Pasión en la India (TRAMA: MAS QUE AMIGOS) por Nicola Marsh
Próxima parada: ¿una proposición de ensueño?
Decidida a olvidar la infidelidad de su difunto marido y recuperar la confianza en sí misma, Tamara Rayne se marchó a la India para hacer el viaje de su vida. El amor no estaba incluido en el itinerario, así que apenas se dio cuenta de que Ethan Brooks se subía al tren.
El inconformista empresario había deseado a Tamara desde que la conoció, pero nunca se había acercado a ella porque era la mujer de su socio. Ahora, bajo el brillante sol de la India, Ethan decidió que ya había esperado demasiado.
Trish Wylie - Szmaragdowa wyspa
Keelin przyjeżdża na irlandzką wyspę, by wyjaśnić ważne rodzinne sprawy. Dzięki poznanej prawdzie całkowicie zmienia zdanie na temat swojej matki. To jednak nie koniec niespodzianek. Tajemnice z przeszłości wyjawia jej mężczyzna, którego widywała w snach...
Myrna Mackenzie - Los na loterii
Beth podejmuje pracę jako asystentka zamożnego przedsiębiorcy. Między nią a szefem szybko pojawia się uczucie. Choć on jest bogaty, a ona biedna, to wzajemna fascynacja jest silniejsza. Takiego mezaliansu nie akceptuje jednak rodzina milionera...
O bebé da noiva por Liz Fielding
Toda a gente falava da noiva! Sylvie Smith estava a organizar um casamento espectacular numa casa solarenga, porém, acabou por interpretar o papel de noiva… uma noiva grávida de cinco meses! Talvez todas as raparigas sonhassem com um casamento sem precisarem de pensar nas despesas, mas Sylvie não. Longbourne Court fora o lar dos seus antepassados, contudo, acabava de descobrir que o novo proprietário era Tom MacFarlane, o homem que, embora não soubesse, era o pai do seu bebé. Agora Tom estava diante dela, a olhar para a sua barriga enorme...
Ett litet mirakel av Barbara McMahon
Livet handlar om att göra val, men ibland väljer livet åt oss.
Anna är karriärkvinnan som jobbat hårt och klättrat högt. Utåt sett verkar hon både lyckad och lycklig, men Anna bär på en stor sorg: hon kan inte få barn. Eller, det är åtminstone vad hon tror … För snart visar det sig att illamåendet hon drabbats av inte beror på ett virus, som hon först trodde, utan på ett mirakel. Men trots lyckan ställs tillvaron helt på ända, inte minst eftersom pappan till barnet är Tanner Forsythe, mannen som krossade hennes hjärta – och tillika hennes nye chef …
I din kyss av Jessica Hart
I nöd … och lust.
Det som bara skulle ha varit ett affärsmässigt äktenskap förvandlas när Mallorys nyblivne make ärver ett fallfärdigt slott i Skottland. Han bestämmer sig för att flytta dit och restaurera den gamla byggnaden – och han förväntar sig att Mallory ska följa med …
När Angus byter ut finkostymen mot ett par slitna jeans, kavlar upp ärmarna och skrider till verket förvandlas den självupptagne mannen och blir i Mallorys ögon helt oemotståndlig. Till sin stora fasa inser hon att hon är på väg att bryta deras överenskommelse och falla … för sin egen man!
Nessun uomo, per quanto affascinante, potrebbe distogliere Mariella dal lavoro. Neanche il suo nuovo, irresistibile capo, con quei modi da consumato playboy e quel sorriso da infarto!
Il Grand Hotel Fiori Cascade è diventato come una seconda casa per Mariella Ross. L'incarico di direttrice le ha regalato grandi soddisfazioni, permettendole di gettarsi alle spalle i dispiaceri del passato. Per questo non ha alcuna intenzione di permettere al nuovo, arrogante manager di rovinare tutto ciò che ha costruito con tanta fatica! Irritante quanto irresistibile, il magnate degli hotel Luca Fiori sembra deciso a fare breccia nel cuore della sua dipendente con atteggiamenti da esperto seduttore. Be', tanto peggio per lui: Mariella non cadrà nella sua trappola né tanto meno accetterà un romantico invito nella sua suite da mille e una notte.
