Saturday, July 24, 2010

July Foreign Releases

Spain: Un jeque en la ciudad - Jackie Braun

Tema:Mundos distintos

Sus vidas eran totalmente opuestas Receta para una cita con un jeque Ingredientes: Un rico jeque del desierto, Madani Tarim. Una espabilada chica de ciudad, Emily Merit. El ruido de fondo de Manhattan. Añadir: Un compromiso matrimonial antiguo. Una decisión clara de no relacionarse con hombres. Una cantidad generosa de atracción. Mézclese bien y obsérvese cómo saltan chispas al chocar dos mundos completamente opuestos.

Greece:  Για την Αγάπη ενός Καουμπόι -  Donna Alward

Ο μοναχικός ράντσερ Μπρόντι Χάμιλτον κρατούσε την καρδιά του κλειστή στην αγάπη. Όμως η γεμάτη ζωντάνια, ανεπιτήδευτη Λούσι τον έκανε να αισθάνεται πράγματα που δεν πίστευε πως θα ξανανιώσει ποτέ.

Μόνο που, πριν της ανοίξει την αγκαλιά του, έπρεπε να της πει για το παρελθόν του…

Η Λούσι Φάρνσγουορθ είχε μόλις ανακαλύψει πως ήταν γόνος μιας βασιλικής οικογένειας –και ο κόσμος της είχε έρθει τα πάνω κάτω. Κανονικά θα έπρεπε να χαίρεται, αλλά εκείνη νοσταλγούσε την παλιά, ξέγνοιαστη ζωή της.

Στο ράντσο Πρέρι Ρόουζ είχε βρει τον άντρα των ονείρων της. Μόνο που δεν του είχε πει ακόμα πως ήταν πριγκίπισσα…



Zon, zand en zee

Imogen denkt dat ze droomt. Haar knappe rijke baas vraagt háár mee naar een tropisch eiland! Goed, het is eigenlijk zijn huwelijksreis, maar dat huwelijk gaat niet door. Drie weken met Tom, wuivende palmen, een azuurblauwe zee en witte stranden. Zou ze dan toch een kans maken bij hem? Het enige probleem is dat hij zijn laptop mee heeft in plaats van zonnebrand...

Een lange hete zomer

Spierwitte huisjes, met olijfbomen begroeide heuvels, wolkeloze hemel - Hermapolis is de perfecte plek voor romantiek. Zeven jaar geleden ontmoette Olivia er de liefde van haar leven. Maar ditmaal gaat ze alleen, want de relatie hield geen stand. Op weg met de boot naar het Griekse eiland wordt haar oog getrokken door een opvallend knappe, gespierde man. Hij heeft iets bekends...



La notte delle lanterne di Lucy Gordon

Quando Olivia Daley è partita per la Cina sapeva che sarebbe entrata in un mondo del tutto nuovo, esotico e vibrante, ma mai avrebbe immaginato di incontrare un uomo come Lang Mitchell. Affascinante e intenso, lui l'ha conquistata narrandole le antiche leggende che riguardano la sua famiglia; romantiche storie di amori eterni e contrastati. Proprio come quello che sta nascendo tra loro...

La legge dell'amore di Margaret Way

Per Skye McCory fare ritorno a Djinjara, la tenuta in cui è nata, diventa l'occasione per rincon-trare, dopo anni, Keefe McGovern, primo amore mai dimenticato. Si erano amati follemente e poi allontanati, divisi dall'ombra di un tragico sospetto. Ci sarà una seconda opportunità per loro? Fare chiarezza nei loro sentimenti potrebbe allontanarli di nuovo oppure essere la scoperta che nulla è più forte della legge dell'amore.

Portugal: Doce amor (Meninos) por Nina Harrington

Tinha de organizar um casamento…

Amy Edler era confeiteira, não uma organizadora de casamentos. Contudo, para além de ter de fazer o bolo dos noivos e de ser a dama de honor, Amy deu por si a organizar o casamento da sua melhor amiga… contando apenas com a ajuda do seu irritante irmão mais velho.

