Monday, April 27, 2009

April Foreign Releases



Ein Leben ohne Liebe in den Highlands kann Mallory sich nicht vorstellen. Und doch scheint genau das ihr Schicksal zu sein, denn sie muss ihrem Ehemann Torr McIver auf seine einsam gelegene Burg nach Schottland folgen. Wider Erwarten lernt sie den ernsten Unternehmer dort von einer ganz anderen Seite kennen: humorvoll, männlich, faszinierend! Verliebe ich mich etwa gerade in meinen eigenen Mann, fragt sich Mallory erstaunt. Aber das darf nicht sein! Schließlich will Torr nur eine Vernunftehe mit ihr führen. Denn er begehrt eine andere, die scheinbar so fern – und doch so nah ist …

Cuando te encontré/Abre el corazón (TRAMA: SEDUCTORES. EL AVENTURERO) Linda Goodnight/Liz Fielding

Cuando te encontré - Linda Goodnight

Un apuesto desconocido había aparecido en su vida…

Una cabaña aislada en las Rocosas era el sitio perfecto para que Melody Crawford se ocultara del resto del mundo. Con sus dos fieles perros, arriesgaba su vida sin miedo para rescatar a personas extraviadas… pero el resto de su existencia era un misterio.

John North, un antiguo militar, necesitaba su ayuda, ya que Melody conocía aquellas montañas traicioneras mejor que nadie. Melody enseguida lo consideró un intruso, pero él se sintió irremediablemente atraído por esa mujer de belleza enigmática. En el fondo de su corazón ella necesitaba confiar en John, y éste haría todo lo posible por derribar sus barreras beso a beso.

Abre el corazón (TRAMA: SEDUCTORES. EL AVENTURERO) - Liz Fielding

Estaba perdida en una isla con un hombre que podría ser el amor de su vida.

Miranda Grenville era una superviviente, una belleza independiente y orgullosa. De vacaciones en una remota isla paradisíaca, se vio sorprendida por un terremoto y, atrapada bajo las ruinas de un antiguo templo, descubrió que no estaba sola: el arqueólogo Nick Jago estaba atrapado con ella.
En esa situación se vio obligada a depender de alguien, algo que iba contra su naturaleza, pero, a pesar de no querer confiar en él, empezó a sentir algo por aquel aventurero.



Kate i Jared muszą wspólnie roztoczyć opiekę nad córeczką zmarłych przyjaciół. Chociaż są w trakcie rozwodu, postanawiają dla dobra dziecka pozostać małżeństwem, przynajmniej formalnie. Uda im się wyjaśnić wiele nieporozumień, ale czy uratują związek?


Beth coraz rzadziej wspomina pewne lato we Francji i romans z przystojnym Pierre’em. Teraz ma inne problemy, walczy o swoje udziały w rodzinnej firmie winiarskiej. Koncern, do którego należy większość akcji, przysyła swego przedstawiciela. Jest nim Pierre...

A flor do amor (Minissérie: Os irmãos Rinucci) por Lucy Gordon
Ele desejava protegê-la... Ela precisava de ser livre!

Celia Ryland era uma mulher independente, que decidira não permitir que a cegueira de que padecia afectasse a sua forma de vida.
O bonito italiano Francesco Rinucci jamais conhecera uma mulher tão livre e cheia de vida como Celia e, de repente, percebeu que desejava apertá-la entre os seus braços e proteger a sua bela rosa inglesa dos perigos do mundo…
Embora estivesse a apaixonar-se por Francesco, Celia tinha de o fazer ver que amar alguém também implicava deixá-lo livre…


Per ritrovare il sorriso ci vorrebbe una novità... Ronan O'Keefe, milionario affascinante e scrittore di guide turistiche, ha tutto ciò che il denaro può comprare, eppure non è soddisfatto della propria vita. Anche quell'ennesimo viaggio non ha alcuna attrattiva per lui, almeno fino a quando non mette piede sull'aereo e...

...meglio se con i capelli lisci come seta e con un fisico mozzafiato!