Mariée à un milliardaire, Shirley Jump
Lorsqu'elle fait la connaissance de Kane Lennox, venu assister au mariage de sa soeur, Susannah Wilson est séduite : attentionné, drôle et terriblement sexy, celui-ci a tout de l'homme idéal. Mais, curieusement, au fil de leurs rendez-vous, il se montre réticent à lui parler de lui, de sa vie à New York, de ses projets... Comme s'il avait l'intention de la tenir à distance et de disparaître de son existence après ce bref intermède amoureux...
L'héritier des Rinucci, Lucy Gordon
Venue spécialement jusqu'à Naples pour rencontrer Ruggiero Rinucci, l'ancien amant de sa cousine aujourd'hui disparue, Polly ne peut s'empêcher de ressentir une légère appréhension... et pour cause ! La nouvelle qu'elle s'apprête à lui annoncer va nécessairement bouleverser son existence de play-boy insouciant : il est le père de Matthew, un petit garçon de deux ans...
Mais, loin de se désintéresser de l'enfant, comme elle l'attendait, Ruggiero déclare vouloir n'en vouloir s'occuper de l'enfant et l'embaucher, elle, comme baby-sitter à plein temps. Un projet que la jeune femme a de bonnes raisons de ne pouvoir accepter...
Prince malgré lui, Barbara Mcmahon
Quand le prince Marique confie à Clarissa la délicate mission de convaincre son petit-fils Jean Antoine Leblanc, unique héritier du trône exilé aux Etats-Unis, de lui succéder, la jeune femme ne doute pas de son succès. Mais lorsqu'elle rencontre enfin le prince Jean Antoine - qui se fait désormais appeler Jake White - celui-ci lui annonce tout de suite qu'il n'a pas la moindre intention de gouverner.
D'abord agacée par ce refus, Clarissa découvre très vite que sous ses manières rudes et désagréables, Jean Antoine est en réalité terriblement séduisant dont elle ne tarde pas à tomber amoureuse. Hélas, Jake s'obstine à refuser de la suivre, et Clarissa, désemparée, sent la panique la gagner : si elle ne trouve pas un argument décisif, elle échouera dans sa mission et perdra du même coup l'homme qu'elle aime.
Μια Στενή Συνεργασία - Jennie Adams
Ο Γκρέι Μπάρλοου κατάλαβε από την πρώτη στιγμή ότι η Σοφία Γκέιμπλ ήταν ιδιαίτερη περίπτωση. Με τα ζωηρόχρωμα ρούχα της, τον κεφάτο χαρακτήρα της, το χιούμορ και τη ζωντάνια της, ήταν ακριβώς το αντίθετο από τον εργασιομανή Γκρέι. Ίσως είχε κάνει μεγάλο λάθος που την είχε προσλάβει…
Η Σοφία είχε αρκετό άγχος για την πρώτη της δουλειά ως προσωρινή γραμματέας και οικονόμος· το μόνο που της έλειπε ήταν να ερωτευτεί τον εργοδότη της! Όμως αυτός ο άντρας είχε μια ξεχωριστή γοητεία που την τραβούσε σαν μαγνήτης.
Ίσως αυτό που χρειαζόταν για να χαλαρώσει ο βλοσυρός, επιφυλακτικός Γκρέι ήταν ακριβώς μια γυναίκα σαν κι εκείνη!
