josie tentava organizar um complicado casamento, a atitude e a presença de Gideon no hotel era um problema… porém aquele sorriso sensual começou a infiltrar-se no seu coração.

SWEDEN: Ljudet av din röst av Rebeccca Winters

Remi rusade fram mot bilen som låg på sidan i vägrenen.Han försökte öppna bildörren, men den gick inte att rubba.

”Hjälp mig”, kved kvinnan.

Remi betraktade det vackra ansiktet och såg rännilen av blod utmed kinden. ”Allt ordnar sig, señora. Rör dig inte.”

Då ambulanshelikoptern lyfter för att föra den skadade kvinnan till sjukhuset i Madrid, inser Remi att han inte kan lämna henne. Och samtidigt som han vakar vid hennes sida blir det uppenbart att hon väckt något inom honom – en känsla som han inte trott att han skulle känna igen …

Gifta på prov av Myrna Mackenzie

Bröllopsfotografen Regina O’Ryan har ägnat sitt liv åt att förverkliga stjärnögda brudars romantiska drömmar. Själv lever hon i ett resonemangsäktenskap med en man hon knappt känner. Ett äktenskap hon vill ta sig ur …

För den rike affärsmannen Dell O’Ryan är äktenskapet inget annat än en affärsuppgörelse. Och han är beredd att göra vad som helst för att behålla sin hustru, allt för att undvika skandal. Han ställer ett ultimatum – de ska ge varandra två månader, sedan kan Regina få sin skilsmässa. Men allt eftersom dagarna går och tiden börjar rinna ut inser Dell att känslor inte är något man kan styra över!

POLAND: Trish Wylie - Podróż marzeń

Ronan O’Keefe, milioner i podróżnik, ma wszystko, co można kupić za pieniądze, jednak wobec postępującej utraty wzroku jest bezsilny. Poznana w samolocie Kerry Doyle wyznaje mu, że właśnie rozpoczyna wymarzoną podróż dookoła świata. Ronan wpada na szalony pomysł...

Melissa James – Piękna sąsiadka

Jennifer March straciła syna. Jej nowego sąsiada, mężczyznę samotnie wychowującego troje małych dzieci, porzuciła przed laty żona. Oboje marzą o tym, by odbudować swoje życie rodzinne. Tylko jak to zrobić? Może wystarczy odrobina dobrej woli?

FRANCE: Le refuge du bonheur - Susan Meier

Bloquée par la tempête de neige ! Il ne manquait plus que ça. Voilà que Zoé se retrouve seule avec son bébé, sur une route de Pennsylvanie, et en panne de voiture ! Quand un inconnu au regard magnétique vient lui porter secours et lui propose de l'héberger, elle n'a donc pas d'autre choix que d'accepter, pour le bien de sa petite Daphné. Mais la perspective de passer la nuit sous le même toit que cet homme mystérieux et visiblement attaché à sa solitude, la trouble plus que de raison...

GREECE: Έρωτας για Πρωτοσέλιδο  - Braun Jackie

Ειδοποιήστε με όταν εκδοθεί αυτό το βιβλίο

Οι εντολές που είχε πάρει από το αφεντικό της η δημοσιογράφος Μάλορι Στίβενς ήταν ξεκάθαρες. Έπρεπε να ξεσκεπάσει τα μυστικά του Λόγκαν Μπαρθόλομιου, του διάσημου αλλά αινιγματικού παρουσιαστή του ραδιοφώνου –και του πιο περιζήτητου εργένη στο Σικάγο. Δεν είχε καμία απολύτως δουλειά να τον ερωτευτεί…

Η προδοσία της πρώην μνηστής του είχε κάνει τον Λόγκαν επιφυλακτικό απέναντι στις γυναίκες. Δεν εμπιστευόταν καμιά τους, ειδικά την όμορφη Μάλορι που έκανε ένα σωρό ερωτήσεις κι έχωνε τη μύτη της παντού!

Αποφάσισε να την έχει διαρκώς από κοντά προκειμένου να ανακαλύψει τι σκάρωνε. Και φυσικά, δεν έπρεπε να την ερωτευτεί…


Luca Fiori, Erbe des gleichnamigen Hotelimperiums, ist gespannt: Endlich lernt er die neue Generaldirektorin seines luxuriösen Cascade Hotels persönlich kennen. Bildhübsch ist die bezaubernde Mari Ross, im Job überaus kompetent und kühl – sehr kühl. Eine echte Herausforderung für den attraktiven Playboy. Seine Einladung zu einem „Geschäftsessen“, das sich als romantisches Picknick in den herbstlich bunten Bergen entpuppt, scheint ein erster Erfolg. Aber schon bald wird ihm klar: Vor jeder Berührung schreckt die schöne Mari ängstlich zurück. Hat ein Mann ihr so wehgetan?