La sua vicina di posto è un sogno a occhi aperti; bellissima, dolce ed effervescente. Di lei, Ronan sa solo che si chiama Kerry Doyle e che sta partendo per una vacanza di tre mesi in giro per il mondo. Senza pensarci troppo, le fa una proposta: viaggiare insieme e annotare ogni sensazione ed emozione. Il risultato di quella strana avventura diventerà un bestseller. O un'indimenticabile storia d'amore?

Patron ou amant ?, Jennie Adams

En pénétrant dans le bureau de Zachary Swift, l'un des plus intraitables businessmen de Sydney, Lily, directrice d'une agence d'intérim, est très mal à l'aise. L'une des assistantes qu'elle a placées dans l'entreprise de M. Swift n'a-t-elle pas failli ruiner la réputation de Secrétaires Express en tentant de séduire ce patron très en vue ? Cependant, la jeune femme est loin de deviner l'étrange compensation que son client a l'intention d'exiger d'elle...
Hungary :
Rebecca Winters: Országomat egy nőért!
A csinos amerikai lány, Darlene egy gyűrű alapján kinyomozza, hogy örökbe fogadott fiának Valleder hercege az apja. Darlene elutazik a mini államba, hogy találkozzon Alexandre herceggel. A férfit villámcsapásként éri a hír, hogy van egy tizenkét éves fia. Hogy jobban megismerje a gyereket, meghívja anyát és fiát a kastélyba. Alexandre és Darlene egyre közelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, csakhogy ez szigorúan tilos, mivel a hercegnek mennyasszonya van, és a házasság fontos politikai érdekeket szolgálna…

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Brand new Romance author Nina Harrington has her debut coming up, so we thought it would be fun if she popped in to talk a little about herself and her very first Harlequin Romance, ALWAYS THE BRIDESMAID! Take it away Nina!

Nina Harrington grew up in rural Northumberland, England, and decided age eleven, that she was going to be a librarian, because then she could read all of the books in the public library whenever she wanted!

Since then she has been a shop assistant, community pharmacist, technical writer, university lecturer, volcano walker, and Industrial scientist, before taking a career break to realise her dream of being a fiction writer.

When she is not creating stories which make her readers smile, her hobbies are cooking, eating, enjoying good wine, and talking, for which she has had specialist training.

Nina’s first book for the Mills and Boon Romance Line is called ‘Always the Bridesmaid’, and will be published in July 2009.

Tell us about your road to publication.

If you are sitting comfortably, this story begins three years ago.

My history with Harlequin started in 2005 when I discovered that the Romantic Novelists Association [RNA] in the UK ran a scheme for New Writers where an experienced published author will give you a critical critique and revision notes for your manuscript before you submit to an agent or publisher.

I had just complete a witty Romantic Suspense story aimed at the Silhouette Bombshell line, with a very Lara Croft heroine and exploding yachts and motorcycle chases. I knew that it was heavy on the action adventure and light on the romance, so this was an ideal opportunity to have some feedback before submitting to Silhouette.

I was surprised and delighted when the manuscript was recommended for a ‘second read’ where stories, which are almost at publication quality, are reviewed by another author before being recommended to a publisher.

In January 2006 I revised the text and sent the story off to the Richmond office.

Unfortunately my timing was terrible, and the Bombshell line was not taking new submissions at that time.

However, the editors were kind enough to critique the manuscript, AND best of all, said that they liked my voice, and offered to work with me to a new book. I had been working on another romantic book, and the best fit for this story was the ‘Tender Romance’ Line.

My first attempt in 2007 had WAY too many secondary characters and subplots to meet the guidelines and I quickly decided to move to a new idea where I could start fresh. I studied the line, analysed the work of my favourite authors and restructured the draft so that the emotional journey of the characters came first.

Congratulations on becoming a Mills & Boon author! How did you feel when you received the call?

Thrilled. Excited. Happy. Terrified!

I think that my road to that moment was more of a steep learning ramp rather than a curve, but in January 2008 I submitted a manuscript for the Romance Line to HMB Richmond office.
When the revision letter arrived in June, I was delighted to see that the editors thought the story had potential and the suggestions they made would clearly make it a more compelling book.