O bonito empresário Jared Shaw não se transformara num homem rico deixando que outros fizessem o seu trabalho. Assim, embora nem sequer quisesse pensar em casamento, dispôs-se a ajudar a doce e bela Amy.

A sua última tarefa era comprar o presente perfeito para a dama de honor… Contudo talvez a dama de honor fosse o presente perfeito para ele.

In Poland:  Cztery dni szczęścia, Weekend nad oceanem
Shirley Jump, Barbara McMahon

Cztery dni szczęścia

Nick Gilbert, przystojny prawnik, na randki umawia się zazwyczaj w drogich restauracjach, a nie na piknikach dobroczynnych. Tym razem jednak robi wyjątek – dla zasadniczej, ale i intrygującej pani prokurator, Carolyn Duff, która trzy lata temu przez cztery dni była jego żoną...

Weekend nad oceanem

Lianne O’Mallory pragnie mieć dziecko, ale czas ucieka! W tajemnicy sporządza listę cech, jakie powinien posiadać jej idealny partner, ale po serii nieudanych randek ta lista ląduje w koszu. Tam znajduje ją jej seksowny szef...

Thursday, July 01, 2010

July Releases

A Wish and a Wedding by Margaret Way & Melissa James

Two totally different worlds collide when a prim heiress reconnects with a proud cattle baron and a royal falls for an ordinary girl!

Master of Mallarinka by Margaret Way

Haddon's on his way to the city to bring back stubborn heiress and childhood friend Victoria. A hard day's work on his cattle station will curb this pampered city girl's wild ways. Unless she can tame the rugged cattle baron first!

Too Ordinary for the Duke? by Melissa James

If being rescued by mysterious stranger Lysander wasn't enough of an adventure for Mari, she's just discovered he's a duke! But her dreams of being a duchess are short-lived; marrying a girl-next-door girl could jeopardize his realm's future.

Read Excerpt

The Bridesmaid's Secret by Fiona Harper

The moment chic magazine editor Jackie arrives for her sister's Italian wedding and sees her old boyfriend Romano, her groomed facade slips…

Romano Puccini's spectacular palazzo is an idyllically romantic setting! But before Jackie Patterson can join in the frenzy of last-minute wedding preparations and don her exquisite bridesmaid dress, she must brave Romano's heart-stopping effect on her.

And unburden the seventeen-year-old secret from that fateful, sultry Italian summer…

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Maid for the Millionaire by Susan Meier

Liz Harper's to-do list as boss of Happy Maids:

• Drive to new client's palatial Miami beach house, armed with housekeeping kit

• Try to stay upright when discovering he is none other than Cain Nestor—reclusive millionaire and infuriatingly distant ex-husband…

• Keep tight-lipped about the secret that made you walk out on your marriage

• Let him see the new you—successful business owner. Don't let on that he's making your heart beat twice as fast as normal!

Above all, remember to be professional—you're not here for romance!

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SOS: Convenient Husband Required by Liz Fielding

May Coleridge must marry before she's thirty to inherit her family home and keep her new business afloat.

Adam Wavell comes from a long line of wastrels—but he's turned his life around. He's a corporate success story and a pillar of the community. Only, now his flaky sister has left him with her screaming baby!

A deal must be done. May will help Adam with his niece if he'll answer her SOS!

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Vegas Pregnancy Surprise by Shirley Jump

Molly Hunter's always dreamed of finding Mr. Right and having a family. Now she's accidentally expecting! But Mr. Right's in another city—and he's certainly not expecting to be a dad!

From the second she spied him on a weekend in Vegas, Molly was bowled over by millionaire entrepreneur Linc Curtis. They shared an instant bond and got swept away in the moment, until it was time for Molly to go home. Now Molly must return to Vegas and deliver her surprise news!

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Winning a Groom in 10 Dates by Cara Colter

As a teenager, geeky Sophie adored gorgeous Brandon. He protected her from the bullies, but was too tough for the sweet small-town girl to crack. Then he left for the army….

Now the rebel's back—just in time to rescue Sophie from attending her ex-fiancé's engagement party alone. He'll be her stand-in boyfriend and convince everyone they're wildly in love!

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