SPAIN: La sensata secretaria por Jessica Hart

Entre un jefe imposible y una ayudante melindrosa… ¡saltan chispas! ¿Sabes cuando conoces a un hombre guapísimo y sientes mariposas en el estómago? Bueno, pues eso fue lo que sentí yo, Summer Curtis, cuando conocí a mi jefe, Phin Gibson, un hombre tan guapo como una estrella de cine. ¡Me quedé encandilada! Phin es guapísimo, pero siempre llega tarde, es horriblemente desordenado y caótico… todo lo contrario a mí. ¡Y, sin embargo, no sé cómo está consiguiendo que yo, la siempre prudente Summer, quiera soltarme el pelo

Friday, October 01, 2010

October Releases

Cattle Baron Needs a Bride by Margaret Way

If only the society beauties jostling for the bouquet, hoping to become Mrs. Garrick Rylance, knew that the dashing best man in question has eyes for only one woman….

Bridesmaid Zara was his friend, his lover—but that was five years ago, before she flew to the city and out of his life, and Garrick cordoned off his heart.

So now, seeing Zara again, Garrick is wary. But there's one thing he's certain of—he won't let her run this time!

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America's Star-Crossed Sweethearts by Jackie Braun

Miniseries: Brides of Bella Rosa

The private life of baseball superstar Angelo "The Angel" Casali is a mystery, but sources say a reunion with his estranged father is his reason for returning to Italy.

And now that he's been seen stepping off the plane with stunning—and scandalous—starlet Atlanta Jackson, he has added fuel to the media fire.

After his latest injury, Angelo's career is in its final inning. Is this notorious playboy ready to settle down? Something tells us we haven't heard the last of our Angel…!

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Cowgirl Makes Three by Myrna Mackenzie

When ex-model Ivy Seacrest steps onto Noah Ballenger's ranch, Noah wonders why the prettiest woman he's ever seen is working with cows, not on a runway!

Ivy needs to earn enough money to pay her debts, while proving to Noah she's a bona fide cowgirl! But beneath her sass, Ivy's heart rips whenever she sees Noah's little girl.

Can a doting daddy and his daughter mend Ivy's broken heart…and make their little duet a trio?

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A Miracle for His Secret Son by Barbara Hannay

Freya and Gus shared a perfect summer—until Gus left town for a future that couldn't include Freya…. Now, twelve years on, Freya has a shocking revelation for Gus: they have a son, Nick, who needs a new kidney—a gift only his father can provide.

Gus is taken aback, but vows to help Nick. And despite everything, the connection between Gus and Freya is still strong. Can they make a life together and give Nick another miracle…a family?

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Juggling Briefcase & Baby by Jessica Hart

Lex Gibson is…nervous. The prospect of spending a weekend working with Romy, the only woman to ever touch his legendary guarded heart, has the lion of the corporate world…unsettled.

The tension between free-spirited Romy and buttoned-up Lex simmers dangerously. To complicate things further, Romy has a tiny daughter, who has Lex confused and distracted. They say never to mix business with pleasure, but Romy's adorable baby might just seal their very personal business deal—and change their family situation forever!

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If the Red Slipper Fits… by Shirley Jump

Like Cinders, gossip writer Sarah Griffin has lost a shoe! But this is no glass slipper—it's an exclusive designer stiletto that could cost Sarah her job!

Playboy CEO Caleb Lewis is no Prince Charming, but he does have Sarah's shoe. He offers the intriguing Sarah an ultimatum: in return for her precious shoe, she'll assist him with a commercial proposition—and this means getting up close and personal!

Sarah learned long ago never to believe in fairy tales, but if the red slipper fits…

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Winter Roses by Diana Palmer

Miniseries: Long, Tall Texans

Handsome, eligible ranch owner Stuart York was not one to mince words. Ivy Conley, his younger sister's best friend, found out the hard way. During a night's stay at his Jacobsville ranch, Ivy wound up in Stuart's arms. The resulting fireworks singed them both…and, knowing she was too young, Stuart closed his heart to her.

Now, years later, Ivy is determined not to be treated like a little girl anymore. Although still an innocent, Ivy knows she has to fight her own battles, but for some reason Stuart is always fighting them for her, and keeping her from harm. And, safe in Stuart's arms, Ivy feels like a woman—a woman who belongs to him.

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