SPAIN: Más que un trato por Liz Fielding
Tema: Amor y negocios
¡Tenía un mes para encontrar marido! May Coleridge debía casarse antes de cumplir treinta años para heredar la casa familiar y mantener a flote su nuevo negocio. Adam Wavell procedía de una familia de derrochadores, pero él le había dado la vuelta a la tortilla: era un ejecutivo de éxito y un pilar para la comunidad. Pero se enfrentaba a un gran problema: ¡su excéntrica hermana le había dejado a cargo de su bebé! Se imponía hacer un trato: May ayudaría a Adam con su sobrina si él la ayudaba… casándose con ella.
Die Einladung in ihr idyllisches Strandhaus kommt der hübschen Australierin Kate spontan über die Lippen, als sie den faszinierenden Engländer Simon kennenlernt. Gemeinsam unternehmen die beiden eine romantische Bootstour vor der atemberaubend schönen australischen Küste. Und während die Delfine hoch aus dem Wasser springen, schlägt auch Kates Herz höher. So zärtlich zieht Simon sie in seine Arme, dass sie sich sehnlich wünscht, er möge sie nie mehr loslassen. Doch sie weiß: Er ist ein englischer Lord, den die Pflicht bald für immer nach Hause zurückruft …
GREECE: Ο Χορός της Αγάπης - Fiona Harper
Η Άλις Μόρτον δεν φανταζόταν ούτε στα πιο τρελά της όνειρα ότι θα αναλάμβανε να διοργανώσει το χορό για τα εγκαίνια των νέων γραφείων του μεγάλου και τρανού Κάμερον Χάντερ. Αρκεί βέβαια να κατάφερνε να κάνει τη δουλειά της, γιατί το γοητευτι-κό χαμόγελο και το διαπεραστικό βλέμμα του Καμ δεν την άφηναν να συγκεντρωθεί!
Για κάποιον περίεργο λόγο, ο Κάμερον έβρισκε την απλή, συνεσταλμένη Άλις… ενδιαφέρουσα. Αυτή η γυναίκα τον μπέρδευε· τη μια ήταν συγκρατημένη και λιγομίλητη και την άλλη ξεχείλιζε από ενθουσιασμό και πάθος. Ίσως θα έπρεπε να της ζητήσει να τον συνοδέψει στο χορό… και ίσως εκεί κατάφερνε επιτέλους να κάνει αυτό που τριγύριζε διαρκώς στο μυαλό του: να της κλέψει ένα φιλί…
HOLLAND: Rebecca Winters: Over deze roman:
In het zonovergoten Castelmare moeten gekroonde hoofden zich buigen voor een gearrangeerd huwelijk. Maar hartstocht laat zich niet temmen!
Mediterraan geluk
In haar met duizend parels bestikte bruidjurk ziet Alexandra er schitterend uit. Toch vreest ze het moment dat ze prins Lucca Vittorio haar jawoord geeft. Goed, ze wist dat het om een verstandshuwelijk ging. Maar hoe kon ze weten dat ze zo verliefd zou worden, terwijl híj niets voor haar voelt?
Tussen de rozen
Natuurlijk weet Regina precies wat toelaatbaar is voor een prinses. Een geheime ontmoeting met de koninklijke tuinman hoort daar beslist niet bij. Maar Dizo is de man van haar dromen, en binnenkort gaat ze trouwen. Met een ander...
FRANCE: Coup de foudre au bout du monde - Lucy Gordon
Si Olivia s'est installée en Chine, six mois plus tôt, c'est pour oublier une rupture difficile et prendre un nouveau départ. Seule. Et en tenant les hommes à distance ! Seulement voilà, le jour où elle croise le regard intense de Lang Mitchell, Olivia se sent envahie par un trouble inédit et irrépressible. Un véritable coup de foudre ! Comment va-t-elle pouvoir respecter ses bonnes résolutions ? D'autant que Lang, qui lui fait bientôt une cour empressée, semble voir dans sa réserve un défi à relever...
Intrigante Proposta di Lavoro
Non ci posso credere, non può essere capitato proprio a me! È quello che pensa Jenny, che di professione sforna muffin, quando le viene proposto un lavoro a bordo dello yacht del milionario giramondo Ramón. Certo, lui è terribilmente affascinante e misterioso. Talmente misterioso che Jenny potrebbe trovarsi alle prese con un intrigante dilemma: continuare la sua vita da ragazza della porta accanto o aspirare a un radioso futuro da principessa.