The revised manuscript was mailed last week of August and on Monday morning 1st September the telephone rang.

The HMB editor I had been working with from the Richmond office wanted to buy my book and a second!

And as an extra bonus? It was my birthday the following day.

Exactly six years and one day since I gave up my paid job as an Industrial Chemist to write full time.

I was alone in the house at the time, but before the day was out, I think my news was circulated across my pals in the Romance Community worldwide.

What can readers look forward to from your first Mills & Boon Romance ?

Always the Bridesmaid’ [ Romance, July 2009] is the love story of a damaged young woman who has created a new home for herself after a life-changing event. Six days before her best friend’s wedding, the bride’s millionaire brother turns her new life upside down, and in the process she rediscovers that there is someone who believes in her.

The story is set in a London bakery and includes a lot of delicious patisserie and chocolate!
I love this story, and hope you do to.

Always the Bridesmaid’ will be published in July 2009 from bookstores in the USA. In the UK and elsewhere is it available Online and through the Reader Subscription Service.

What’s next for Nina Harrington?

My second book for Harlequin Mills and Boon Romance is called ‘Hired: Sassy Assistant’ and will be published January 2010.

Sneak Peak?

I love cooking, so here is the recipe for my second book.

Take one rugged handsome doctor who has just flown in from the Himalayas.

Add a pretty country artist who wants nothing to do with him or his lifestyle.

Mix together at a prestigious London venue, then bake in front of a warm log fire for ten days in a small English village complete with thatched cottages and dogs. And cake.

Going forwards, I want to continue to write women’s fiction filled with warmth, hope, love and laughter. I want to entertain women like myself, who are working hard in busy lives with families of all kinds to support.

As a reader, I chose to watch romantic comedies on TV and in the cinema, and read about love and life in the limited personal time I have. I want to laugh and have fun, and for me, there is no better way of doing so than through the characters and positive relationships in the pages of a book.

As a writer, I know that in this modern world, we are bombarded daily by the media through TV, radio, mobile phones, DVDs, CDs, cinema, newspapers, magazines, gaming and of course the siren call of the internet. For someone to choose to pick up a romance novel, or in fact, any work of fiction, that novel has to be special – is has to offer the reader something that they cannot experience through any other medium – and that includes your favourite soap operas!

When you watch TV with your family, I feel that you are inviting the stories into your personal home through the medium of that TV screen.

But a book? Unless you are reading aloud, a book is a one to one relationship between the author, the characters, and the person holding the book and experiencing the story inside their head. And that is very special, because every single reader will come to that story with expectations founded on their unique lifetime of personal experience.

I would be thrilled to think that anyone who reads my work comes away with the sense of hope and love, all wrapped up in a warm smile.

That is my objective.

But then again, nobody said that this was going to be easy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jackie Braun - Deadlines, Sleep and Starvation!

Marrying the Manhattan Millionaire is my 14th Harlequin Romance and my 18th book published through Harlequin Enterprises.

I wish I could say the process has gotten easier with each book I’ve written, but it hasn’t. I still struggle with my characters, the plot, pacing, you name it, every single time.

Don’t tell my talented and endlessly patient editor this, but I’m still not sure I know what I’m doing.

My husband, an engineer by trade, recently asked me why I always start working evenings and weekends in a frantic push to finish a book when my deadline begins to loom.

To his very logical mind I should be able to set a page count per day, hit that number in my allotted time, and have things wrapped up before my quiet home office is invaded by a pair of energetic boys in the afternoon.

Ah, if only it were that simple for me.

Some days I have been known to turn out more than a dozen in record time. On others, I can spend hours to eke out a few pages that will require major revisions.

I adore my husband and was only marginally offended by his question. After all, hunger probably motivated it. See, the closer I get to deadline, the more likely it is my family will be eating cold cereal for dinner. (During a recent deadline we actually ran out of cereal, milk and clean bowls and spoons.)