Jodie verbringt heiß verliebte, romantische Weihnachtstage mit Sam. Der attraktive Arzt ist ihr absoluter Traummann – mit ihm will sie eine Familie gründen! Ihr Glück scheint perfekt, bis Sam ihr gesteht: Ihren Wunsch nach einem Baby kann er nicht erfüllen …
Will Rocco Volpe sie nur heiraten, weil er der Vater ihres Kindes ist?, fragt Amber sich verzweifelt, als ihr der charismatische Bankier kurz vor Weihnachten einen spontanen Antrag macht. Denn noch immer wartet sie vergeblich auf Worte der Liebe …
„Komm unter den Mistelzweig!“ So überraschend leidenschaftlich küsst Sophies bester Freund Bram sie plötzlich, dass er die köstlichsten Gefühle in ihr erweckt. Wird etwa doch noch ihre heimliche Sehnsucht wahr: eine Traumhochzeit am Fest der Liebe?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
AMBA 2009
Each year the Association of Mills and Boon Authors get together for a posh lunch in London. Editors and other guests from Mills and Boon also attend and it's quite the event. This year Romance author Fiona Harper attended and has been gracious enough to give us a full account!
Every year I look forward to the Association of Mills & Boon Authors lunch. It’s a chance to get out of my writing uniform (tracksuit bottoms and old T-shirts, or possibly pyjamas), dress up and meet other people who love doing the same thing I do – writing for Harlequin Mills & Boon.
This year we met up at Tutton’s restaurant in Covent Garden. Since I was a bit early, I wandered round the shops for a bit (how much for a cup of coffee!?) and then made my way to my destination. I found fellow authors Kate Hardy, Caroline Anderson, Michelle Styles and Josie Metcalfe drinking coffee and chatting outside and joined them. It was a great way to start the day, sitting in the warm sunshine of a September afternoon, watching the people bustle around one of London’s top tourist spots, and discussing heroes and plots and generally having a good old gossip.
This year we had some extra guests for the event. Documentary film-maker Julie Mogan has been working on a programme about Mills & Boon for well over a year now and she and her camera operator and sound technician were busy filming snippets of the action. It was rather disconcerting to be screeching greetings to friends I hadn’t seen in ages, only to discover a fluffy boom microphone above my head. I do hope I didn’t say anything too daft. But, well, it was me, so I probably did.
Here’s some of the ‘Modern Heat’ girls: Heidi Rice, Kate Hardy and new signing Lucy King.
I foolishly also agreed to do a ‘vox pop’ for the film crew while we were all greeting each other and chatting before lunch was ready. Just tell us the name of your latest book, the name of your hero and what the book’s about, they told me. Now I know how people on those blooper shows feel. Honestly, how could I forget the title of my own book? My only prayer is that my bit will be totally unuseable, or that everybody else was much more eloquent and breezy than I was, and I won’t have to watch myself on TV sometime next summer with a cushion over my face. (I’ll be watching with a cushion over my face, I mean. They didn’t film me with a cushion over my face, although I’m wishing now they had…)
After that trauma, I was pleased to go downstairs into the vaulted dining rooms in Tutton’s cellar for lunch. I have to say, the food was gorgeous! The starter was gravadlax with potato salad and a honey and grain mustard dressing. The main course was a delicious chicken breast in a lovely sauce with Greek salad, and the pudding was strawberry and vanilla crème brulée. Sigh. My tummy was very happy after all that lovely food.
After dinner Guy Hallowes, M&B’s Managing Director, who is retiring, gave a short speech and received a small gift from AMBA for speaking. We also had reports from Claire Sommerville giving us the heads-up on all that’s been happening in the marketing department and Tim Cooper telling us about Mills & Boon’s progress in the digital arena. Apparently, Mills & Boons are the best selling eBooks in the UK!
It all wound up with the Mills & Boon champagne toast to the authors...all in all a lovely day to put on a bit of glamour!

This year we met up at Tutton’s restaurant in Covent Garden. Since I was a bit early, I wandered round the shops for a bit (how much for a cup of coffee!?) and then made my way to my destination. I found fellow authors Kate Hardy, Caroline Anderson, Michelle Styles and Josie Metcalfe drinking coffee and chatting outside and joined them. It was a great way to start the day, sitting in the warm sunshine of a September afternoon, watching the people bustle around one of London’s top tourist spots, and discussing heroes and plots and generally having a good old gossip.