Il Direttore del Mio Cuore
Nella vita è fondamentale avere sempre un piano B. Sienna è stata lasciata sull'altare e da allora vive solo per il suo lavoro di manager della ristorazione. A scombinarle, però, i piani sopraggiunge un incidente alla zia che la obbliga a occuparsi del suo ristorante. Non da sola, però, ma con l'odioso Finn, chef e direttore del locale in questione. Resta solo da capire se le scintille iniziali si trasformeranno alla fine in un grande amore.
PORTUGAL: Nas mãos de um francês - Myrna MacKenzie
O amor não entrava nos seus planos… ou entraria?
Etienne Gavard era um perito a salvar empresas com problemas financeiros, porém não sabia o que fazer com a sua última aquisição. Com centenas de postos de trabalho em jogo, pediu ajuda a Meg Leighton, uma antiga empregada da empresa.
Durante toda a sua vida, Meg sempre se sentira invisível e pouco reconhecida pelo seu trabalho, por isso ficou muito surpreendida quando o seu novo chefe, um homem muito atraente, recorreu a ela. Meg aceitou ajudá-lo e ele, em troca, dar-lhe-ia confiança em si própria e ensiná-la-ia a vestir-se com a elegância francesa. Era um acordo que os obrigaria a passar muito tempo juntos…
SWEDEN: Historien om oss av Ally Blake
Vem är den vackra kvinnan som simmar i hans pool?
Hudson Bennington blir både förskräckt och förundrad när han återvänder till sitt älskade sommarhus och hittar en främmande kvinna på sina ägor.
Det visar sig att Kendall har använt den övergivna poolen i flera månader och Hudson kan tänka sig att låta den bohemiska skönheten fortsätta göra det – om hon ställer upp och skriver ner hans memoarer. Det låter som en enkel överenskommelse, men det vore betydligt enklare om hon inte vore så attraktiv och han inte vore så rastlös
I alla sina dagar av Shirley Jump
En bröllopsplanerare som inte tror på kärleken?
Callie är expert på bröllop och har i sitt jobb sett otaliga lyckliga brudar skrida fram mot altaret. Fast efter en bitter skilsmässa hyser hon själv inga illusioner om kärlek eller lyckliga slut. Nej, Den Rätte existerar bara i sagorna
Men så dyker hennes ungdomskärlek Jared upp och helt plötsligt är saker och ting förändrade. För gamla känslor gör sig påminda och något som liknar … fjärilar börjar fladdra i magtrakten så snart han är i närheten. Kanske är det dags för bröllopsplanerarens hittills största utmaning: sitt alldeles egna lyckliga slut!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 04, 2010
September Releases!
Australia's Most Eligible Bachelor by Margaret Way
Miniseries: The Rylance Dynasty
ISBN: 9780373176793
Corin Rylance is super-handsome, super-rich and sets women's hearts aflutter!
Miranda Thornton is no exception. She secretly loves Corin, but, raised as a farmer's daughter, she's hardly a match for Australia's most eligible bachelor!
Corin's sister takes Miranda under her wing and she gets to sample their glittering lifestyle—sipping champagne and dining in the finest restaurants. But it's the tingles and electricity that sizzle when Corin is near that really make this ordinary girl feel like a million dollars….
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Passionate Chef, Ice Queen Boss by Jennie Adams
Miniseries: The Brides of Bella Rosa
ISBN: 9780373176809
Scarlett's back in Italy to turn her family's troubled Rosa restaurant around—and now she's the boss of the man she loved and lost!
The moment head chef Lorenzo Nesta hears the familiar clack of stiletto on stone floor, a shiver of anticipation runs up his spine. Seeing Scarlett's Italian passion stifled inside a staid suit fills him with regret; it had been his actions years ago that had turned her soul to ice.
What will happen when ice meets fire in the kitchen?
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Accidentally Pregnant! by Rebecca Winters
Miniseries: Mediterranean Dads
ISBN: 9780373176816
Two months ago Irena and Vincenzo spent a heady week together. Their connection was instant, deep, strong. Yet it could never last—she was destined to marry another. Now Irena is pregnant and alone.
Vincenzo has never forgotten Irena. When he hears of her plight he takes control the only way he knows how—by offering marriage!
Life in Vincenzo's Mediterranean palazzo seems idyllic—but Vincenzo is about to discover that the tiny baby inside Irena belongs to him….
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Sparks Fly with Mr. Mayor by Teresa Carpenter
ISBN: 9780373176823 (#4192)List Price: $4.50
When Dani Collins is nominated to run for mayor she immediately refuses! A single mom and hair salon owner, she's too busy….
But sexy mayor Cole Sullivan makes it clear that he's intrigued by his potential opponent—and that he knows just how to press her buttons. Dani refuses to let Cole charm her the way he charms everyone else—especially her daughter!—so why does she suddenly accept his challenge?
The race is on, but will it end at the podium or… the altar?