While writing this book, however, I recall cooking my share of decent meals at crunch time. In fact, making meals didn’t prove to be as big an issue for me as getting sleep, especially at the start.

During the proposal stage, I sent my editor an idea that didn’t quite fly. I planned to revise it, but then, in the wee hours of the night, I awoke with a totally new story in mind. I hopped out of bed and jotted down notes.

That story became Marrying the Manhattan Millionaire.

I may not know what I’m doing, but when it comes to my priorities this much I’ve figured out: My love of story-telling will outrank making meals and getting the doctor-recommended eight hours of shut-eye every time.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Giving you an edge - with Melissa James

A big HRA blog welcome back to Melissa James with a post on how unorthodox stories and characters can give you an edge - if you're trying to break into publishing or needing something fresh for your 10th, 20th, or even 50th book!

Unorthodox Stories and Characters...the Edge You Need?

A recent phone call from my editor got me thinking. Being asked for “unorthodox families” in my next book, it made me think: what makes a family? In my brother’s family, for example, there are stepchildren, natural children and an adopted child, all of whom love him and call him Dad. In romance stories, so many different stories have been written, from tried and true, adaptations on fairy tales and Greek mythology, oddball comedy and action adventure. So what makes a family – or a story – unorthodox? I began thinking this as I folded washing tonight, and turned on the TV...and the movie “The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down A Mountain” was on.

Now that’s an unorthodox movie: if you haven’t seen it, it’s about a town who believes Hugh Grant has a map they need for the town’s survival, and they keep deceiving him to keep him in the town until they can wangle it from him. “Harold and Maude”, “Napoleon Dynamite” and “The Princess Bride” are all oddball movies, to name a few...and they’re among my favourite movies. I like the unorthodox, the screwball, the unique take on life. I like characters like Greg House, the family in the old movie “You Can’t Take It With You” (highly recommended!) and Love Actually. I love the family dynamics in “While You Were Sleeping”.

Why can this give you an edge in your writing? Think about it. In a company swamped by submissions every week, what does it take to make your manuscript stand out? Deep emotion, of course; an unforgettable setting, a strong hero and feisty heroine, yes...but what about an unusual plotline? What about a story about something that touches your soul or your funny bone? I’ve based many books now on documentaries I’ve watched (A Mother in a Million was based on a documentary about missing people), a real family experience (Long-Lost Father’s daughter, Casey, is based on my niece, and my brother’s unusual but loving family), or facts gleaned from university readers (my first book, Her Galahad).

And another thing too often overlooked by writers is the secondary characters. As a regular contest judge, I so often see secondary characters are really rather cliché and boring, used only as a vehicle to further the relationship.

But why can’t they be entertaining, as well? The Princess Bride is a classic romance – but would it be such fun without Inigo “There isn’t a lot of money in revenge” Montoya, Fezzik the Giant, Prince Humperdinck or even the booing old crone?

And in books, even characters that never come on stage can entertain! Think of Bradley in Jennifer Crusie’s classic “Getting Rid of Bradley”. Think of characters that never talk, such as Fred the dog in “Anyone But You.” When you treat every character as a personality on their own, one that can last in the reader’s mind long after the book’s gone (I haven’t read either of those books in years), you give the entire book a life, a sparkle beyond the romance alone. And both those books were less than 60,000 words! So it’s not a matter of space; it’s a matter of character strength. Making each word count, bringing each character to life is so important.

For example, Liz Fielding’s excellent book “Reunited: A Marriage in a Million” had a secondary character who, on the surface, seemed hard, cold – Miranda. Yet she totally intrigued me. She remained so true to herself in the book, even as her brother (the hero) changed. She was grumpy, feisty, opinionated and yet obedient. What made her tick? We hardly know until her book...and she was just as fascinating then. Her conflict and character unfolded slowly, like a sunflower turning with the movement of the day. “Wedded In a Whirlwind” is a book I’d totally recommend for great characterisation as well.