This year we had some extra guests for the event. Documentary film-maker Julie Mogan has been working on a programme about Mills & Boon for well over a year now and she and her camera operator and sound technician were busy filming snippets of the action. It was rather disconcerting to be screeching greetings to friends I hadn’t seen in ages, only to discover a fluffy boom microphone above my head. I do hope I didn’t say anything too daft. But, well, it was me, so I probably did.
Here’s some of the ‘Modern Heat’ girls: Heidi Rice, Kate Hardy and new signing Lucy King.
I foolishly also agreed to do a ‘vox pop’ for the film crew while we were all greeting each other and chatting before lunch was ready. Just tell us the name of your latest book, the name of your hero and what the book’s about, they told me. Now I know how people on those blooper shows feel. Honestly, how could I forget the title of my own book? My only prayer is that my bit will be totally unuseable, or that everybody else was much more eloquent and breezy than I was, and I won’t have to watch myself on TV sometime next summer with a cushion over my face. (I’ll be watching with a cushion over my face, I mean. They didn’t film me with a cushion over my face, although I’m wishing now they had…)
After that trauma, I was pleased to go downstairs into the vaulted dining rooms in Tutton’s cellar for lunch. I have to say, the food was gorgeous! The starter was gravadlax with potato salad and a honey and grain mustard dressing. The main course was a delicious chicken breast in a lovely sauce with Greek salad, and the pudding was strawberry and vanilla crème brulée. Sigh. My tummy was very happy after all that lovely food.
After dinner Guy Hallowes, M&B’s Managing Director, who is retiring, gave a short speech and received a small gift from AMBA for speaking. We also had reports from Claire Sommerville giving us the heads-up on all that’s been happening in the marketing department and Tim Cooper telling us about Mills & Boon’s progress in the digital arena. Apparently, Mills & Boons are the best selling eBooks in the UK!
It all wound up with the Mills & Boon champagne toast to the authors...all in all a lovely day to put on a bit of glamour!
Friday, October 02, 2009
October Releases

Etienne Gavard is top dog in the business of saving companies, but this latest acquisition has him stumped. With hundreds of livelihoods on the line, he calls in help from an unconventional source….
Meg Leighton has spent her life feeling invisible. She makes the coffee, not important business decisions. She can't believe her seriously sexy boss now needs her expertise!
They strike a deal: she'll tell him everything she knows and he'll inject a little French chic into her wardrobe—and a little confidence into her life…?
Nikos Andreadis is the prince of people's hearts, but the crown of Argyros now belongs to Princess Athena, so he puts his kingdom first and brings the reluctant royal back from America.
Seeing beautiful Athena again brings back memories of their forbidden affair that Nikos thought he'd buried. But more shocking is the secret Athena's been carrying…
Self-made millionaire Theo Pantheras has pulled himself up by the bootstraps, so he can have anything his heart desires. There is just one thing he wants: his long-lost son.
Theo is no longer from the wrong side of the tracks and isn't the wild boy Stella Athas fell in love with six years ago, but seeing him again rocks her ordered world.
Stella wants Theo to know he broke her heart, but first there's a little someone he has to meet…
Getting noticed by the gorgeous best man is every bridesmaid's dream. Especially if he's her old crush. Lucy McKenty knows she should be wary of Will Carruthers. All she wants is to finally settle down and have a family—and that's a far cry from this globe-trotting wanderer's life plan….
Caught up in the swirl of confetti and romance, Lucy finds herself in Will's arms. Discovering she's pregnant thrills her—but is Will going to stay to meet his baby?
Bulldozing his way into sleepy Harborside, Jake laughs in the face of the local opposition, but is stopped in his tracks by fiery Italian Mariabella Santaro.
To protect the community that has treated her like a daughter and kept her secret, Mariabella will have to help Jake fall in love with the place—fast. For in Mariabella's stocking there aren't candy canes and chocolates—there's a diamond tiara and a plane ticket to the palace!
Australian tycoon Mark Hannaford closed himself off from the world after losing his wife…until Sylvie Browning waltzed into his home. He hired the gutsy gal to bring order to his life. Instead she brought chaos and laughter.
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