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Wedding Date with the Best Man by Melissa McClone
Miniseries: Girls' Weekend in Vegas
ISBN: 9780373176830
Determined not to be knocked back by her ex-fiancé jilting her, Jayne Cavendish went on a fabulous girls' weekend in Vegas with her three best friends. She returned home refreshed, relaxed…and with a new "no man" rule!
Except now she's in danger of falling at the first hurdle! Tristan MacGregor, her ex's best friend and almost their best man, is back in town. Jayne is surprised when he makes a beeline for her. But he seems determined to put the sunny smile permanently back on her face…and it's working!
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Deserted Island, Dreamy Ex! by Nicola Marsh
Miniseries: The Fun Factor
ISBN: 9780373176847
Being shipwrecked on an idyllic deserted island for reality TV show Stranded sounded blissful. Until I discovered my Man Friday for the week was Jared Malone (aka he-who-broke-my-heart!).
I mean, of course I'll be fine. I don't feel anything for him anymore. Female viewers might swoon over Jared's tanned gorgeousness, but I know he's just an arrogant, overmuscled heartbreaker!
The cameras are rolling, so I'm off to the beach to face Jared. I just hope I look okay in this bikini!
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For current UK (Mills and Boon) releases, go here!
Miniseries: The Rylance Dynasty
ISBN: 9780373176793
Corin Rylance is super-handsome, super-rich and sets women's hearts aflutter!
Miranda Thornton is no exception. She secretly loves Corin, but, raised as a farmer's daughter, she's hardly a match for Australia's most eligible bachelor!
Corin's sister takes Miranda under her wing and she gets to sample their glittering lifestyle—sipping champagne and dining in the finest restaurants. But it's the tingles and electricity that sizzle when Corin is near that really make this ordinary girl feel like a million dollars….
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Passionate Chef, Ice Queen Boss by Jennie Adams
Miniseries: The Brides of Bella Rosa
ISBN: 9780373176809
Scarlett's back in Italy to turn her family's troubled Rosa restaurant around—and now she's the boss of the man she loved and lost!
The moment head chef Lorenzo Nesta hears the familiar clack of stiletto on stone floor, a shiver of anticipation runs up his spine. Seeing Scarlett's Italian passion stifled inside a staid suit fills him with regret; it had been his actions years ago that had turned her soul to ice.
What will happen when ice meets fire in the kitchen?
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Accidentally Pregnant! by Rebecca Winters
Miniseries: Mediterranean Dads
ISBN: 9780373176816
Two months ago Irena and Vincenzo spent a heady week together. Their connection was instant, deep, strong. Yet it could never last—she was destined to marry another. Now Irena is pregnant and alone.
Vincenzo has never forgotten Irena. When he hears of her plight he takes control the only way he knows how—by offering marriage!
Life in Vincenzo's Mediterranean palazzo seems idyllic—but Vincenzo is about to discover that the tiny baby inside Irena belongs to him….
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Sparks Fly with Mr. Mayor by Teresa Carpenter
ISBN: 9780373176823 (#4192)List Price: $4.50
When Dani Collins is nominated to run for mayor she immediately refuses! A single mom and hair salon owner, she's too busy….
But sexy mayor Cole Sullivan makes it clear that he's intrigued by his potential opponent—and that he knows just how to press her buttons. Dani refuses to let Cole charm her the way he charms everyone else—especially her daughter!—so why does she suddenly accept his challenge?
The race is on, but will it end at the podium or… the altar?
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Wedding Date with the Best Man by Melissa McClone
Miniseries: Girls' Weekend in Vegas
ISBN: 9780373176830
Determined not to be knocked back by her ex-fiancé jilting her, Jayne Cavendish went on a fabulous girls' weekend in Vegas with her three best friends. She returned home refreshed, relaxed…and with a new "no man" rule!
Except now she's in danger of falling at the first hurdle! Tristan MacGregor, her ex's best friend and almost their best man, is back in town. Jayne is surprised when he makes a beeline for her. But he seems determined to put the sunny smile permanently back on her face…and it's working!
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Deserted Island, Dreamy Ex! by Nicola Marsh
Miniseries: The Fun Factor
ISBN: 9780373176847
Being shipwrecked on an idyllic deserted island for reality TV show Stranded sounded blissful. Until I discovered my Man Friday for the week was Jared Malone (aka he-who-broke-my-heart!).
I mean, of course I'll be fine. I don't feel anything for him anymore. Female viewers might swoon over Jared's tanned gorgeousness, but I know he's just an arrogant, overmuscled heartbreaker!
The cameras are rolling, so I'm off to the beach to face Jared. I just hope I look okay in this bikini!
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For current UK (Mills and Boon) releases, go here!
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