I had quite a lot of kind feedback from my book “A Mother in a Million”, especially that readers loved the children. The hero had three kids, each with a distinct personality and a conflict that added to the romance’s problems. Tim, at only 8, had a terrible conflict: he’d promised his mummy he’d look after the family till she came back. 3 years later his mummy’s still missing, and he’s still the family watchdog. His fear that his father would find another woman, and knowing his little sister and brother desperately needed a mother, pulls at him until he can’t bear it, and disappears over and over, terrifying his father, Noah. Cilla is 5, and climbs trees when she can’t take the tension. She’s shy and sucks her thumb, but comes out of her shell for the heroine, Jennifer. Rowdy, the youngest, is only 3, but, undamaged by his mother’s disappearance, has a cute wisdom that changes the characters’ perceptions of each other – and his acceptance of the harder aspects of life show his personality.

The moral of this ramble is: each story should have a new perspective on life – and each character should have a unique personality. As the author, it’s your job to create a world where each person is true to themselves, whether for good or bad, quirky or sad, dark or hilarious. We all have quirky characters in our lives somewhere, and the best books (and characters) are drawn from life....or an overheard conversation on a bus or in a café. Be observant, look out for the traits that make each person unique, and adding that kind of strength to your current book’s secondary characters, and indeed the primary characters, may not only keep your book far from the cliché that bring forth rejection, but it just might keep an editor hooked from start to finish.

Melissa's latest book is THE REBEL KING, out this month and the first of her Suddenly Royal series!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Releases

Diamond in the Rough by Diana Palmer

Sassy Peale is desperate to help her family, but her meager salary doesn't stretch far. Then she meets John Callister, and she thinks her new friend is an honest-to-God cowboy—rugged and trustworthy.

But John isn't a ranch hand, he's a millionaire from one of Montana's most powerful families! And when Sassy finds out who he really is, she's certain the arrogant millionaire is just playing with her. John has to convince Sassy that he's the man she first thought he was—a diamond in the rough.

The Cowboy and the Princess by Myrna Mackenzie

Watch over a princess for the summer? Keep Her Royal Highness out of trouble? Not happening. But when the princess's brother asks reclusive rancher Owen Michaels for help with defiant Princess Delfyne, Owen can't say no.

He should say no. Delfyne is regal. Gorgeous. Kind. And dangerous to this tormented cowboy's heart. Owen will have to fight his hardest to keep love away—because, despite their strong attraction, Delfyne is betrothed to another man!

Secret Baby, Surprise Parents by Liz Fielding

Grace McAllister thought being a surrogate for her sister would be a truly selfless act. But secretly Grace longed for the baby inside her to be her own, conceived in passion with the only man she had ever loved. But that could never be.

Josh Kingsley couldn't bear to watch the baby grow big in Grace's belly, unable to share in the magic. He wished she and the child were his to take care of. But when tragedy struck, Josh rushed to be there for Grace and baby Posie. Could they be his life, his family?

Read Excerpt

Nine-to-Five Bride by Jennie Adams

Marissa Warren was not at all concerned about turning thirty—joining that online dating Web site was just a bit of fun! So what if she hadn't found her Mr. Right yet? She was in love with her fabulous job, and happy being single. Though her sexy new boss did make her go wobbly at the knees….

But Rick Morgan was so not Mr. Right! He was more Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous…and if he asked her out on a date, Marissa would definitely say no…wouldn't she?

The Rebel King by Melissa James

Fireman Charlie Costa knows all about duty and saving lives. But when he learns he is a prince who must marry to secure his country, he's shocked! He doesn't want to be king, or to marry Princess Jazmine…no matter how beautiful she is.

Marrying the Manhattan Millionaire by Jackie Braun

Successful executive Samantha Bradford never underestimates the opposition. So when her ex-fiancé and business rival, Michael Lewis, comes back to town, she thinks she's ready for all his tricks. The confident swagger. The devastating smile. The irresistible sex appeal. And the uncompromising determination that had pulled them together—and then pushed them apart.

Now they're both bidding to land the same huge account. The stakes are high…and the buzz of working together is intoxicating. But the real merger on the table is more than strictly business….